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Everything posted by Ndreare

  1. Re: Aid Succor and 0 END I personaly never saw it as a problem and even went so far as to point it out to a player of mine as a way for him to create Ritual High Magic in a game we were playing. By giving him a 4D6 Succor with a few limitation and advantages we had a good way of making a character that could perform very powerful magic. I have also "allowed" one player in a supers game to have a 2D6 Succor that helped all physical and derived except speed & end (30AP) to represent his hulk rage. The end result was a character that could get very strong when mad but would pass out in no time from end cost. I think it works as well in our games as does supress (the reverse of succor) and would not limit its effect any more than I would other powers. As a GM I usualy allow most constructs. I do stop powers that do not fit in the game system though.
  2. Re: Getting the Turn to seem like 12 seconds I like his idea more, but I was also going to sugest you double the expected speed scores of characters. So a normal would have a 4 speed and a fast thief would have a 8.
  3. Re: No Figured Characterstics: DEX I have allowed buying Dex with NFC. I even require it as a limitation when placed in pools like a VPP. (Something the rules sugest.) For potions and magic belts it fits well also. As I have GM'ed more than one game that an extra point of speed would be out of balance but the Talisman of Jhorn (+10 Dex NFC) was perfectly in place and the +3 to combat helped the group.
  4. Re: Subject to Orders Vs. Hunted: Watching This is how I have done it in the past when the characters are Working for the military.
  5. Re: What is the highest? Cool thanks. I knew of MEchanon, but was considering him more a vehicle. However the other names were all usefull. Thanks for doing the foot work guys.,
  6. Re: Multiple Attacks Small note so you can edit them if you want. If you want to know how many attacks someone has based off of a 8 second display you need to increase that number by 50% not 25%. A 25% increase will make it 10 seconds acounted for while a 50% increase will show all 12 seconds accounted for.
  7. I would like to see your best Ironman. I was wanting to make him myself but kept coming up unsatisfied, so I thaught I bet hero asimbled could do this. (yes I have seen some online versions but wanted yours. (PS: Also interested in your Nathan Richards)
  8. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Well lets look at some of the bad guys with invulnerability that Spidey fights. Tombstone Rhino Scorpian Venom Thing (not a bad guy but...) All these people have very high PD (I would put none of them below 28 PD) and Spidey manages to hurt them with his punch. I would guess that Spidey punches harder than bullets hit because most of these guys are bullet proof. But then again Spidey did only wiun because it was needed. If we were reeding a comic with Firelord Herold of galactus on the cover we all know Spidey would have lost. That is how comics work.
  9. Re: Controlling Fire I do not like the official RUle in USPDB that TK can not be bought for ALL ED types. So I voided it. Now only vs. X realy is a limitation. However I created a new power for my game called Energykinesis. This goes hand in hand with TK and a character who want to manipulate both must buy both.
  10. Re: Are limited defenses to expensive? The clunky thing with the Desolidification construct is that it makes you desolid. I would not personaly like the character to have steel weapons pass through him. I just want him immune to steel weapons so if he was in front of sa a little girl the bullets would not go through him and hit her. They would instead just bonce off him and knock him down.. (Example only the character I made was immune to elecricity)
  11. Re: How to...take all powers away. Have you considered useing Mind Control, to make the opponent not know he has powers or turn off his powers. Even most persistant powers can be turned off. (Unless they are baught Always on or inherant which is always on)
  12. What is the Highest Published 5TH ED Dex? Also What is the Highest Published 5TH ED STR? Just curious as All I really need is a name and book. (I have them so finding the page should be easy.) I remember looking through my old fourth ed stuff and comming across a character with over 30 in my Alian Enamies book, but was wondering about 5th.
  13. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe Actualy in heroes unlimited the max Physical Prowess is 45 which is +8 Strike parry & dodge with +5 initiative. So you know & knowing is half the battle. 50 was the Max PE number and the Max PS number if it is not of a supernatural/powered nature.
  14. Re: The Power of Unbelief... RKA can be spread to the beam limitation should be allowed.
  15. Ndreare

    My Avatar

    Re: My Avatar Those are some nice pics. I like the "Good" version were she is looking over her shoulder the most. To me it implys she is trying to think, like when you are solving a mental puzle and you are not making eye contact cause you are thinking absently.
  16. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord I can say that I have read comics were Firelord was shown to be powerful, by single handidly destroying 3 Starships using brute force alone. He in the first panel grows so large that the entire ship (previously so big it did not fit in whole panel) fits in his palm and throws it then he strikes out at two others with fiery blast from his staff. After that he flys off to go investigate what made them attack him and why the Shiar are mad. He hooks up with Cpt. Marvel (the second young kid version) and they go off and make a big fuss. I would say the power to grow thousands of feet tall and vaporize starships could me seen by some as powerful.
  17. Are limited defenses to expensive? I was trying to make an Electricity Controller, and was thinking that limited defenses were expensive by the book. What level of limitation do you think of as fare for you games, I do not like the guide lines in the book. Only vs. Fire should to me be worth more than -1/2, after all you are loosing more than 1/3 its utility. Consider how many types of energy attacks a character will be subjected to and what percentage of those will be Fire, Electricity, Quantum Beam ect… Personally I think the limitations should be more like… -1: for limited effects (Only vs. Fire or Only vs. Electricity) -2: for extremely limited effects. (Only vs. Magic Fire) Just asking your oppinion. As I am the GM I decided to go with a few extra points but...
  18. Re: City of Heroes writeups Good idea but I think the base should be alitle lower. It takes a non Blaster/Scrapper three hits to kill a minnion. How about 4D6 Base?
  19. Re: OIHID and Multiform Was his name Colosus?
  20. Re: City of Heroes writeups I imagine since at first level you are lahable, a fair conversion would be every 2 levels equal +1 CV, +1D6 DC & +1 DEF, then you throw in all the enhancements making powers more powerful, & Pwers adding % bonuses, after a while they get up there. Like blasters being allowed 400% dame, Scrappers being allowed 500% damage and Tankers being allowed 200% damage. Each Archtype has a MAX% of each base level of effect. They also get "Base Bonuses" like a scrapper with no enhancement will do more damge than a tankeer with no enhancements. In the end it works out in a pretty simple way that would be complicated for me to explain. One thing City of Heroes does not have is Balace and Scale, the classes are not even and a street thug minnion from some zones could ice a level 20 character easy.
  21. Re: Boiling Water Well Light Crude Oils Boil at around 650 F while water boils at around 212 F (adjust both for environmental pressure) Steam however would be much nicer to get burnt by. 600 pound steam (that is steam heated and inside of a pressure vessel) averages around 375-425 F. But when you get burnt by steam since it is a gas it will loose its energy faster to the ambient air around it and there will be a higher resistivety (sp?) between your flesh and the gas, while a liquid like water would be lower resistivety (sp?). Most gasses will expand and ‘cool’ so unless your entire environment is HOT the steam will cool and expand when mixed with air. This is the same auto-refrigerant effect we get any time air expands (imagine propane freezing as you push it through pipes) Basically imagine it like this. your oven heated to 350 F and you open the door, the air hits you and you are all good, little discomfort. Now take some water boiling on the stove at 212 F (1 atmosphere) and you will be screaming in pain. The reason is the liquid will conduct the heat better than the gas. (In case you care about my precedence. I am familiar with these number cause I work in Inspection Planning for a large oil refinery. One thing to consider though is that while Crude Oil and heavy hydrocarbons can boil at as high as 950 F light end oils like Methane will boil below freezing so your oil may vary. Medium oils like Octane (C8 what most call gas) boil as low as 350. Now most of the lighter end oils (Kerosene and less) can just auto-ignite before you get them to boil and that would be bad.)
  22. Re: Controlling Fire Not only that if you buy Conquerers Killers and Crooks you can get a couple fire controlers to see samples, also look at online conversions of Marvels ® Human Torch or Pyro, for good examples.
  23. Re: How do you Ignore Armor? Found it in the FAQ here you go Q: The rules require a character with a Selective Area Of Effect to roll to hit each target individually, against the target’s normal DCV. Is there a way for the character to attack each target at a lower DCV, such as the normal DCV 3 used with Area Of Effect? A: In the GM’s discretion, you can achieve this by applying Area Of Effect (One Hex Accurate; +1/2) to the power in addition to the Area Of Effect Selective used to give the power the ability to affect an area in the first place. Although this way it is written in an elusive way. I am sure some one like Lord Laiden (spelling?) would be able to give more light.
  24. Re: How do you Ignore Armor? The answer is yes. I asked this in the Rules Questions a few years ago and got the official yes, then there was a big issue as to why we cannot do it in Hero Designer, & we were told that we should select custom modifier for it as it is a "Rare" option. (To this day I think if the rules allow it then HERO Designer should too.)
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