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Everything posted by Drhoz

  1. Re: WWYCD: Out of Focus, in the know Yes, any connection between Vitus and Cthulhu is alarming - because amongst the the various plans he's drafted is his scheme to sacrifice a Great Old One, and use that energy to remake his lost home universe. Or just write over this one, whichever is quicker.
  2. Re: STRONGHOLD -- What Do You Want To See? How does Stronghold cope with non-standard biologys and powers? In particular, an alien magic-worker? I wonder about this because Vitus, my own character, has a very good chance of ending up in Stronghold one of these days - no evil clones required. Would the staff risk putting him in Hot Sleep given his non-human biochemistry? It could well be fatal - and how could they test it? His abilities are quite easy restrained - just cuff his wrists behind his back and he's mostly helpless...And it's not as if he's going to TELL anybody how easily he can be disarmed. And if they take all his gear off him he won't be able to speak the language, and taking his translator off without destroying it would require minor surgery (it's a one-piece earring) On the other hand, if all powers are surpressed regardless of source, then Vitus would probably be be able to hold his own - he's a 7-foot-plus carnivore with long experience shoving long cylindrical objects - such as bronze staves, or in a pinch prison broomsticks - into places they're not supposed to go. How many inmates would an imprisoned 'hero' have to maim (in self defence, allegedly) before they put him in solitary?
  3. Re: WWYCD: Out of Focus, in the know interesting... I wonder if they'd be visible to Vitus's magical senses. Zero's mental ones would apparently be more than sufficient. Either way, Vitus would be happy to test whether inserting 11d6 of Auraflow energy into the Attendants head-space would be terminally disruptive. He'ld probably prepare a few "True-Seeing" lenses in advance and hand them around, just in case his colleagues don't believe him.
  4. Re: Just For Fun - Comedy Clip RE: "Superscience" LOL - i'm amused by the further physics arguments, in the comments.
  5. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so *applauds your historical verisimilitude*
  6. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... nah, super-narcissism is when you stare entranced at your reflection in a pool of bubbling antimatter.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Mob-boss Mahoney rigged a boarding school to explode if he was ever removed from his safe-house. The Spectre snuck in and pistol-whipped him into unconciousness before he could mention this important fact. The resultant Chunky Schoolgirl Incident has made public-relations a bit frosty, and has the Spectre feeling somewhat guilty about it all. Vitus D'rhazz ul Kashrak ur R'raschd takes a small oppurtunity to turn the screws whilst he has the chance. "I note that for all the long, long year that I have been stuck here, you have asked, demanded, BEGGED that I hamstring my own abilities, use only my feeblest magics on unarmed civilians, refrain from using my knowledge to remake this world into something better... and in the end, it's YOUR actions that blow up 60 schoolgirls. I find a certain comedy in this." And as if we weren't busy enough with the up-coming courtcases, and kidnap attempts, and so on, yet more superbeings are turning up in town. "What is this, is Nebraska becoming the home-away-from-home for itinerant gods?" One of the latest batch is the Crusader, the Jerusalem Knight. He has a chariot. A golden chariot. A flying golden chariot. The horsies are flesh and blood tho. "You can lead a horse to water - and make them fly 30 feet up, apparently." The Crusader is in town working the will of the One True God . He seemed a little dissappointed by the locals (read as : just shy of frothing at the mouth) when he discovered the Skeleton Crew headquarters filled to the brim with various sorts of iniquity. Vitus, who has had a lot of experience with the divine and their agents, probably didn't help with his opening remark on the doorstep. "So, which pantheon do you work for?" and followed this up with "Oh, A Monotheist! How cute!" and further "You're claiming that there's one god, responsible for everything. Altho that would explain why this dimension is so pathetic, it's chronically under-staffed." "Of course there's more than one god! I know of four that live in this city! Hell, I rent my apartment from one! Actually, make that three, I suspect one got eaten." The Crusader's inquiries into our own religious background didn't reassure him either. Crusader : "And in which church were you raised, Brother?" The Spectre : "Southern Baptist" Crusader, relaxing : "A fine denomination" The Spectre : "Then I switched to Shinto." The Storm Lord : "Shinto? Buddhism, here." Crusader, shaking a bit by this point, and turning to the 7-plus foot tall hyena : "And you?!" Vitus happily rattling off his religious history : "Well, started off with Alla-Tandassi-Anbar, the God of Throwing Copper, but that was mostly family obligation, you understand. Then I sponsored the revival of Usimagarus, as the Alchemical Prophet. Lately it's been this new god. Dunno its name yet, but it seems like an interesting one and I'm sure I'll learn more about him as he builds up a local fanbase. :D" We do, of course, ask him about his faith (even tho he started it), just to get a few facts straight and to try and to identify which OneTrueGod he's actually talking about. Crusader : "THE God! He sent his only beloved son to Earth to redeem the sins of Man!" The Spectre : "well, that narrows it down to three." Also questions about the post-mortem geography. Given that one member of the party already has a private afterlife in store, and Vitus has walked barefoot thru a couple, this didn't go down as planned either. Vitus : "Afterlife? Been there. Didn't like it. Came back" Oddly enough, the Crusader didn't even stay for the nice cup of tea I ordered my students to brew up for our guest. He did make one last attempt to save this benighted nest of apostates and sinners, by leaving us some literature, by some bloke named Gideon, apparently. I don't think it's going to work. Vitus : "Already read it. Gratifying amount of sex and bloodshed in the first half, but got a little repetitive after that" I won't even mention what happened when he called our member Felicity - who hasn't even gone on a date with her boyfriend yet - a harlot, but I do still think we'll be seeing some more of this gentleman...
  9. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so Yeah, but if you're really evil, you get recruited. Or so you've heard - from Evil priests. Alternatively, be as monstrous bastard all your life, then beg forgiveness on your deathbed. It supposedly works in this reality
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Chunky Schoolgirl Incident, or the elephant thing? You'll hear more about the Incident (let's just say it's Chunky as in salsa) over coming weeks. Re: elephant, no idea, and neither does she. Put it down to brain derailment mid-sentence.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... regarding Fred Phelps and the other noxious publicity hounds of the Westboro Baptist Church, and the Chunky Schoolgirl Incident currently creating fallout in our Champions game Me : "they don't need an excuse to show up" Purrdence : "Yeah, they'll show up to the opening of an .... elephant"
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Kryptonite ammo, available at your local Wal-Mart
  13. Re: WWYCD The aliens are here Well, Vitus has nothing against Dr Destroyer. If it didn't seem simpler just to give up this dimension as a bad job, and actually carry out his occasionally muttered threat to write over the top, he'ld team up. If they're that desperate for resources I'll teach them a few dimensional gates and tell them to **** off home. Of course, i'll let them discover about Elementals all by themselves... hehehheh Truman, on the other hand, would freak. He's got Destroyer as a hunted, for impersonating the guy to avoid a mugging.
  14. Re: Australia in the current CU "Black Mountain" Fortean in google will give you some ideas, I'm sure
  15. Re: Australia in the current CU
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Once again, Vitus has had to deal with people who refuse to believe in magic. How many times has he had to test this assertion, empirically, on them? As we wait for them to regain conciousness, he complains. Vitus : "Of course I've got magic, I got rid of those annoying Eurostar vermin, didn't I? And they've never come back to bother us." Orca : "You scattered them across the multiverse with one word and a rock!" GM, as Fiacho, acting out why they never came back to Nebraska, even after the rest of the multiverse booted them back to Earth : "I'll show him! Once I finish MY dimensional bomb we'll go back and show him who's got the power here." Mentalla : "Dimensional Bomb? Where did he drop it?" Fiacho : "At his own feet." ( long pause ) "Tell you what, let's NOT go back to Nebraska, OK?"
  17. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so 24) Dragons are colour-coded for your convinience
  18. Re: Need a "clean" world map much better - altho Africa looks quite odd at that angle, doesn't it?
  19. Re: Need a "clean" world map geez, that projection distorts the Arctic islands... Quick, supervillians! Conquer Greenland! It's bigger than South America!
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I only pointed out to Fred that friends don't hurt friends, that there was other stuff in the universe apart from himself and the D.O.C.T.O.R that kept zapping him whenever he was naughty! how was I supposed to know that Fred was a monstrously powerful 6-foot embryo in a sensory deprivation tank?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Vitus has started self-defence classes for his students, and they're gathering in the Danger Room. The Spectre : "We have a Danger Room?" Vitus : "The one we moved all the furniture out of." Vitus hands out the Nerf Bats, and starts explaining the importance of not being distracted during combat. At this prearranged signal, 3 walks stark naked across the room. As the students goggle, Vitus clubs the nearest across the head. "Conversely, it is also important to remain aware of your surroundings during combat. Such as that over there." *pointing to an entirely blank wall* When they look, he clubs them again.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Persons unknown have put up a million dollar reward on capturing The Spectre alive, with a deadline of 6 days. plans are discussed. Including the possibility of stashing him away in the Storm Lord's pocket afterlife for a week. The company - all the previous incumbents - leaves something to be desired. Previous Storm Lord : "I was the Storm Lord for a week! A week!" The Spectre : "Well, at least you got a reward out of it." PSL : *scoffing* "Yeah, black eternity with only other Storm Lords to talk to" The Spectre : "Well how do you know you weren't destined for Hell?" PSL : " .... good point." Amongst those attempting to claim the prize is Laser, who The Spectre has been up against before. Since then, however, The Spectre has grown even faster, and even learnt a few little magic tricks off of 3's people the Tanashim. Some wrestling ensues with Laser trying to drop a grenade, and the Spectre holding his hand shut, etc, but eventually the rest of the PCs available turn up and Laser decides that survival is the better part of valour. Laser, prone, pinned, and about to have Vitus's Elephant Prod (like a cattle prod, but worse) rammed up his nose : I surrender! Vitus : *surly, and clearly annoyed that the man is still able to talk and thus give up* Spoilsport. The Spectre : Hey! Vitus accepted a surrender! He gets ice cream! and later, discussing other ways for the Spectre being sacrificed as a major source of death energy. The Spectre : Not unless you can raise the dead. Vitus, without looking up : I'm working on it. Eventually, the Spectre decides he'll be safest in protective custody at PRIMUS, and the Big Bad decides to send thru a half-dozen Leeches into his room to get him. The Spectre, being swamped by the things, as the rest of us try to get the cell door open and help him : Hey! THis is MY cell! Occupancy : One! Vitus : No visitors after midnight! And in an unrelated incident, Vitus is told more about Earth religions The Spectre : Hinduism, the last great polytheism. Altho there is Taoism, too, but that's more a theological Mafia.
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