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Brian Stanfield

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    Brian Stanfield reacted to Norm in Armor with Body?   
    Yes, it was part of a pack that was released by BlackWyrm when Star Hero 6E came out back in 2011.  I did not realize it until I just looked...  But they  actually have the PDF version still in the Store.  I was interested in some of them, so bought the books when they came out.
    I love to reuse or get a starting point by begging, borrowing, or stealing ideas.  One scientist's steam powered armor could easily be turned into some engineer's clockwork armor or some magician's metal golem.  Seems like it is the only way I can get some things done now that I am married and have a kid.  Great way to learn also.
  2. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Scott Ruggels in Need More HERO   
    Still is fun!
  3. Thanks
    Brian Stanfield got a reaction from Norm in Armor with Body?   
    If you look at Fantasy Hero 6e, p. 225, there are some suggestions on how armor may show wear and break down. It could easily be applied to futuristic armor. 
  4. Thanks
    Brian Stanfield got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Need More HERO   
    And to think we did all that stuff without complaint because it was fun!
  5. Thanks
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Surrealone in Abort to dispel   
    Per 6e1 p193:
    Dispelling Incoming Attacks
    A character can use Dispel to protect himself from incoming attacks, but he must have a Held Action. Assuming the Dispel applies to the attack, he uses his Held Action to “attack” the incoming attack with his Dispel. He rolls his Dispel dice (he doesn’t have to make an Attack Roll, though this does constitute an Attack Action). He Dispels the attack if the total of the Dispel dice exceeds the Active Points in the attack. The Power Defense of the character making the incoming attack (if any) doesn’t apply to reduce the Dispel effect roll.
    Thus, to answer the original question:
    No, you cannot Abort (key word: abort) to Dispel per RAW … and I would not permit it.  Key to this is that it requires an attack roll and, thus, is an Attack Action (i.e. not a defensive action).  This is why a Held Action is required …
  6. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to BoloOfEarth in Dimensional Lock   
    Overall, I'm good with just using a new Advantage (Cannot be Escaped with EDM; +1/4).  As I'm the GM, and the main reason I'm currently asking is for one group of bad guys to stop another group of bad guys from escaping a death trap (in which the PCs may also find themselves), there's no problem getting GM approval.  However, I'm a believer in "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" and I expect at some point the PCs (both the team mage or gadgeteer have VPPs) will want to stop a supervillain from using EDM to escape.  Since the PC gadgeteer can study what the one bad group did to block EDM (after defeating the death trap, of course) it shouldn't be hard for them to replicate.  I'm okay with that.
    For the non-EDM powers with "extra-dimensional" SFX that Christopher mentioned, I'd expect adding Cannot be Escaped with Teleport (+1/4) and Affects Desolidified (+1/2) should take care of most of them. 
    (Edit to add)  And I expect tacking on all three of those Advantages should increase the cost of a Barrier enough to make it appropriate for the effect such a Power is having.
    Thank you all for your input. 
  7. Like
    Brian Stanfield got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Dimensional Lock   
    I think, based on how powers are usually categorized as offensive, defensive, or movement, EDM is not an offensive power when used on oneself, but a movement power. Used on another is a different issue. But in terms of creating a globe which prevents movement, that would be the attack in this situation (like a drain, etc.), not a defense (unless EDM is being used against you). Your point is well taken, however, that the power shouldn’t have to be so incredibly expensive even if it is considered an attack. 
  8. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I posted something on the Book of Face a few weeks ago to which one of my friends responded "Yeah, I don't think us puny humans can do anything to affect the Earth." To which I had to reply, "One puny human over the course of a single human life time? You're probably right. 12 or 15 or 20 billion humans over the course of two and a half or three centuries? You'd have to be crazy not to at least consider the possibility."
    Human beings are notoriously bad at understanding really big numbers.
  9. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Oh -- and I've encountered a few people who argued, "The world is so big and humans are so small. How can anything we do affect it?" This comes, I think, from an instinctive innumeracy held over from the 99.9% of human history when no community exceeded a few hundred people, and the total human population was in the millions. Look at the Earth from space at night, and you realize that seven billion of us (and rising fast) are no small thing.
    As a further addendum, I don't doubt that some people on the left do use climate change as a screen for their own social/political/spiritual agendas. But that's not the fault of climatologists. And some people on the left show their own areas of science denial, for reasons that are just as irrational as anything on the right.
    Dean Shomshak
  10. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    A variety of reasons, I think. Or at least so I've heard.
    I heard an interview with a scientist who's moonlights trying to explain climate science to Evangelicals; she considers herself devoutly Christian as well. She said that many Evangelicals see the whole environmental movement as pagan Earth Worship, so they disbelieve anything they associate with it.
    I have also seen plenty of letters to the editor in my local newspaper from Christians who insist that humans cannot possibly change God's creation on such a scale.
    If you admit that humans are so mighty, Evangelicals see this saying that God is not Almighty, and that is blasphemy. All within the broader context of the conflict between "Things happen because of natural law that doesn't care who you are or what you do" and "Things happen by the will of a God who cares a great deal who you are and what you do."
    So if many Evangelicals see climate science as stealth paganism, there also seems to be a camp of conservatives (or libertarians who caucus with them) who see climate science as stealth Communism. It's all a ploy to undercut capitalism and impose a tyrannical World Government that will dictate everything you do and crush the heroic entrepreneur.
    Again, there's an element of power struggle over who gets to be recognized as a social authority figure. Do a bunch of goddamn liberal ivory tower academic scientists get to tell rich successful captains of industry what to do? And there's a populist spin as well: Do those elite scientists get to say you can't have your SUV? Again, I've seen letters to the editor that angrily declare that "Nobody tells me what I can and can't drive or what light bulb I should use!"
    There may be other camps within climate change denialism (besides the pure self-interest of the fossil fuel industry), but these are the two I've encountered.
    Dean Shomshak
  11. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Norm in Armor with Body?   
    Thank you everyone for responding.  For some reason the way that the armor pieces work in Fallout 4 power armor was giving me a bit of analysis paralysis.  
    I have been perusing various Hero System based books for examples of power(ed) armor.  
    Star Hero pointed me towards Hero System Equipment guide. Hero System Equipment Guide has some good write-ups of powered armor. Kazei 5 have powered armor and mechs sections.  The Widening Gyre has some steam-powered armor.  Hey...  they have great descriptions....  who doesn't want a set of Death Badger armor!?!? And yes...  I was one of the people that got the multi-book (6 I think) set from BlackWyrm when Star Hero 6E was released.
    I have also been looking around the files area for Hero Designer on this site.  There are write-ups for Traveller and Warhammer 40K conversions.  Speaking of Traveller, I bought the Traveller Hero CDROM from Far Future (http://farfuture.net/) a while ago.  I need to crack that open and look through it.
    No matter what I do, I plan on writing it up in Hero Designer and uploading it.
    Thank you again for your time and help.
  12. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to bluesguy in Abort to dispel   
    I would say if a mage wants that they should build the spell with a trigger and prep the spell ahead of time.  Maybe the trigger is "To abort to a defensive action to dispel spell directed at mage"
  13. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to megaplayboy in High School package deals?   
    I dunno if they had something like this in, say, Teen Champions, but it occurs to me that some of the broad cliques/stereotypes associated with high school kids(particularly in the US) could be modeled as package deals.  For example, the Jock, the Nerd, the Cheerleader, the Goth Kid, the Redneck, the Thug/Bully, the Band Member, etc.  They wouldn't necessarily be expensive packages, but might be a useful base for any campaign centered around high school PCs.   Thoughts?
  14. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Christopher in Multi-Dimensional Connections/Perks on the Fly   
    APG 2 (I think) has rules for various Pools: Equipment. Vehicles. Contacts.
    It is geared towards heroic level games, where you can have many weapons without always carrying them all and a lot of "contacts of the week".
    Primarily it seems about limiting fielded vs owned equipment for Heroic games.
    But it is a bit of a offshoot of VPP's and a more granular way to reward players too, so it might be applicable to a wider array of settings.
  15. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to mallet in Multi-Dimensional Connections/Perks on the Fly   
    Well for contacts, the Universal Contact perk from the Ultimate Skill book (5th and 6th Ed.) is exactly what you want. 
    From the description:
    "A character with this Talent has friends everywhere — literally. No matter where he goes or what sort of help he needs, he always seems to know “just the right person” to turn to for information or assistance.
    Universal Connections costs 20 Character Points"
    More rules follow that, and you can spend extra points to make the Contacts more useful, etc... and work with the GM on extra, etc...
    All the "Universal" skills, Perks, etc... seem to have a base cost of 20 character points, so that might a good jumping off point for stuff like "Universal Wealth", etc... So maybe the GM would allow you to spend 20 Character points, to have "Universal Wealth" which is equal to having 5 points of Wealth in almost all dimensions, then maybe have an activation roll (11- or something) to start with to see if it applies to any particular dimension you end up in. 
  16. Like
    Brian Stanfield got a reaction from Christopher in Armor with Body?   
    If you look at Fantasy Hero 6e, p. 225, there are some suggestions on how armor may show wear and break down. It could easily be applied to futuristic armor. 
  17. Haha
    Brian Stanfield reacted to dmjalund in Need More HERO   
    when I see this thread title I keep thinking of:
  18. Thanks
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Steffen in Overpowered or not (Metamorph with all the Powers)?   
    You shouldn't be put off by the problems we are experiencing. If your players are cooperative and you didn't have problems with them before you will probably also not have problems with them when playing Champions.
  19. Sad
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Steffen in Overpowered or not (Metamorph with all the Powers)?   
    Thanks for the good wishes but as I wrote when resurrecting the thread we will only play about two more times to finish the story arc and then never again play Champions with the non-compliant players. The complaints and discussions have spoiled the  campaign for my girlfriend (Magical Girl character) and me.
  20. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Steffen in Overpowered or not (Metamorph with all the Powers)?   
    Yes, we started our first session with 100 point characters but everyone was fully aware that the characters would only be slightly super in the beginning. The GM told us that we could only afford 2-4 powers for the first session but that we would be able to increase or buy powers very quickly although it would take some time before we would be as powerful as comic book or movie superheroes. Our characters should start as "people with powers" similar to the "Heroes" TV show so that criminals with guns would pose a danger and slowly evolve into superheroes.
    During the first session we played the origin story, discovered and used some of our new powers and mainly talked and used skills. We got 10 points for this and 5-15 points after the following sessions so we could quickly improve our characters.
    Maybe there is a communication problem but then it is with the two other players who dismiss the information they receive from the GM.
  21. Like
    Brian Stanfield got a reaction from massey in Overpowered or not (Metamorph with all the Powers)?   
    It sounds like maybe there’s a communication problem with the GM here? Just to review, it sounds like you have 100 point characters. Is this true? Because that’s really the source of the problem, even for beginning supers. It’s crazy-low points, which will leave everyone feeling dissatisfied if they think they will have powers that can do anything useful. 50 points with a 25 point AP cap doesn’t sound like anybody could build a character they’d be happy with. Perhaps the GM had an idea that everyone would eventually grow into useful powers as they get experience? This would be a slow process, but has some merit as long as this is communicated to the group. 
    Yeah, this really sounds like a problem with GM expectations, communication, and enforcement. Champions is not hard to learn at a basic level, but it takes a long time to master. It sounds like perhaps the group ought to hit a reset button and rebuild their characters with a better understanding of what the constraints are. And the GM needs to be more proactive in a supervisory role with the character building process. 
  22. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Lord Liaden in Ulronai Jokes   
    This is a concept that I never thought of, but it makes so much sense. Bravo, Lucius!
    Q. What's good about having an Ulronai porter?
    A. They always know the fastest route out of town.
    Q. What's bad about having an Ulronai porter?
    A. They take your luggage with them.
    Q. What do Ulronai call a dagger?
    A. A back scratcher.
  23. Haha
    Brian Stanfield got a reaction from IndianaJoe3 in Cheek Pouches?   
    This sounds like a good idea. If you look at The Ultimate Base you can design a small, highly limited base in your cheeks. 
    You could also also created a pocket dimension with Extra Dimensional Movement and Stretching (think: bag of holding), with many limitations related to its size, the small mouth opening, and detectable in “this” dimension (big fat cheeks).
  24. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Steffen in Overpowered or not (Metamorph with all the Powers)?   
    That's correct. The GM tried to keep the challenges and fights suitable for our characters.
    However, I have to admit that the low starting points have been a problem for the player of the TK character. She wanted to make a reluctant character that would would never be seen with the group and would look like an innocent bystander when using her powers while the rest of us were fighting villains. All of her powers were supposed to be completely invisible and cost no endurance at all but this resulted in a very low TK Strength and Blast so she was unhappy. Oh yes, and she wanted to have a gun.
    The GM was unhappy because from the start he had asked us to create good superheroes without Killing Attacks that wanted to help people and explicitly mentioned to not have brooding misanthropes with deep seated emotional problems that refused to be part of the group.
    The ensuing discussions and arguments were the main reason why my enthusiasm was quickly curbed.
  25. Like
    Brian Stanfield reacted to Duke Bushido in Browsing through the HERO store   
    Okay, heard back from the seller.  She says "keep it; no difference in price." 
    She felt it was likely a grading error on someone's part, or someone ordered a new one and got the fair-to-good one, but as the only other transaction on that title was over four years ago, she felt if someone had received the wrong copy they ould have complained by now.
    So now I've got to find a complete but less pristine copy to make my ultimate portable version. 
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