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Everything posted by jkwleisemann

  1. Re: WWYCD: Dare to be Foxbat Void: Track down his proper body, chain himself to Foxbat, and make everybody keep them somewhere safe until they figure out a way to make this mess better. Foxbat as Void: Clearly, this is all a part of his Master Plan that, in his brilliance, he didn't even realize he'd had! Start collecting Void's blueprints and gadgets, get all the info he can... and transfer a goodly portion of "his" stock in DuBey International to Mr. Foswell, to help his budgetary problems. Darkchild: "LOKI!!!!!" She would immediately assume that one of the Trickster gods was playing with her, and have several very, very harsh words with them trying to figure out which one. Foxbat as Darkchild: He's an attractive 18 year-old girl. I imagine that even Foxbat would be spending some time figuring out a bit about "his" new body. However, he'd have absolutely no powers whatsoever. He'd probably end up forgetting that he can't really fly or glide, and dive to his painful end during a fight. Sparky: "What is this? Why can I talk People now? HOW DO I WALK ON TWO LEGS WITH NO TAIL?!?!?!?!?!?" Foxbat as Sparky: Chase his tail until he caught it and accidentally discharged an electrical blast into his own butt, tazering himself into sweet, sweet oblivion.
  2. Re: Catwoman revisited Spectacularly, it seems. I figured that's what you meant, and an interesting intro for her. I just found the idea of a mad scientist building a device that would make him obey himself... interesting. Though it *would* be mad science.
  3. Re: Catwoman revisited I was referring to the minor typo (bad form, I know, I'm sorry....) "I'll activate a device that will make me obey my every whim." Most people can make themselves obey their own whims without special devices. It struck me as amusing.
  4. Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought Well, world's a big enough place to support a couple groups like that, probably.
  5. Re: The Inconceivables! Agreed - the Renfield is criminally absent. As for others... really, a lot of heroes have been made out of the classic villain archetypes. Even, after a fashion, the serial killer/slasher killer has been 'hero-ized' in the form of the vigilante. Iron Tyrant's good, as is Abolex.... The Black Knight sort has been done before, so he's out.... *thinks* Heck, even the Giant Rampaging Monster became a good guy, thanks to later Godzilla flicks.... Kind of a short list of what's left.
  6. Re: Anyone wanna suggest a build for GPS? Well, what exactly does his GPS do? Is it standard GPS, like you'll find in your OnStar or TomTom system (or a fishing navigator), or are we talking about 'super GPS,' like that used by Rev Runner in Loonatics Unleashed, capable of locating not only himself but objects around him accurately enough to target them in battle? If it's the former, I agree with the Perk: GPS, 3 pts approach for a modern-scale one. If you want to be more complicated/accurate, then Absolute Range Sense, Bump of Direction, and bonuses to the Navigation skill. If it's the latter, then I'd suggest all of the above, plus Spatial Awareness.
  7. Re: You Only Get One Turn I'd use Independent (-2) and Only while Serving the Purposes of the Deity (-1/2, out of Fantasy Hero, Page 135 I think). The fact that it stops working for good when you anger the deity makes up for the fact that you don't necessarily have to *actively* serve him to get the benefits until then. For example: The Flute of Xochipilli: 3d6 Luck, IAF, Independent, Only while Serving Xochipilli's purposes. 15 AP, 4 RC.
  8. Re: "He just DISAPPEARED!... I SWEAR!" Oh, now that power is just eeeevil. Must incorporate into next electrically based villain.
  9. Here's a question for the GM's out there (and, perhaps, official sorts, if they're interested? ) I've taken a look through the FAQ for Multiform, and can't spot an answer to this one, or actually spot one in my copy of the main book. When designing multiforms, what do you consider legitimate disadvantages? I know it doesn't matter all that much, since you pay for them too, but should a character whose base form has a particular Hunted be allowed - or required - to take that Hunted in alternate forms too? For example: Moreau is a geneticist who uses chemical sera to transform himself into 4 different forms. In his secret ID, he is occasionally hunted by anti-genetics-research protestors, and constantly hunted in both ID's by a few enemies who want to steal his technology. Should any of these Hunted either be forbidden to his alternate forms (the protestors seeming most likely, since they're just after his Secret ID), or required for them (like his other Hunteds, who don't really care if he looks like an anthropomorphic Ferret today or not, they still want his research)? Or should it just be determined on the case-by-case, likely through analysis of what makes sense for somebody to actually be hunting an alternate Form?
  10. Re: The things I learned playing a gunbunny Never underestimate the little guys. A Saturday night special loaded with T-Zaps can make your gun-loving opponents laugh... right up until they sprout a sucking chest wound.
  11. Re: The things I learned playing a gunbunny Never, never get caught without ammo.
  12. Re: Who's on 1st...Avenue that is? Mmm... personal taste, I'd say the big things to come up with are: 1 - Power figures. You don't need to stat them out necessarily, but you want details enough to interact with them. Mayor, maybe, police chief, certain prominent members of the more immediately local community, that sorta thing. The local police captain, and especially what his take is on these strange vigilantes. 2 - Villain figures! We're not talking about Dr. Destroyer sorts here obviously, but the local gang bangers, leading criminals... maybe there are some 'Unremarkable' enemies? A Mr. Glass sort, perhaps.... 3 - A few 'local color' figures. Poppa Marcioli, who runs the Italian restaurant down the street. Nosy Ms. McCreedy, the old spinster who constantly sticks her nose in other people's business (and gossips about it with Granny Strong during their weekly bridge game, of course!) Again - few if any of them really need to be statted out, but you want to have descriptions handy so that the players know who they're talking to.
  13. Re: "He just DISAPPEARED!... I SWEAR!" No master villain - I repeat, no master villain - should be designed without Teleportation. More seriously... I usually fall back and punt. And make the players regret it even more in the future. Case in point: In one of my games, a player with Heal short-circuited a mad scientist who had been about to accidentally create a monster and embark on a career of mad science by using his Healing on the accident victim he'd been about to heal via genetic tinkering (The Great Beast, for those of you who've read Creatures of the Night). Now, this guy was a power-suit jockey with nanotechnology that could do just about anything. I let him get away with it (and sat through a tirade about how the GM should never run a game when he hasn't done sufficient scientific research to incorporate recent RL medical experiments as common medical practice in a campaign set in the modern day), but didn't let him get off scot free. A few months later, The Great Beast was indeed in action; his research having been ignored by the scientific establishment, he hybridized it with the nanotechnology and ended up becoming an even nastier threat thanks to the nanites left behind by the hero responsible. The moral of the story: Just like a true Master Villain, you should always have a backup plan that takes into account everything coming to a grinding halt 5 minutes into the game.
  14. Re: Character Curveballs Sparky (who has shown up in a few WWYCD threads). A seeing eye dog in a Teen Champions game who happens to be a mutant; he's as intelligent as the average human, and can shoot electrical blasts. He's very protective of his Mistress (the blind girl he was picked up to help), brave, loyal to his 'pack' (the team), and going through high school as best he can. He also has to take a lot of time writing out what he wants to say with electrical bursts; very tiring.
  15. Re: Catwoman revisited If you really want to have some fun with it, there was an episode of Batman: TAS (Tyger Tyger, Season 2, Ep 14, according to my boxed sets) where this actually happens (sort of). More than just one injection, but that's because the Mad Scientist's treatment took 3 or so before it was permanent. Basically, she turned into a real cat-woman, rather like the man-bat. She was fairly cute that way, I thought.
  16. Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought Hmm... sounds like it could be fun. Looking to run this online somewhere, or in-person? As for comments - Unbreakable should be considered required watching. Great example of a Street Level Brick with minor psy powers.
  17. Re: The things I've learned playing the Stun Lottery If you score well enough, have the decency to stare in slack jawed amazement along with everybody else as Doctor Destroyer gets one-shotted by your 60 AP attack. If you act like you expected it, and especially if you gloat, the rest of the team will feel entitled to kill your character for the good of humanity.
  18. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers Now now - Tourette's is hardly her fault!
  19. Re: W W Y G M D ?? Assuming the character was legal (let's face it - this subplot coming up in the middle of a Teen Champions game has a lot nastier set of implications involved), I'd go for it. Assuming they realized that there might be some backlash, as much as good things to come of it. Particularly from a lot of his/her former straight-laced friends. But really, there's precedent for this. Anybody else remember Classic Enemies, 4th Ed., Lady Blue? Specifically mentioned that she did interview and articles with Playboy, which presumably involved at least some pics of her without her battlesuit all the way on. That's all there really is to say.... He just gave me so much to work with... I'll be having fun with this guy for a long, long time. The upshot of it: "Good news! You've won the Nobel Prize, people are erecting statues in your honor, and your reputation soars. Now the bad news. They want to you come up with a cure for AIDS, solve the energy crisis, craft world-wide weather control satellites, and develop a matter-restructuring device so that the billions upon billions of people you just put out of business don't need to work anymore. "You've got until next Tuesday." I've probably set up a plot with said character where it happened. If the player just came to talk this over with me, I'd find out why they were doing it. Any of a number of 'good reasons' for it, dramatically - if it goes for one of those, then great. Otherwise, it'll probably be a fairly short lifespan character before his old comrades take him prisoner and arrest him. Sure, he knows them better than any of their other enemies... but they know him better than any of his new ones. Then he'd be an NPC thorn in their sides, breaking out of Stronghold repeatedly. Which game? Honestly, in most of 'em, I'd let them go ahead with it. But there are very, very rarely no witnesses. Even more often the case in a Supers game. His subplots will quickly begin to resemble a Hitchcock film.
  20. Re: Krav Maga Martial Arts writeup. Isn't Krav Maga already in UMA? Or am I missing part of the story behind writing it up here?
  21. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers Personally, I'd say that he has to be able to mime whatever he's doing (so creating an invisible battleship some distance away, tricky.) Of course, he does have the versatility to be devastating yet. Drop down to the ground and talk into an invisible walkie-talkie... call in an invisible air strike. Hence the VPP for the Super Mime-icry write-up.
  22. Re: Yet ANOTHER WWYCD: Against your team
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