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Everything posted by Tech

  1. Re: Invisibility and Haymaker
  2. Re: Extra Extra: Is 5ER actually bullet proof One of the players in our group made a chainmail dice bag. Seriously! She's making all sorts of chainmail things.. yes, things.. scary thought, isn't it?
  3. Re: Why Kill At All? [non-seriousness on] Well, it seems to me that there are some villains that just needed to be killed. Yep, some of them need to be gutted like a kipper! [seriousness back on]
  4. Re: Why Kill At All? Agreed, OddHat. Everyone's campaign is different; mine for example holds a very high morality standard whereas someone else's won't. My campaign is occasionally very lighthearted whereas someone else's may have a constantly gritty theme.
  5. I'd build this myself but frankly don't have the time right now. Here's the effects; I'll let you decide how to build it. A field that repels any attack that could damage (i.e. hurt or cause pain) the originator. If the attack isn't powerful to actually connect with the originator of the field, the attack is reflected back at the attacker. This effect is constantly on until the originator decides to turn it off. Okay, get to it!
  6. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? The middle one didn't make me laugh so I didn't include it but these two, this are rich material! Hilarious - I have got to tell my friends these two.
  7. Re: Does anyone know a site where I can get a third edition character sheet?
  8. Re: Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich Review Got the game some time ago, played it, won it, converted meshes from first game to this game, etc. Overall, fun stuff!
  9. Re: Supervillain Images Here's a lady I've had for awhile but still haven't written up yet: Seaweed. If anyone wants to, write up some stats for her.
  10. Re: Body Drains and Stunning Ah, as I am well familiar with and am aware of the differences and nuances of the various powers. It was more of a pitting similar effects, though different, on a hero regardless of how it's actually built. One attack is stopped by resistant defenses and causes Body and Stun damage whereas the other is stopped by Power Defense and, in the case of my example, only caused Body damage. The end result of my example being that the hero lost Body. However, as Sean Waters stated, you can be injured and not really know the extend of that damage.
  11. Assuming a hero with no special resistance to killing attacks is hit with a Killing Attack, the hero will be injured, taking Body damage and Stun damage. If Stun is high enough from the Killing Attack, the hero will become Stunned and if Body damage is high enough, mortally injured. Now, take that same hero who has no Power Defense and he's hit with 30 pts of Body Drain. Assuming he had 15 Body, the hero just became mortally injured but the hero isn't Stunned; the hero also remains at his full Stun points on top of this. This is, of course, unless I've missed a rule somewhere. Now, I was wondering if anyone's scratched their head pondering this interesting but puzzling situation. Shouldn't the hero who's had massive pts of Body points drained be reeling or even Stunned from the attack?
  12. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? Ok, I didn't want to have to subject myself to these but since you asked so kindly: Polaroid - a hero who wants to take photograph pictures with his eyes and when developed, pull them out of his stomach. Captain Uncouth - basically an overweight guy wearing jeans and a dirty t-shirt that shows off his potbelly. He's filthy, unshaven and flies fly around him. His power? He scratches his belly and does an area effect belch. Amoeba Man - covered this in other threads but *sigh*, he actually got used once by a player, much to everyone's regret. Fortunately, Duplication didn't exist as a power back then. Still, we all laugh about it over ten years later.
  13. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? Someone who calls themselves a hero yet callously kills when killing isn't the only option is no hero but someone deserving of a long jail sentence at the very least. No killer superhero has been allowed in the campaign and I don't see that changing. It's interesting that this is brought up in that when I GM, the game is for the heroes. Yet, there have been a few deaths of criminals caused by superheros. In each of these cases, it became the last thing to do as there was no other choice. There have even been a few cases where the heroes actually managed to defeat the supervillain without killing even though it became a heated battle where the heroes were fearing losses on both sides. One case: my very first and still-used hero, NEUTRON, met the Nest Leader who had caused him to become superpowered in the first place. FYI, I created Neutron before the Enemies I & II books so I didn't copy the name. The Nest Leader had done what every hero fears: found out all the background information about him that there was, including name, family, etc. After his wife (also superpowered) was kidnapped by Viper and eventualy rescued by Neutron, the Nest Leader decided on a showdown and demanded Neutron meet him in person. Neutron agreed, knowing that this was a give-up-or-else situation; his life, his families' life and his friends were all in danger. Neutron didn't even bother trying to use his powers as he correctly gauged that the Nest Leader was protected against his powers. He went straight for a Viper knife as did the Nest Leader. The battle ended with Neutron injured badly and the Nest Leader dead. I'm glad to have players who create the kind of heroes that live their lives to be the stuff of legends; the stuff that newspapers write about, kids want to be like and even fangroups form to talk about the heroes.
  14. Re: Request for plot ideas for an Anarchist villain team. I enjoy this group alot, except for the fact that Blight is the leader. C'mon, already! He has a 0 COM, he looked diseased & rotted, if he continually oozes and has a gangrenous odor about him - and he's the leader? The rest of the group descriptions have him being treated like he's normal in appearance but he's anything but. This is my only beef with this group. I made Blaze the leader instead, making her slightly more capable.
  15. Re: Is this acceptable? I'm not quite as good as doing the Searches as others are. I tried searching for the above and found too much unrelated posts to search through.
  16. Re: Hot Shot Pilot, Is it worth it? I don't have Star HERO so I can't actually make a decisive say in this matter. However.. 72 pts for a talent? What's it do, give you +50 to your Skill, only for stunts (-1/2)? Wait, that'd only come out to 67 pts. Okay, I'm curious.
  17. Re: Stupid question I agree with Doc.
  18. Re: What is YOUR favorite Champions character? I agree there. As a matter of fact, I'm going to use Citadel in a Viper plot along with a few other criminals.. and they're just cannon fodder for the real plot which tells you something Night Raven, of the power that will be coming afterwards.
  19. Tech

    Battlemap Fun

    Re: Battlemap Fun Yes, yes indeed. It figures you'd say that Supreme Serpent.. especially since you're going to be in my episode! You, along with all your loyal Viper criminals there to make sure you wipe out the heroes with the U-1250. I've heard of letting your source material speak on it's own but this is too much! Waitaminute, I'm the GM, not the players. Oh, well, in that case, good ideas!
  20. Tech

    Battlemap Fun

    Re: Battlemap Fun I didn't want to step on Hero Games' toes by writing out the entire desciption of it. Basically, it's a powerful energy AE RKA to be used against heroes. It's a mounted weapon requiring 2 people to utilize it.
  21. Tech

    Battlemap Fun

    I'm going to be running an episode on a battlemap (maybe even two!) which may very well be turn out to be a major Viper incident in our campaign. For those of you who have the old Viper book, the Prime Serpent has gotten the components to create the U-1250. One hero has infiltrated Viper for months now (been out of active playing) and uncovered the location of where the testing will be taking place. Many villains in Viper's service will be there, just in case. The heroes are going to be launching an attack on them this time, instead of reacting to a crisis caused by them. Loads of fighting to occur and lots of damage. The problem is: I have a mental block and can't think of a place where it'll be tested! A desert is a bad place since there's no need for a battlemap. Caves are nice but nah, I nixed that. Ideas anyone? Think battlemap size.
  22. Re: Knockback Reduction Mm, I'd be willing to go with that. I might also write it up as: Knockback Resistance -20", can only resist up to half of the inches of KB done
  23. Re: Art for my Friends of Justice Pulp Hero Convention Game Top row, middle for me. That'd be #2.
  24. Re: Character fiction: Shadows Of Things Past First, let me congratulate you on daring to use 'odd' numbers in her write-up, such as a 9 Str, 19 Com, etc. I'd read a few posts where people refuse to use stats like that because they're not being used to maximum effect. A little on the lower side of power yet still effective. It keeps well with her age and concept and I'll add, it's a refreshing pace from the 14d6, 6 Speed monsters out there. One question though: where did she learn the skill Bureaucratics from? Oh yes, almost forgot: I liked the foggy eyes effect. You could have gone with something like 'Eyes that are as black as night' or something but didn't.
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