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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not Here is a link to the wiki article Seven virtues of Bushidō
  2. Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not Here would be my take on this concept: Red - Aggression - Take the initiative, act before your foes can react. Victory is not won by defense it is taken by those with the strength of will to push bast all obstacles. Orange - Control - In battle one seeks to obtain every advantage be it superior weapons, footing, choosing the battle field, troop numbers or other resources. Yellow - Morale - The battle is won long before a sword is ever drawn. Those who lack confidante lack the will to achive victory. To obtain victory one must inspire their own forces and crush the will of their opponents. Green - Discipline - All battles are chaos, the master or combat and leader of men must be able to see through this fog. Understanding and preparation for the enemy's tactics are paramount to victory. Blue - Balance - If the enemy is strong one must learn to use that strength against them. In a foe is cunning they will inevitably out wit themselves. To find balance one must adapt to any circumstance it is here where true strength lies. Indigo - Diplomacy - In war the most deadly of foe is the one who can change the minds and wills of others. The art of the diplomat is in giving up of value to obtain something of far greater value. This does not always mean the loss of life. Violet: - Leadership - A battle can only be won if those who fight understand what victory entails. Lieutenants must be able to convey a generals orders and troops must be able to rally behind their leaders. I like the concept of a kind of monastic order with seven guiding principles. Students learning how first to apply their chosen principle at an individual level then at the squad, platoon or larger scale as they progress in understanding. To this point maybe all the suggestions you presented are valid. In the beginning they learn martial arts and might possess a basic power or two from their training. At a higher rank they are given a weapon office. At the highest level they receive a ring or other item that embodies their chosen principle.
  3. Re: Villains Campaign Why do they have to work together all the time? This might be a chance to do some really creative tricks with the game. For example establishing that there is down time between each adventure encourage the players to plot and scheme alone without others resources. At the beginning of a session, assuming there's not a story already unfolding, they players may share or withhold information with the other players to try and accomplish their plans. This can get really fun if you can get then to start plotting against each other and trying to steal from one another in game or power plays. So down time becomes when the villains work alone and game time is when there is something of a magnitude they are forced to work together, either by their own plotting or by GM driven story arc. In this style of game it would be important for the GM to do a lot of prep work to prepare for stories on the fly. Having things like a bank or two mapped out, a generic office building and some of the cities major heroes for starters.
  4. Re: Villains Campaign I think Lemming hits one very key element to the villain game which is the pecking order. As a super hero sure there are other heroes far more powerful than you but rarely does that matter. With villains though this hierarchy , I think, should be tested and checked contently. This doesn't necessarily mean they have to work for more powerful villains but say they slaughter a bus of old grannies on their way to bingo making human Carpaccio and leaving the mutilated bodies behind. Heroes are going ot take notice, maybe some new heroes come into town because of it and start bothering a much more powerful villain as a possible lead. Next the the players know their base has been overrun by zombies and fire bombed to ash, you know, as a warning. Villains don't have to play nice, especially with people who can't run to the police for protection.
  5. Re: Abilities Discussion Hay has anyone heard anything on the Personal Force Field, how it works with block or changes that may be in the works?
  6. Re: Time related powers Word of Time Phasing: Drain Speed 3d6+1 (standard effect: 10 points), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1), Cumulative (76 points; +1) (124 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only takes effect if the Target's Speed would drop to 0; -1 1/2), Incantations (-1/4) Final Cost: 45 Real Points Although it is too weak to work on Speedsters characters with a Speed 7 or below can be stopped in their tracks. Granted it takes a number of Phases equal to the target's Speed (assuming they don't have Power Defense) but when it hits they'll know it.
  7. Re: The November Nine I Really like the background contrast with this one.
  8. Re: golden age brought forword Science: It would seem that super science would be both common place and rare at the same time. Police with Laser Stun Pistols and rocket packs but computers remain mysterious devices few have access to. Racism: Groups should contain members of different races who may be as competent or more so than the Caucasian members ... ahem... despite their racial handicaps, which may be pointed out by other members of super teams. I would look to characters like Black Vulcan and Apache Chief for inspiration here. Pulp Age Tone: The Pulp era dealt a lot mystery, be it crime drama or exploration. Here I think information sharing should be scarce at best and this may force you to consider how information is distributed. Heroes of this world would likely have minor powers or no powers at all but are able to put information together allowing them to serve where the police cannot. I would say part of this may be more of a Space Opera but I got the impression you wanted to keep the setting more terrestrial based. Golden Age Tone: Here is a place where one can take some radical departures while keeping the same feel. The world may simply be something black and white. However, adding details such as state run or controlled media and labor camps to aid the poor we get to glance over the negative side of life and instantly add a conflict for players. There are other forms of control that might be used such as medication or a truly authoritarian government that cannot be questioned.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Attack of the Clone****** - Schaffer the Darklord
  10. Re: Saiki, Leader of Thirteen Cuts (Villain) The statistical average is 3.5 per die but using the Standard effect in Hero Designer it only gives you 3 per die. Since Saiki is designed to be a villain I used the standard effect in several places to make math easier and to remove some of the overhead from the GM.
  11. Recently I was toying around with some ideas from the villain powers thread and came up with an idea for a kind of escalating threat character. The Saiki is designed to be a threat to a team of heroes with a little aid from his gang. With one or two low level thugs Saiki should pose a fairly intimating threat to a team. To increase his deadliness consider adding Power Defense to resist Drains and Transforms. Hope you enjoy.
  12. Re: Lame or awesome? I like to call that Tuesdays.
  13. Re: Lame or awesome? Okay, and for my inner geek statement Cthulhu is not a sea creature disputed what later publications said. If he was why would it be imprisoned under water and need others to free it?
  14. Re: Lame or awesome? From Lame to Awesome I think Bionic Commando has some room to shine here. Basic premise: Robotic Claw: Stretching: Only one arm. Expanding on the basic idea we also get: Swinging, Claw out swing across retract claw. Enhanced Strength, it's a robot hand, nuff said. Limited Armor, using the robotic arm to block.
  15. Re: Lame or awesome? From the description if you wanted to add some creep factor might do some Presence for Pre attacks only for when he summons his rodent hoards then do a second Pre in the same way Linked to armor: Cloak of Rats. No one wants to get near that guy.
  16. Re: Lame or awesome? How do they have time to do any hero work?
  17. Re: The Golden Apple I do believe I'm obligated to give this over to the pettiest one. This may or may not start the Trojan war.
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Mourning Air - Portishead
  19. Re: Whirlwind Pyramid (a.k.a. Tornado Fighter) attack: how would you write this up? This could simply be a flight linked the power.
  20. Re: Whirlwind Pyramid (a.k.a. Tornado Fighter) attack: how would you write this up? Whirlwind Pyramid: Energy Blast 8d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Double Knockback (+3/4) (100 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (Teamwork; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must be used in conjunction with other team members Whirlwind Pyramid; -1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2) Real Cost: 33 This build represents the a basic power each of the team members would purchase. Using the teamwork rules the 8d6 is enough to send just about anything flying when all 5 members are in the pyramid. The GM may rule that they can combine their damage total for things like breaking barriers as they do things like easily shred through steel plate but when used against oppentes it doesn't seem to have this destructive an effect. I might allow this with a custom +1/2 Advantage. That wold bring the finial cost to: Active Cost: 120 Real Cost: 40. Members of the team would likely need Teamwork skills in the low to mid twenties to pull this off consistently. That doesn't seem to be out of line for the characters.
  21. Re: Nothing can stop me now! "Yes strike me, attack me, your anger fuels me and I shall destroy you with it!" For whatever reason I was thinking about how one would incorporate the Rope-A-Dope into super heroic gaming. Your Anger Fuels me without supporting powers is really only good against melee type characters. However, by adding something like Armor Only when blocking it becomes much more viable for Super heroic games.
  22. Re: Screenshots Rise from your grave....
  23. Re: Music-themed groups There's always Kissmyanthia.
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Hong Kong Garden - Siouxsie And The Banshees
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