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Everything posted by Ndreare

  1. Lol, It has been a long time since I was in school but as I recall plutonium appears in parts per billion measurements in uranium. It would make atium down right cheep to refine. Of course they also use aluminium which prior to modernized technology was significantly more expensive than gold Without a nod or mention of the price. Overall Brandon Sanderson is my favorite author so please do not take this as critical of his work.
  2. Wow, tacking Does Body on there is just plain mean.
  3. Tac onto that an attack versus alternate defence "immune to heat" and your power can be 3d6 stunning enough I think your extra bad guys will dip their weapons.
  4. We had a group of panic clones once, each of the characters started off the exact same with normal characteristic maximum and a 45 point cosmic VPP. Hero handled their fights very easily, and greatly rewarded the players who used modified attacks such as indirect. Overall it really depends on what you believe is needed to represent reality warping, for us it was a VPP. PS: The characters became distinct based on personality and skills purchased with experience, including the big bad.
  5. Plutonium? How do they get plutonium in a fantasy setting?
  6. I had some good luck, using the pre-generated characters and couple adventures I posted in the downloads section. I have used them at a con once, ran my Mom, Wife and Brother through them (my moms first game) and used them for some other groups. Twice it turned into longer running games, with the player customizing the character with their experience as the game grew. Skim it and consider giving it a try. http://www.herogames.com/forums/files/file/210-in-service-to-the-throne/
  7. For me Hero's biggest strength is the ability of each of the Heroes to be completely different. In many games I see the same character run across my lap with 10 different names, while in Hero each character has the potential to be unique. So while all systems do have pro's and con's, Hero is my favorite.
  8. Absolutely, Hero tries so hard to be generic that even setting books feel generic. Fantasy Hero is a good example, they still refrained from setting baseline assumptions and the sample characters are from a huge point range, so you cannot grab and go. With Fanasy Hero Sixth Ed Steve included several grab and go characters as well as generic mobs that should have made it into Fantasy Hero Complete or at least a free PDF download. Something to grab a player and bring them in, after they are grabbed then throw all the utility at them. We do have some books that are grab and go, but they require you to have the main book already. For the record Narosia should be coming out sometime in 2099 or so and looking at it the plan is for it to be a complete book.
  9. I really like Savage Worlds, but it just plain cannot create the same detail for characters as Hero can. It also fails a lot of character concepts completely. Try to make a character with high skill and low power in magic and you fail. But if you are happy with 3 powers your mage can be downright unbalancing in some situations. I have also noticed the assumed starting point of Novice generates a lot of clones, to cure that I suggest starting at Seasoned, then last thing that drives me nuts is the high probability of instant death. I know that is a feature they are going for (Savage Worlds), but it can suck when a Goblin kills you and spending two bennies is not enough to stay alive. Overall I like Savage Worlds for pick up or one shot games, but it does not appeal to me as a long running or campaighn type game because I do not want to spend a lot of time and energy getting invested in a character that will die because I rolled a 1 on my d8 and now I can work miracles (12.5%).
  10. As the Doc says this is a common special effect and game mechanically is no different than Wolverine's claws. I would simply build it as a 1D6 HKA.
  11. If you are shooting for a monk like ability it would be a 1 point power. 1 Lighten Body: Flight 7m (7 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (No acceleration, requires action/reaction; -2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4) 1 This build will have the effects of being lighter, such as increasing knock back, or allowing you to push off surfaces
  12. I was unaware of this, I first started playing in Fourth edition and always felt the martial arts system felt add hoc trying to do something a multi-power should be used for. Funny to find out it really was add hoc.
  13. There's a glossary in each book which main book do you use? If I know what you mean bookie use I can give you the page number after reading a couple pages he will be familiar with it.
  14. I would think Continuing, Boostable Fuel Charges with recoverable would be the best way to represent what happens in the book. Also all of the powers are impressive but not world shattering so most mistborn should be in the 30 AP range unless they are first generation then perhaps 45 AP. Vin had a boost for spoiler reasons, but otherwise the powers were fairly uniform and augmented the misting's/mistborn's own natural abilities. Skill will however make your metals last longer as you learn when and how to burn.
  15. I think I would have to disagree with Mr Long on this one in my games. It's a bummer really because normally he's right about these rules things, what with him being the highest authority and all.
  16. Roll20.net is great unless you are set on face to face games.
  17. Your number five would kill it for most players I know. My players in hero tend to become more diverse with xp, but if they saw me limiting their expenditure by that much they would quit. After all the main selling point of Hero is that you can make anything. The rest of your ideas are pretty sound and I have tried them all with new players. But I also allow after action tweaks. So the at the end of the game night the players can fine tune their characters. This normally takes effect as moving three or four points around here and there the first couple sessions.
  18. It's not a moral stance. I normally don't post reviews because I don't find it I'm articulate enough to express what I enjoy in a book or I'm too lazy. Sometimes it's a little bit of both.
  19. I would inflict X2. For reasons see Lord Laiden post above
  20. If someone here wants to write a review I will post it. I do not write reviews myself though.
  21. Putting modifiers on skills is a stop sign. As a GM I would consider it broken. The martial arts system always felt ad hoc to me as is and allows some cheep builds if you allow players to use them as powers with modifiers. Really most of what martial arts do should have just been a multi power. Then all the math and abuse potentials would be clear and a GM could see it.
  22. I don't know if it's a bit legal by the book but I've allowed players to use resistant defense against presence attacks and even strength against presents attacks. My reasoning was that the villains were destroying cars or other gianobjects in his environments that the players would've been resistant to. That was in our fifth edition days when we are playing nightspawn conversions. In the nightspawn setting horror and presents attacks are routine.
  23. Here is the character I accepted him, but do plan on making suggested changes. Brick Nathan Justice VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes 50 STR 40 19- HTH Damage 10d6 END [5] 8 DEX -4 11- 30 CON 20 15- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 13 EGO 3 12- 30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6 4 OCV 5 3 DCV 0 3 OMCV 0 3 DMCV 0 4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 10 PD 3 10 PD (5 rPD) 10 ED 3 10 ED (5 rED) 20 REC 16 50 END 6 15 BODY 5 40 STUN 10 Movement Cost Meters Notes RUNNING 12 24m/48m END [2] SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1] LEAPING 4 12m 12m forward, 6m upward Characteristics Total: 163 Cost Powers 125 True Invulnerability: Damage Negation (-10 DCs Physical, -10 DCs Energy), Inherent (+1/4) (125 Active Points) - END=0 13 True Invulnerability: Regeneration (1 BODY per Hour), Can Heal Limbs - END=0 15 True Invulnerability: Resistant Protection (5 PD/5 ED) - END=0 24 Life Support (Expanded Breathing; Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) - END=0 Powers Total: 177 Cost Martial Arts Tank Tricks 5 1) Upper Cut: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 14d6 Strike 4 2) Vault Ripper: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 4d6 3 3) Body Slam: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 10d6 +v/10, Target Falls 3 4) Round House Punch: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 12d6 Strike Martial Arts Total: 15 Cost Skills Leader 3 1) Persuasion 15- 3 2) Tactics 11- 3 3) Teamwork 11- Detective 3 1) Criminology 11- 3 2) Deduction 11- 3 3) Forensic Medicine 11- 3 4) Interrogation 15- 3 5) Streetwise 15- 3 PS: Hero of The People 15- 12 +4 with Brick tricks Skills Total: 39 Cost Perks Beloved Hero 6 1) Positive Reputation (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6 Perks Total: 6 Value Complications 15 Hunted: Public Figure Watched by Media & Government Very Frequently (Mo Pow; Watching) 10 Psychological Complication: Won't Cross that Line (Uncommon; Strong) 75 Up to 75 left for GM to develop Complications Points: 100 Base Points: 400 Experience: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Total Character Cost: 400
  24. I don't think there is a problem. It just makes it easier to follow or tag when they are all in one place.
  25. It seams the name of the power is causing some confusion. True Invulnerable characters scale damage just like the damage negation does. He will still expect to take damage from other supers and exceptional humans (batman clones). But he will be immune to mundane attacks such as most small arms fire. He even points out that mind control, mental illusion and mind blast will work. What he is hoping to avoid is the age old arms race of x2 hardened or x5 impenetrable. He wants a simple power that even if it cost a third of his points works the way he expects. I decided to let him have it and will post his build when done. I doubt the build will be impressive because it is mostly picked from the random character list in Champions Universe
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