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Everything posted by wrestlinggeek

  1. Re: Spiderman style aerial mobility All of this seems very complicated to me. I think all it should take is: Swinging (how many inches will depend on personal preference/campaign limits) Leaping (as above) Clinging High Dex A GM with a well-developed sense of "Cool Factor." But that's just my opinion. When it comes to character design, I usually subscribe to the KISS theory.
  2. Re: Disturbing Character premises... This one wasn't disturbing to me so much as irritating. In a Shadowrun game run by another GM, there was an NPC Troll. And his streetname was Trog. For those of you who have never played Shadowrun, Trog is a racial slur against Orcs and Trolls which is supposed to be on-par with "the N-word." It always irked me that the character would call himself that, and allow others (especially Humans and Elves) to do so as well.
  3. Re: Superhero gaming suffering a lack of popularity? I've never run into the problem that many in that thread complain about of superhero PCs not being able to change the world. Has anyone else? I mean, when I'm starting a game, I ask my players what sub-genre they want to play. I ask them what they want to accomplish with their characters in-game. If they want to significantly change the world, I'll gear my game that way. If they want to fight off cosmic menaces, I'll gear it that way. And if they want to discover lost mysteries and the Secret History of The World, I'll start researching urban legends, old pulp stories, and conspiracy theories:). There are large diffrences between Rising Stars, JLA, and Planetary, but I classify them all as types of superhero stories, and enjoy them all as what they are.
  4. Re: WWYD: The Perfect Partner (potentially controversial) Wouldn't see myself using one as a replacement partner, or recommending such to anyone else. However, if we could afford it, I could see the wife and me getting one of the female models for use as housekeeper and (together) ultimate sex toy.
  5. Re: Build your own amalgam superhuman Oh, right! Sorry. So we drop GL (I slotted The Ray for Energy Blasts anyway), and replace him with... Magneto! Yeah, let's throw in some magnetic manipulation.
  6. Re: The futures of the past. The future used to be so much cooler.
  7. Re: Build your own amalgam superhuman OK, let's see: Strength/Flight/Invulnerability: Superman Telepathy/Invisiblity/Shape-Changing: Martian Manhunter Energy Blasts/Constructs: Green Lantern Super Speed: The Flash Energy Blasts: The Ray (yes, he was in the JLA) Whoa. Looks like I've just built Amazo. Would have mixed up Marvel and DC characters, but OP said any heroes had to have teamed together before, so... JLA it is.
  8. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign True. And IIRC "The American Way" wasn't added until the '50s and the George Reeves-starring TV program. Of course, I've always considered "The American Way" to represent the highest ideals that America was founded on. Freedom, democracy, equality, things like that.
  9. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns Sorry, but you can steal ideas from someone without calling them your hero. Your statement was that Lex Luthor was Joe Cool's HERO. Your hero isn't someone you just take ideas from, but someone you look up to and seek to emulate.
  10. Re: "Sorry m'am, you'll have to check your hand grenades." Never really had the problem come up. Unless the PCs were strictly local, then somebody in the group (or their benefactor) always had some way to get everybody and all their gear wherever they needed to go.
  11. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns So, what, he's a villain?
  12. Re: (really) Super Tuesday I'm srealing most of this . Only thing I'd change, as far as these particular ideas go, is that I would work to eliminate the income tax instead of capping it. Although capping it would be a good first step.
  13. Re: (really) Super Tuesday Destroy their ability to ever threaten us or our allies again (pretty much already accomplished), get the foreign terrorists (most of the real "insurgents") out, and make the country safe for their own people. Arrange and oversee elections so that everyone has an equal voice in their government, and maintain stablity long enough to ensure that everyone understands that reprisals for ancient wrongs and factional/tribal/religious in-fighting won't be tollerated. Might take a while, I know; but my answer to "when will we pull out of Iraq?" is "right after we pull out of Germany and Japan."
  14. Re: (really) Super Tuesday No, but any character I made who was old enough, eligible, and willing to run would have that platform. That's pretty much my politics. I have played characters who have wildly different political views from my own, just as I have played characters who have different religious views than mine.
  15. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns Actually, quite the opposite. He statted out the average marine as having a 12 Int.
  16. Re: (really) Super Tuesday I don't know if any of my characers would run, but I can probably figure out their platform if they did: War in Iraq: Pull the press out and take the gloves off the military. Tell them to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Same Sex Unions: Not my concern. Let the individual states decide how they want to handle it. Same with abortion. Health Care: How about this; I'll cut your taxes enough so that you can pay for your own health care. Energy: Drill in Alaska. Build more nuclear power plants. Make research into alternative energy sources profitable. Illegal Immigration: Build a fence. Enforce the laws we already have on the books. Make people understand that illegal means illegal, no matter what word comes after it. The Economy: Cut taxes. This will increase spending, investing, and saving. Cut them across the board. This will also lead to the creation of more jobs. Start charging other countries teriffs (sp?) on the goods we import. Make these equivalent to the ones we pay when they import something from us. Cut off financial aid to unfriendly countries. We send them money, food, clothes, medicine, and emergency supplies, and all we ever get from them in return is hatred. Fine, they don't want our influence, they can go without our help, too. Any important issues I've overlooked?
  17. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory Came up with these back in Middle School: TEC (Terrorism Elimination Control), and their opposite number, PIT (Program for International Terror). Oh, and STARS (Super Trooper Advance Recon Squad).
  18. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns OK, I do enjoy those kind of games. It's just that, from what it seems reading your previous posts, the regular military (not even Special Forces), would not only have more ammo and more brawn than the PCs, but they would also have more skill and the ability for more thought. Maybe it's just a knee-jerk reaction from having played with a couple of GMs who thought their role in the game was to show the players that the PCs were nothing special. When the "extraordinary people" needed to deal with these "extraordinary circumstances" are less competent than the regular army, what does that say to the players?
  19. Re: Most Obscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game
  20. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory Let's see: I've used OMEN (Operation for Metahuman Elimination, Now) and SHOC (Super Humans Operation Command). In an alternate Marvel U game, I had SHIELD (Super Human Incident Emergency Location Detail). I have used MARS (Mercenarry Armed Response Service) in the past. Let's see, what else...? I'm sure more will come to me later.
  21. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign But I wouldn't categorize someone with those skills as a "normal guy with a gun." I think most of the arguing in this thread is between people saying "Normal guys with guns shouldn't be much challenge for supers," and people saying "But, you're wrong; guys with guns can be a challenge for supers," not seeing the "normal" in the first opinion, and changing "shouldn't" to "couldn't." just my $0.02
  22. Re: '70s TV Supers I've tried to run a couple games on HC, but it never seemed to work for me. Play-by-post just doesn't mesh with my style. I tried to run a play-by-chat game once, but couldn't find a time when everyone could log on at the same time. No, what I really need is a face-to-face game.
  23. Re: '70s TV Supers Of course, this is all just an intellectual excercise for me, anyway, as it seems I'll probably never get a group together to play this or any other campaign.
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