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Everything posted by Ndreare

  1. Re: Thermographic N-Ray Vision I would purchase this effect as follows. 10 Multispectral Vision: Detect A Large Class Of Things 11- (Sight Group) 0 The special effect of this power is that the character is able to see the entire EM spectrum and process that data. (In RIFTS there is a creature called a Temporal Raider that has this power.) I would also buy a find weakness to represent the power to analyze people and objects with this vision at a higher level. With the understanding from the GM of what was expected. As a GM I would allow it and as a player I have made characters with it before. The power you are referring to has a strong staple in Sci-Fi and comics and for its nature and limitation would not truly justify a full N-Ray vision purchase.
  2. Re: How do you use Regeneration in your campaign? Regeneration has uses that Armor does not. So while it may be overpriced at the 10 per level (I do not know like I said I wanted to play with it). A character with Regeneration will recover from Transform faster and NND, AVLD attacks while a character with 30/30 Armor will be just fine standing in a flaming inferno doing 3D6 per Phase. Also a character with the mega armor will still suffer from the bleeding rules while one with regeneration is auto stabilized every turn. The two powers do not cover the same things. I have found that in my games using the Fuzion rip off that players are still willing to buy regeneration and the extra healing options. However with it in the normal method, I have seen players “Tack it on†when it is not part of a concept. (Usually this happen in noncontiguous games). And the mighty Ring of Regeneration is all too common for a magic item. I do not believe my way is perfect, but I do think it is far better than the hand waved version in the game now. PS: Does it seem odd or balanced to any of you that resurrection from death is cheaper than Clairvoyance or Ghost Form?
  3. Re: how to do it: strength effect lingers after moving While “Continuing Charges†can do it. It would put a limit to the character that he may not want (namely being able to do something only a limited number of times. Although Fuel charges may work it would be way expensive. As for TK yep it is a constant power so uncontrolled would be allowed. The text states that an uncontrolled power has the entire end paid at the time of activation.
  4. Re: how to do it: strength effect lingers after moving I disagree. If we have a force field and I buy it with UBO and Uncontrolled I do not have to buy ranged. I simply use it on my target and walk away, he is then protected. Why would you make extra rules for STR when that is not in the book and there is no precedence for it?
  5. Re: UV vision Just a little note for you to think of on this topic. Infrared: Does not pick up heat or cold or any thing like it. What Infrared does is allow detection a very broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted from the transfer or energy from one source to another. IR is incredibly useful in things like inspecting metals, structures and dark areas. As a structure with a flaw in it will have different impedance zones and the heat of things going through and near them will change IR radiation will be emitted. This means you can see very well in perfect darkness. I have done quite a bit of MSHA work (Mine Safety and Hazard Awareness). You will also be able to see little flaws. However there are limits to perception. As in if you are at a sensitivity (gain) level to be able to see flaws in structures and in caves then a source like fire (with tons of heat transfer to the air) will potentially blind you and damage your eyes (equipment). In our society we use IR technology for inspecting Electrical wiring, in the air, buried and behind walls. We also use it for looking at concrete pylons for fishers and breaks. IR runs from ~10,000,000 – 7,000 Angstroms UV much like IR is also very useful in many the same ways however its reasons are a little different. What we see as humans is less than 1% of the EM spectrum. Well as fate would have it we have the ability to create equipment that lets us see into the UV spectrum which is also very broad but attenuates in our atmosphere much faster. Many animals that can see a little into one spectrum or the other can see a little into both. UV runs from ~4,000 – 10 Angstroms While visible light runs from ~7,000 to 4,000 Angstroms. Not much at all really we are some of the most limited animals when it comes to perception of light. If you think about it like this a person with the power to perceive even ¼ or either of those two spectrums would literally be getting hundreds of times more information than a normal human. Something else to consider the measured spectrums of the EM field go all the way from Radio waves (>10,000,000,000 Angstroms to Gamma Rays <0.1 to 0.001 Angstroms) There are techniques used in major industry to gather tons of information on things just by being able to sense narrow bands of these spectrums. PS: Things that are subject to the UV spectrum look much brighter and clearere when viewed under UV light not darker. I know this from years of experience working with Inspection equipment.
  6. Re: How do you use Regeneration in your campaign? I actualy think I like JmOz' idea more than my Fuzion conversion (read rip off). I think the 10 per level one shows a reasonable expense and can be used to represent how powerful the ability truely is. Although I would have top play with it a bit. Things like regrow limbs and reserection can add a couple points to either of those. Also at the 100 Point level we have characters like (Bone Era/Modern) Wolverine and Deadpool.
  7. Re: how to do it: strength effect lingers after moving STR is already a constant power. So you would not have to pay extra.
  8. Re: How do you use Regeneration in your campaign? I do not think I have the perfect answer to the balancing issues and clunky ness of Regeneration, but I do believe the first step is to admit we have a problem. In the mean time I will continue using the Fuzion method (multiplying the cost by 5 of course).
  9. Re: How do you use Regeneration in your campaign? Hugh Neilson has it dead on. If you say the rule is one way then you change it that is called a hand wave. The entire way the Regeneration is built in is too much. Plus to top it all off you forgot to add -1/2 Always on, how can I have a serious conversation with some one who’s regeneration is not always on. What if you get attacked and forget to turn it on? Oh boy are you going to be in trouble. Some things is Hero are done poorly and this is one of them. A new player looks down at his regeneration and sees a whole paragraph of writing to describe one simple effect. That is standardly (is this a word?) explained easily in ever other game. I am not saying by any stretch that the one in 4th was better. As a matter of a fact it was in the same boat. Now lets look at the cost of someone with regeneration per minute, or hour in 5th edition. It will actively discourage all the little tax accountants out there from sticking to their concept when regeneration per minute is the exact same cost as regeneration per 12 seconds. I think a build like 20 : Regeneration: Recovery per 1 hour. Looks a lot cleaner and less clunky than this one 5 : Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Always On (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2) Or lets compare 45 : Regeneration: Recovery per 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12). To 6 : Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Always On (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2) Which is how Hero Designer prints it and how it would be properly recorded. Regeneration is not even a limited genre thing that could be excused for not having a simple and or standard base it is something that would fall easily in over half the genres out there. HERO System 5th Ed Regeneration Cost for 1 Body 6 Per Turn 6 Per Minute 5 Per 5 Minutes 5 Per 20 Minutes 5 Per Hour 4 Per 6 Hours 4 Per Day 4 Per Week Oh yes, I can see this was one well thought out power. ======================================== I feel the power breaks down even more when we put adders like Regenerate Limbs and Recovers from Death on there. Can Heal Limbs makes the power a whopping 9 points, Resurrection makes it 18 and having both makes it 21. I do not see how this could have possibly been used in any play test at all. I mean come on compared to all the other defensive powers this thing is so cheep it is laughable. (For the record I know we are talking about a subjective matter, and that as long as people use it, it does not matter.) Edited to fix math from forgetting Self only.
  10. Re: AP/RP power templates This is what I thought he was saying also.
  11. Re: How do you use Regeneration in your campaign? I was frustrated when I saw the changes. They took a simple power and made it clunky. Then the changes invoked actualy required hand waving and rebalancing. The point differnce between being able to heal 4 Body a month and 216000 Body per month (5*60*24*30 = turns*minutes*hours*days) is only 7 points. Then it is followed up by some hand waving to allow it to exceed the normal limits on healing perday.
  12. Re: How do you use Regeneration in your campaign? I use this same system (inspired by Fuzion *gasp*). Were regeneration cost 5 points per level up to the one minute level, then it cost 10 points per level. Also there is the option of adding regrow limbs and resurrection. It works and is balanced.
  13. Re: how to do it: strength effect lingers after moving Of course now looking at it, you have the same effect and saved a point. (You know according to the meta rules we have to use the more expensive build ) of course I never liked that rule.
  14. Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke? Sounds to me like you have let the game get out of hand. I would lay down some ground rules for the game you are ready to GM. For the game to work every one needs to be on the same page. If you have guys running through the game like tax accountants looking to get the most for the least. Then they may not be looking at the game as a social endeavor. I would recommend either bringing your game to his level or him to your level but as it rest I think you are headed for some miserable gaming.
  15. Re: how to do it: strength effect lingers after moving I thought about 0 end, but as a GM when a player makes Uncontrolled a build with 0 end on it, I get “Funny†and often veto it. I know some GM’s may be of with it, but I am usually not. However as a GM I have allowed it with the limitation that the spell last for a preset time (usually one scene) or last for one turn per 10 active points. I even made some prebuilt epic spells lasting a couple days, but it gets touchy so I did not model this one that way.
  16. Re: AP/RP power templates I would suggest spending the three dolor’s to buy a copy of Digital Hero #3 and using the E.R. System presented in there. They also a have an excel spread sheet you can use to do all the math but you will need to spend the three dolor’s to understand all the context. Different people use different limits but I would suggest the following. Gritty Heroic = 60-70 Heroic = 80 Special Agent (Bond) = 90 Super heroic = 100 Cosmic = 110-120 I have not seen any games use over 110 but they could be out there. For almost all of my fantasy game I use the 80 limit. However every one has a preference. I have seen simple formulas like rule of X and stuff like that but they always break down. I would also suggest using the GM fiat system, were evaluation of a character is used based on arbitrary “Feelingsâ€.
  17. Re: how to do it: strength effect lingers after moving I would say buy the characterthe following power. How Does He Do It: Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2) for up to 15 Active Points of Strength (11 Active Points) This would allow the character to set his 15 Str up for 1 END per phase (22 AP efore the reduced END/2). At this rate he could do some cool stuff.
  18. Re: Turakian Almanac (non-official) I recieve a curupted file message. Bummer as it sounds like a usefull file. PS: For those who do not use Microsoft Office there is also Openoffice.org for a free version of an excel like program that can read/edit/save xls files.
  19. Re: What I learned playing a fighter... No matter how big you are, sometimes running away is the right thing to do.
  20. Re: What I Learned Playing a Mage.... Mauls Hurt even when magicly protected.
  21. Re: What I Learned Playing a Mage.... The Less they KNOW you do the more they THINK you can do.
  22. Re: Multiple Attacks in a Phase If the players are in the 300 point range why would you expect a 175 point monster to do some damage? In D&D would you expect a CR4 Monster to hurt a group of level 10 characters?
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