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Everything posted by wagnern

  1. Re: WWYCD: A Bomb for Two Cities Sentenel would suggest that Doc A get some help from our future selfs (he bulids a temporal device: duplication or summon-future selfs, with the normal focus, skill roll, one charge, yada yada limitation to make it fit in his VPP.) Then we send our 'future selfs' to deal with nyc. We then save Milinum city, and then a few moments after wards find ourselfs summond into the past by ourselfs to go save nyc. We would take the Balrog express to nyc and save the day. Followed by seeing the statue of liberty and getting some cool "My super team saved NYC and all they brought me was this stupid t shirt" shirts for our support staff. Nadia is 14 and this might be out of there leag, but she would not shy from such a chalange. (being of noble birth she beleaves saving the day is her respoinsibility) so she and her fellow class Deltas would save M-city while she would try to get some dead person to warn someone in NYC. (who knows there should be enough dead supers hanging around M-city that she may be able to convince an entire super team to go and save NYC.) Eather way, she will be attempting things not entirly within her powers, but what is being a teenager if not attempting big things you suposadly can't do?
  2. Re: WWYCD: Registration Nadia: "They don't know already? Your government is not to bright are they?" A fake pouting face and she takes a blank regstration form and deftly slips something into it's folds. Hands it to government official. "There sir, if you look you will find everything is in order." She smiles and turnes to leave. (she is from Eastern Europe, Soviet 'government procedures' are common there after all.)
  3. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Mechanon's resuriction program somehow gets in to the main frame of a auto manufacter and infects all the cars being made there. Christine?
  4. Re: Flight Limitation... "Now Super Fish, fly up to my Doom Blimp and face me! What you can't without covering the world in 1000 feet of water? Oh, well bad for you! Ha Ha Ha!!" Yes it would be a limitation However, why don't you just buy some swiming? Flight through water is called swiming. Just like a zero endurence, persistant forcefield is called Armor.
  5. Re: WWYCD choosing between two villains to stop? If Mr minor is doing somethig that the cops can handle more or less and there is mininum risk to civilian life, they I could see a hero letting the little fish go. If the Big Baddy has a ultimadum going "Midnight tonight will be unlike any night this city has ever seen!" well, I could really see letting him go if you are on the big badies trail and don't think you could spare the time. now if Mr Minor vilan is endangering a lot of people, well, I beleave a hero should really stop him, even if just entangle his behind and call the cops.
  6. Re: Flight Limitation... by produce water, do you mean he can fill a room, or can he make a tube of water to fly in (like iceman's ramp thing). If he can only make normal liquid fill the space provided kind a water that could be a limitation. He could not make enough water to fly down the street convently (and the flood damage!) If he can fly by making a tube of water to travle in down the street, then you give it 'physical manifestation' because someone could disrupt his water tube with an attack or such and send the tube and him falling.
  7. Re: Wedding Bells for Dr. Anomaly "Party crashers"? I would hope that Lord Omega (Dr Destroyer) would have the taste to at least wear his tux (I dout he would stoop to renting)
  8. Re: You've taken over the world. Now what? It is not the rulling the world that is important, it is the taking over of the world that is imporant. If the Hero did not rebell aganst you and overthrow your regieme, you would not be able to try out all your other cool world domination ideas. "Well, Mr Evil, 'Mutant Rodent Minions', top that." "Very well Dr Bad, I will see your 'Mutant Rodent Minions' and rase you by a 'overly complex doomes day device'."
  9. Re: WWYCD: Omelas The Rocket question goes, if it is a strictly A,B, or C question well, the kid has to go. But being a hero, there is alwies a D. Assuming you have the tech, you could improvise a way to induce hypothermia on the child to reduce his oxygen use. He would at least have a chance to be revived. Perhaps if you both slept a lot, you would have enough oxygen to make it.
  10. Re: WWYCD: Omelas That is a hard delemina. What I think would ultimatly decide it for Nadia is that this sutuation is making the city weak. In the long run, this is not doing anything for the people. In Nadia's eyes this sin is as bad is the child's suffering. All an invador or bandit needs to do is learn about the pact and break it, then he can take what he wants from the city. So to make the people happy in the future, they must suffer now. Ok, I know this is a bit dangerously close to villian mentality, but what can you expect form a Necromancer?
  11. Re: Flying, mini's and combat We use the poker chips too, these chips can also be good for other conditions. "ok, the blue chips are for the entangled charictors." Now if people are moving verry fast, it may be best to handle em kinda abstractly. (eather in chases or in passes)
  12. Re: Difficulty reaching Super-Hero status Grandpa could have tought her some of her mechanical expertice. If the suit is so easy to repair it should be easy to modify too. Buy a small Varable power pool to sumilate some modifications she can make to the armor to adapt to the current misson specs. An underwater mission? she installs a rebreather mechinism and some thrust perpellers. Fighting evil robots? A Tesla ray to distrupt their computers (won't affect her suit ) She gets sick of shouting 'wait up for me' to her teamates, she could put some wheels in the heals of the boots. Or some Rockiteer style jet thrusters. All sorts of cool things she could do with this Varrable power pool.
  13. Re: Name That Band Hero! 1: Silver Hamer: Real name Maxwell Edison, a flying brick who's powers come from a magic silver hamer. 2: Number 9. A engineered lifeform who has the ability to confuse people 3: Fool: A monk with powers of meditation and insite into the true nature of the world. 4: Bungalow: A gun toating Ex Big game hunter. 5: Kite: An acrobatic flyer.
  14. Re: What's the best way to conquer Canada? 1: Blame them for corupting american youth with off color humor and fart jokes. . . .
  15. Re: Miniature Heroes (and villains) To do supers you have to pull from a large variety of minature lines. Have a power armored hero, check out Icor's VOID line, also GW's Warhamer 40k does have some cool bits if you look closley Have a egyptian themed hero, Crock Games has a cool line. Gun guy, check out Void, Warhamer, Street Violence, and so forth. Now since supers tend to be quite unike, to get your piticular super you will probably have to modify some Also, remember that WisKids Heroclicks figs can be painted and easily modifyed with a hoby knife and superglue. And you might be able to get a lot of em cheep.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's a refference. The funny part is that I actualy went there.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Doc A probably has too much self respect to post this one, so I will. When Nadia my Teen champions Necromancer turn came around I said: "I summon the Skeleton. . . in attack mode." Go ahead, throw things, I have it coming
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The funny cool little Itilian scooters? Well, if they can get ones like the one in FLCL
  19. Re: help my friend is overpowered!!!!! ok, the gm just needs the galatic guardians to recrute captan thousand to help defend reality.
  20. Re: Teen Zombies (undead in a teen champions game) autotomotons do not know any free lingo, so if Nadua is going to give em orders, they will have to understand her, and her native language makes the most sence for her orders.
  21. Re: Evil Organizaitons Have you seen 'The Rock'? I like the idea of vilans who do not think of them selfs as vilans. They are championing a cause, a good cause, but what they are willing to do is the problem Perhaps the are frustrated with the coruption and incompidence in the government. However theyre plan to rase a brave new world will send the nation into years and years of bloody cival war. Seen 'Serenity'? I like the badguy. He was working to build a prefect world, a world he would not belong to, because of the things he was willing to do to create it. Almost a reverse Christ who will sin for us to deliver us to paradise. I remember someone telling me about a faction in Vampire that beleaved that all vampires must be destroyed, but they themselfs had become vampires inorder to do this, and there last action upon destroying the last of the vampires would be destroying them selfs. Imagine a anti super group that they themselfs have become supers inorder to stop them. (super soulder syrums or something) and they are looking forward to the day they destroy the last super and can then them selfs be distroyed.
  22. Re: Teen Zombies (undead in a teen champions game) I made the 100 pt undead, but quite franly it might be best to summon a janitor instead of him. undead Player: Val Char Cost 10 STR0 10 DEX0 10 CON0 6 BODY-8 5 INT-5 0 EGO0 10 PRE0 4 COM-3 2 PD3 2 ED3 2 SPD0 4 REC0 20 END0 6" RUN0 2" SWIM0 2" LEAP0 Characteristics Cost: -10 Cost Power END 45 Automaton (Takes No STUN (loses abilities when takes BODY)) 0 15 Automaton (Cannot Be Stunned) 0 3 Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED) 0 45 Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep) 0 Powers Cost: 108 Cost Skill 2 Language: Romanian (fluent conversation) Skills Cost: 2 Total Character Cost: 100 Val Disadvantages 25 Distinctive Features: skeleton (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Physical Limitation: No Sense of Taste or Smell (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 15 Susceptibility: Holy stuff, 1d6 damage per Phase (Uncommon) Disadvantage Points: 50 Base Points: 50 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 See, he is undead, but not much else.
  23. wagnern


    Re: Solara Perhaps Solara is not just a secret ID but an actual other person? Tim wisperes: "-lara, quit looking at his but, everyone is going to think I am funny." voice in his mind: "I wasent doing anything. I'm just minding my own buisness and, Wow. . ." "See you did it agian, now I am going into the lockerroom to dress out for P.E. and we are keeping our eyes strate ahead." "Well, what about my idea about homecoming?" "I am not splitting homecoming with you. . ." "Isen't he in the swim team? look at those . . ." "ok, ok, deal, we will split homecoming, just stop checking him out!" "Thank you! :)"
  24. Re: Homebrew Organizations Are you shure it is not sunligh that makes it deterorate?
  25. ok, Nadia (Twilight) is a necromancer in a teen champions game. Now summoning actual undead is difficult in the 30 active point limit. It takes 105 points in powers to be a undead (life support, takes no stunn, and cannot be stunned) We have worked around this for the moment by having her undead be the physical manifestation of her various powers. (some EB, a TK, some dcv, exc.) but I would like to actualy summon eventualy. ("Rise my minions of undead Rise!!", just does not sound cool if you only have one undead at a time up and it can't do anything but the one power associated with it) My thought is I could summon 4 100 pt undead with the 30 point active points in the multipower. I would then soup them up with spells. (eather useable by others or Aids) any suggestions on the best way to work this up? Am I going about this all wrong? Is there a way to do undead, retain the feal of undead, and yet not have 105 pts come right of the top? thanks
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