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Everything posted by MPT

  1. Re: ghost characters campaign I don't know if you ever started the campaign (and after 3 years it may have finished) but Lost Souls is now freely available from http://home.comcast.net/~freerpgs/lostsouls.html
  2. From the PCW website... A research paper has suggested that a warp drive capable of moving a craft at faster than the speed of light could indeed be possible. Putting the Warp into Warp Drive (http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0807/0807.1957v2.pdf) was written by Baylor University physicists Gerald Cleaver and Richard Obousy. The paper suggests that the speed of light could be broken by manipulating the fabric of space to create a bubble on which a craft could ride. Einstein's laws of relativity would not be violated by such a drive since the craft itself would remain stationary and the bubble of space would be mobile. This would also shield passengers from the enormous G forces from such acceleration. However there are significant hurdles to be overcome, most notably creating an engine powerful enough to produce such a distortion. "There is nothing that theoretically prevents the creation of warp drive," said the physicists. "Early calculations indicate that superluminal propulsion for a ship of volume 1000m3 could be achieved at an estimated energy cost of 10 to the power 45 J, or roughly the total mass-energy contained within Jupiter after using the famous relation E = mc2." This is a significant step forward, since previous calculations have shown that it would take more energy than exists in the entire universe to power such a craft. "This approach, although highly theoretical at this stage, gives us a glimpse as to how one might address the problems associated with the vast distances involved in interstellar travel, and opens up exciting new avenues for future research," the paper concluded.
  3. Re: Chtorr Gastropede (1st Draft) I liked the background in the first book - but never read the rest as they never turned up in my local library (I rarely buy novels). The idea that the only lesson that you had to pass in school was citizenship (and you could not leave until you had) is one that, perhaps, would make many countries better places today.
  4. Re: Language Games and Fantasy Languages Quenya is not the only language you can learn. Try http://www.langmaker.com/db/Main_Page and click on the Conlangs link (to the left) for a lot of "Constructed Languages". The WIKI for these is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructed_language which gives even more ideas.
  5. Re: Making Every Characteristic Point Matter
  6. In Steve's 6th Ed Post on Characteristics he wondered if it was possible to make every point of a Characteristic matter for Skills. The following is an idea that I came up with which I have never playtested but is mathematically sound. I thought I would post it here rather than in the main thread as he asked that House Rules not be posted there. Comments are welcome. The Idea What I thought was that Characteristics that were not multiples of 5 would effectively provide a 20% possibility of skill success per point over 5. It works like this. No Rounding of Skill Level Characteristic of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20…: Use the existing rules i.e. roll 3d6 and combat with the skill value of 9+(CHA/5). Skill was Rounded Down Characteristic of 1, 6, 11, 16, 21…: If the character fails the roll by 1, roll a fourth d6. If a 1 is rolled then the character has succeeded. E.g. If the character has a skill of 13- (after all modifiers) and rolls a 14 then (and only then) he rolls the fourth dice and if it is a 1 then the character has succeeded (consider them to have rolled a 13). Characteristic of 2, 7, 12, 17, 22…: As above but the character succeeds on a roll of a 1 or 2. If a 4 is rolled and the fourth dice reduces the roll to a 3, the character is not considered to have rolled a critical (the 3 must be a natural roll). Skill was Rounded Up Characteristic of 4, 9, 14, 19, 24…: If the character makes the roll exactly, roll a fourth d6. If a 6 is rolled then the character has just failed. E.g. If the character has a skill of 16- (after all modifiers) and rolls a 16 then (and only then) roll the fourth dice and if it is a 6 then the character has failed (consider them to have rolled a 17). Characteristic of 3, 8, 13, 18, 23…: As above but the character fails on a roll of 5 or 6. If a 17 is rolled and the fourth dice increases the roll to a 18, the character is not considered to have rolled a fumbled (the 18 must be a natural roll). When to Use this Rule In most circumstances the existing 3d6 roll is enough. It is only when a skill roll is vital and the user has rolled 1 above or below the required value that this extra roll is required. The Maths Bit The above system would be more acurate using a D10 (with appropriate changes), but as this is a D6 system I have kept to this for the fourth dice. Characteristic --- Skill (not rounded) --- Success using this system 10 --- 11.0 --- Normal for a skill of 11 11 --- 11.2 --- Normal for a skill of 11 +17% 12 --- 11.4 --- Normal for a skill of 11 +33% 13 --- 11.6 --- Normal for a skill of 11 +66% 14 --- 11.8 --- Normal for a skill of 11 +83% 15 --- 12.0 --- Normal for a skill of 12
  7. Re: Your "2008" Pet Gaming Projects Because of a disagreement I had with one of the players in my group, I may not be able to GM in the future. (He still GM's, and we are still friends, so it is not a big deal). If, however, I get the chance then I am thinking of running a Fantasy version of the Gestalt setting. I have been looking at other "God" related RPGs for ideas. This includes... New Gods of Mankind Divinity GURPS Religion Immortals (Mongoose Publishing D20) etc.
  8. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains How about the cat mastermind and ninjas from the movie Cats and Dogs http://catsanddogsmovie.warnerbros.com/cmp/main.html
  9. Re: The World's 10 Most Famous Uncracked Codes Whilst they are known to be books on cryptography, the three book of the Steganographia by John Dee were originally believed to be about the summoning of spirits for the transportation of messages. As Book 3 was not cracked until 1996 it could mean anything for a Pulp game. Copy of the book http://www.esotericarchives.com/tritheim/stegano.htm An article on Book 3 http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3926/is_199810/ai_n8820687
  10. Re: Create a NEW Zodiac For different zodiacs ... The Japanese version - http://japanese.about.com/library/weekly/aa100498.htm - uses 12 animals. The Mayan version - http://www.art-poster-online.com/mayan_zodiac_animals.html - uses 13 animals. The Celtic version - http://www.novareinna.com/constellation/celtic.html - allocates a Tree, Gemstone, Flower, Celestial Body, Deity and animal to each of 12 signs. The Galactic version - http://www.saros.zynet.co.uk/ingalast.html - is relatively new and uses symbols such as Law, Nurture & Trade.
  11. Re: Is MultiForm Broken? Yes it can be broken since both Multiform and Followers allow you to create character(s) with a higher points cost than that of other characters. As a GM I ban multiforms/followers where the cost of the forms/followers (characteristics+powers+skills etc.) is greater than the campaign limit minus 1/5 of that limit. So in a 150pt campaign (75 base points + 75 disadvantages) the maximum is 150 - (150/5) = 120pts.
  12. Re: Artwork for Gestalt A definite PDF buy for me (I am running out of space for books).
  13. Re: Ideas for a circus/carnival themed villain team Found another set of miniatures that may be useful for playing or ideas http://www.brigadegames.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=BGCW
  14. Re: Post Apoc Setting Whilst my own Post Apoc game is coming to an end, I too would be interested as you can never have too many ideas. If I do not use it a Post Apoc campaign, it can always be a planet visitable in Champions.
  15. Re: Ideas for a circus/carnival themed villain team If you want some figures, try these: link from West Wind Productions. The bearded ladies are especially weird.
  16. MPT

    Galactic maps

    Re: Galactic maps I have used Campaign Cartographer 2 and the Cosmographer expansion.
  17. Re: A Fun and Creepy Thought The link seems to have died. It comes up with the message... Could not find post 37159 in forum number 67 - it is no longer in our cache
  18. Re: Skill enhancers:Suggestions One of my players came up with the TF one and it did not unbalance the game.
  19. Re: Dyson Sphere (shell) - Dysonica Anyone?
  20. Re: Real-world artifact suitable for gaming If you want to create your own version of the manuscript then you can use the three Voynich fonts available from here http://fonts.goldenweb.it/index_file/l/en/d2/Freeware_fonts/c/v/start/250/default.html
  21. MPT

    Plot seeds?

    Re: Plot seeds? Most of my plots (because of my campaign) relate to what happens when planets are rediscovered. From what I know of the Traveller Universe this happens rarely, if ever, and so my plots will not really work in your campaign.
  22. Re: Ok, this is a Stargate question? You may find this link http://home.kendra.com/urania/stargate_sg1/sg1_font_glyph.htm useful - it has a copy of the gate glyphs as a truetype font.
  23. MPT

    Plot seeds?

    Re: Plot seeds? What sort of campaign are you running? I am coming to the end of GMing a Star Hero campaign myself and could possibly write up some of the plots that I have used (they mostly exist in my head), but they may not be suitable.
  24. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power
  25. Re: How Do I: Weapons with -OCV It was the lack of granualarity of Side Effect which made me ask the original question - having the same limitation for -1 OCV (5 active points) as -3 OCV (15 active points) seemed out of place given the more precise nature of most of the rules. It is interesting that many of you go along the lines of subracting the cost of OCV from the equipment's cost. This is the way that I originally thought of but just as the system bans Disadvantages as simply being the negative cost of a positive power (especially re Senses), I assumed that a similar restriction existed against skills. I realise that all the rules are mutable (I suspect we all have house rules) but an 'official' rulinng is always useful - even if you disagree with it. --- Since asking my original question I have been pointed to 'The Ultimate Martial Artist' as Maneuvers can have -OCV. As an element these cost only -1 point per -1 OCV (as opposed to the 3-5 points in the above pots) but as the maneuver must cost a minimuum of 3pts this would be -3 OCV - so the problem is still not solved for weapons with -1 and -2 OCV. As these are weapons which I am creating (as opposed to the players), I think I may go for a straight -2 per -1 OCV (the standard cost of a +1 OCV) and ignore the fact that the negative is due to a focus.
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