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HERO Member
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Everything posted by Dino

  1. Here Here! I would like to see most powers start out no range/no end/visible ect. and let people pay more uniform base costs. (If you want your normal damage attack to work at range then buy ranged for it. Want it to add to your STR? buy and advantage for that. Otherwise it just does it's base damage as a touch attack.)
  2. Mind Control implies that other people are affected by the character's emotional state (I'm angry so now you are too). If the character just telegraphs his emotion to anybody around, then this is just a Distinctive Feature. It's wrong to make a character pay points for a power that doesn't do anything.
  3. I know it sounds kina juvenile, but (for high COM female characters) PS: Stripper is a really great job. Flexible hours, great money, and no real qualifications other than being able to dance. Plus you can troll for weirdos to thug and make the world just a little bit safer (and less sticky...)
  4. Can a character with entangle make his entangles go away after he creates them?(And if so, would not being able to be worth a limitation?) Would he need a dispell power to do so? On a related note, can you cancel an uncontrolled power?
  5. Write the character up as a spirit. Give him inherent Desolidification and Invisiblity, plus a really big Mind Control (affects real world?) to literally possess his victim. You can also sell back a lot of his physical stats, and give him disads to reflect his inablility to survive with out a host body.
  6. If a character has Desolidification bought to 0 End, can he take a recovery in a phase that he starts out desolid?
  7. Neither adresses my real question. I will attempt an example: A STR10 character has a base 2" leap. He buys +3" leaping at a cost of 3 points, giving him 5" total which is the doubling point. After many adventures, he spends experiance to raise his STR to 20. This gives him 4" leaping base, for a total of 7" leap. Does he now have to pay extra for the last two inches?
  8. In a heroic game, does a character buy up his leap distance from 2" or his STR distance from the chart, and if the latter, how do you determine the doubleing point?
  9. Crashed Randy and Glen's linked Fantasy Hero games and had a blast. There were quite a few Hero games running this year, 'though many had poor character guidelines posted so I stayed away. Darren: See you guys at KublaCon. (I was the guy fawning over the Ultimate Vehicle you gave to Randy.)
  10. Why is Only within 4" of a surface (ultimate vehicle) a -1/2 limitation, when Only in contact with a surface is only a -1/4?
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