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Everything posted by Ndreare

  1. For a good horror game I find that presence attack rules and the rules for hit locations but divide the modifiers by half. This creates a very greedy field to the game they can be downright terrifying for players investing in this character
  2. I keep seeing posts related to this and it makes me think I need to liquidate all my duplicate copies and extras. The majority of the time I only use my PDFs anyway so having the excesses liquidated could provide a lot of money for more toys.
  3. I love 6th edition and consider it the best game on the market. But Armor Piercing was better priced at +1/2 IMHO.
  4. Well said. I did get a response on the Facebook page and he said they would think about it. But no real commitment to action.
  5. Most of the time when you see this in stories it is reactionary. For example villain Mr. E has had his goons stopped five time by the hero Android. Mr. E decides to invent a radar jammer, flash bomb and quantum net to capture the Android and make him pay. It happens all the time in comics and can be very appropriate.
  6. There are some very robust list like the ones mentioned above and the ones used by the GURPS RPG. But the truth is such an extensive list is impossible because there's so many background skills that a person could have just by moving 100 miles your background skill list would change especially in a fantasy setting where things are much less uniform then they are in the modern world. I would suggest if you don't like the list above check out the GURPS 3rd edition Skills compendium and their skill list. It is the most extensive list I know of with literally hundreds of skills. Normally we play Hero with the rule only pay for what matters. So for example if your character was the greatest wizard in the world but his hands were cut off, you would not pay for a magic pool. This is normally covered in the beginning of each version of hero under something like 'What to pay points for'. This is shown in older edition characters, but when Steve long took over his style was much more detailed and iterative than the previous writers. However it is still valid and by the book.
  7. I tried to ask permission from Jason by posting on the hero Games Facebook page, but it was completely dead and I received no response. I do not want to post something that will violate their rights. But it seams to me that something like this would be an ideal thing for them to share.
  8. I postal most exclusively from my cell phone and use voice to text because it's so much faster. Unfortunately some of the stuff that comes out a lot of times has me going to go back and correct it. While being embarrassed about it. That includes this post
  9. Ndreare


    Another way I have done it is by allowing the player to buying KS:Everything-30. Then we agreed ahead of time that as a default everything is so broad that he will have -20 in addition to any other penalties I declare. When I made a character of my own with this concept I used... Detect - Answers -33 (very broad group), discriminatory, analyze, +20 perception with sense. The character suffered a minus to his perception role based on how far he would have to go to get the information either in time or distance. For example if the nearest book with that information was 200 miles away and was destroyed 100 years ago we would use the timetable to show 100 years in the past and 200 miles distance. Then taking the higher modifier for the 200 miles distance we would use that as the penalty to my perception wrong. This represented my characters chances of having studied or researched the information before and was used to supplement is already existing knowledge specialties from the library that he was at. It was a great way of showing that the character good travel a lot and pursued knowledge with a passion.
  10. Bummer when I get home I will go ahead and try and scan just the table of contents. And then I'll make sure it's okay before sharing them.
  11. Absolutely limitations are allowed on stats but DNA would be more of a special effect in a limitation
  12. It's also an option to ignore those rules they do tend to be overly complicated. They were placed in for game balance reasons but by using a little common sense a lot of groups decide not to use them. I allow advantages to just modify with strength without having to worry about different strength levels but then I use common sense of the effect would be above the damage class For the game I just say no. For example in a fantasy game with a 45 ap cap I would just allow it as long as it did not bring it above 2d6 HKA.
  13. I am on my phone right now so I cannot validate it. But I think DriveThruRPG.com let's you preview the first couple pages including the ToC.
  14. How do people remember this stuff?
  15. I was really hoping you get an answer for this one, because I was interested also.
  16. Can you describe the type of base you want and maybe we could help? I think buying bases would help you a lot. But as a short term solution we may be able to help.
  17. This is one of my favorite tropes. Especially if the character's "defect" turns out to be his humanity.
  18. Okay Blue, you win the prize, that was the funniest response I have heard.
  19. Lets never bring this up again... They received a lotta feedback on this during the kick starter. Some of it was good some of it was bad but I think they were trying to give the impression of the dragon was trying to negotiate for survival.
  20. 6th edition Grimoire has the combined spells of I and II from fifth Same for Bestiary the 6th version could be used to populate every genre but supers.
  21. Killershrike has conversions of basically everything D&D into 5 th edition. Who's can be used with little effort in 6th edition. Consider looking at his site for good resources http://www.killershrike.com/GeneralHero/HEROSystem.aspx
  22. The Palladium fantasy RPG used to have different types of coinage and different symbols and values for each of them it was kind of cool because I had a picture with saying this is what it would look like. It had a lot of depth or feel of depth.
  23. Well actually Ninja Bear I just looked and I hate to tell you this, but you are completely right and I was completely wrong. 5th edition specifically states it can include a whole multi power and when rereading 6th it does state any group the game master considers smaller than a large group.
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