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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies too It was this idea of quality in a zombie that drove me on. How did you define quality within a zombie? Was it how well they were preserved or maybe how many people they had killed? It was then that I realized the idea of quality transcended these traits each of these ideas playing apart of it.
  2. Re: Little Powers There's always the classic Deuse example: Just enough Telekinesis to move a penny.
  3. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life Character's are not required to play mutants, Metahumans Rising has it's share of high technology and magic as well plenty of science gone wrong. One thing that is missing are aliens... The Thing That Never Was
  4. Certified


    Reposting for ease of reference.
  5. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life Indeed
  6. Re: WWYCD: "Dear Superhero" (Warning: Ugly situation) Fallout (Giant ball of living radiation/formally human): This would tear at Fallout, he is not wealthy and he is not subtle. Although he could fly there on his own it would be like driving a slow car all the way. Using what status he has as a hero he would do what he could to create a public outcry and bring this to the news, possibly starting a Duhu charity. If at all possible Fallout would try to arrange a more diplomatic visit to the village after bring the situation to national attention. While visiting the village, should rebel's happen to attack... well that's another story. - - - Apollyon (Occultist/Mystic Brick): As he deals primarily with the hidden places of the world it does not seem to be to far from the ordinary that he could slip into the country undetected. Likely linking up with smugglers to follow the illegal trade routes. once inside the country he would try to find out what the real story was on the ground. Why are the rebels fighting what are the motivations of the government. From the description is sounds as if both factions could be just as bad as one another. Should this be the case Apollyon would help in migrating independents to safer locations using what money he has to take care of supplies and his powers to take care of problems along the way. Time permitting Apollyon would try to undermine whatever side seems to harm people, again this is likely both parties, while attempting to locate a viable third faction. Without revealing his presence or intervention. Although, he could not be directly involved he would do what he could behind the scenes to support this new faction. Hopefully his actions would make it clear that should this new faction fail to honor needs of the country someone is watching and taking action and that they need to be better than their predecessors. This would likely be played out between other events such as watching other heroes getting abducted (See Raptured). As he would not be there all the time it would hopefully make it more difficult to prove his intervention.
  7. Certified


    Re: Raptured /e tells Princess Claira told you so.
  8. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life Yes, here is the link: Metahumans Rising on hero central
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mad Max Beyond Thunderbird (Tale of a drunken Aussie who's run out of drink and money.)
  10. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life Thanks, I just wanted to share a little background on how things were progressing and how the idea of a new team came up. Although the news reports don't give you everything that happened they are more like public opinion highlights after the fact. Snippets that I wrote for the players. I thought they might give an interesting feel taken out of context as normal reader might see them.
  11. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life Freedom Fighters or Fascists? Posted in Saturday edition of The Arlington Sentinel
  12. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life The Real Defenders?
  13. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life Inauguration News The Arlington Sentinel, Tuesday, February 2nd, 1999
  14. Re: Metahumans Rising: The Darker Side of Hero Life The Defenders in the News Posted in Sunday edition of The Arlington Sentinel, New York Times, New York Post, USA Today and the Wall Street Journal
  15. Looks like there might be a new team in operating out of the Arlington area. A covert ops team of Metahumans who to the outside world don't exist. Shadowy heroes operating for a mysterious benefactor with powerful government ties. When it can't be proven in court, and there's no legal recourse it's time to activate Project D. Characters would be built using the normal Metahumans Rising guidelines, these are heroes that may encounter very hard choices where right and wrong are not always clear cut, the line between Good and Evil will often be blurred. Do you have what it takes to still be a hero when everything goes gray? Metahumans Rising is listed on Hero Central and is now accepting new players. The character creation guidelines are listed there but short and sweat 200 +150...
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Thirty minutes later The Harbinger is tied up in a sixty foot long spaghetti string when Velma pulls off his mask to reveal... "Old Man Long! You said things were going well at your game company. Why would you want to scare people away?"
  17. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Jinkies Fred looks wrong without an ascot.
  18. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Saw the title and couldn't resist the chance for some shameless whoring and well I did just finish it: ‘Foundations of War’ crafts a hidden history of the world while exploring the concepts of the hero archetype, loss and price of power. Set in a modern Las Vegas, magic and the mythical shadow races move just below the surface, outside the perceptions of man. Morgan, a teen cursed with prophetic nightmares, and dreams of past lives survives on the outskirts of high school life until his first and current lives become forever entwined. Cassandra, heir to the Pearl Empire hunts the current incarnation of her people’s killer seeking to undo the prophecy of his return. Testing Morgan she inadvertently unites the life of the child and the destiny of a long dead ruler of the World Below. Cut away from a confused adolescent Morgan begins to grow into, or revert to, the brash warrior sorcerer of his first life. - - - I'm still trying to find an agent but we have hope.
  19. Certified


    Re: Raptured Originally I wasn't gong to post to this WWYCD as Lucius has already said things so well already but the more I thought about it the more I realized I had one character that would fit the bill nicely. Apollyon: At his core he is a man looking for redemption. If this event was truly the rapture he already knew there was no place for him. Years ago he was betrayed by his coven and to save his own life he sold his soul. Since that time he's been dedicated to stopping cults and dark mystics. Before anything else there would have to be chaos containment, saving people from downed planes, traffic collisions, all the weird things that would happened when people just disappear. This may very well lead to the opening for super-villains to really come out of the wood work, again, slowing any research. It's unlikely that Apollyon would do much more than avoid fundamentalist Christians (Insert cheap Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins jokes here) due to the nature of his powers he's always had a problem with them. This may now become much more pronounced. Once the initial shock has died down Apollyon would attempt to contact Abaddon the entity that infused him with his power. Although Abaddon has never claimed to be a neither a devil, demon or god Apolyon would look to it for insight. It would seem it was time to learn if Abaddon was the destroyer and king of locusts or an aspect of the Hebrew God as called upon in the Key of Solomon. It is unlikely that Apollyon would learn the true nature of the entity although in the event that this was the Rapture it may be a good place for him to finally learn. From here I'll give three responses based on possible outcomes: Abaddon refuses to answer and gives no guidance in this matter: Working to subdue as many super-villains as he could Apollyon may take on a more proactive stance in targeting cults and mystics as he tries to learn what has happened. In addition to this he would look to other mystics heroes to form some kind of alliance so that they may pool their collected information. Perhaps his link to Abaddon could be better exploited by another mage. Abaddon is the Destroyer, Leader of the Furies and King of the Bottomless Pit Locusts: It is as he has feared, Apollyon confirmed in the knowledge that his soul is damned would refocus his efforts in shutting down criminals and super-villains becoming increasingly more aggressive as he tries to find answers as to what has happened. Although reluctant to kill with the worlds diminished forces he is more likely to give in to the more pragmatic of answers in evening the odds. This would remain true even at the cost of his powers, depending on what Abaddon called for him to do. Abaddon is the aspect of the Hebrew God as called upon in the Key of Solomon: Taking what he has learned Apollyon would attempt to organize other heroes seeing things as not the time for lone wolves. This also may involve trying to secure prisons and other places where criminals can be held as people try to cope with the changes.
  20. Re: Beginning the "End of Days" I wonder why the change in posting, it took almost a day for that to go up.
  21. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction Here are a few I've used with Characters: Okay, first the near misses on the 60 Mark: Lights Out: Energy Blast 4d6, Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4), Area Of Effect (48" Radius; +2) (65 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only verses light sources; -1 1/2), No Range (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) Cost 65 - - - Undo Fate’s subversion : Luck 10d6, Usable By Other (+1/4) (62 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) Notes: Undo Fate’s subversion uses the following variant for Luck: At the beginning of the game session, the player rolls his Luck dice and counts the total. That total represents a number of points the player may add or subtract from rolls throughout the game to get better results. Note 2: Ensi'Ki cannot use this ability on the same phase as other powers from the Scales of Balance (Part of a Multipower) Cost 62 - - - Will of the City: Ego Attack 3d6, Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Cannot harm innocents. ; +0), Does BODY (+1) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Cannot kill a target unless they have killed. ; -1/4), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Character must be in an urban area; -1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; Streetwise; -1/4) Cost 60 - - - Death Touch: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1), Does BODY (+1) (45 Active Points) Notes: Defense non-human physiology. Cost 45
  22. Re: Beginning the "End of Days" This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. - The Hollow Men (1925) - T. S. Eliot - - - There are many ways to bring a team together. However, with something on the scope of the end of the world or the end of an age I would recommend a more subtle start. Something small that draws the players together. Depending on the nature of your End of Days this could range from busting up a cult as mentioned before to a lab fire or helping the CDC control and/or transport a vaccine somewhere. What I would avoid is having this first storyline tipping your hand too soon. Let whatever happens in the opening story give some small allusion to the larger plot but cloud it with other storylines afterward. One tool you may use is if the story that brings the team together happens in one location and the characters move on, after some time have news reports and other media begin filtering in on the ramifications of what's happened. Although this may not be the trigger event to the End let it play a significant roll as the overall story progresses Players should begin to gain a greater perspective of what's going on because of their involvment and the other paraphial events occoring arround them. To put this another way... "See? That was nothing. But that's how it always begins. Very small."
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Bad Bad Leroy Brown and the Peanuts Gang
  24. Re: Utter humiliation power Transform: Joke to Serious Discussion
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