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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. "I finally get powers, and we get exiled to an island?" The teenager huffed. "You say that now, but soon a lot of lady tourists will be showing up and wearing bikinis, and son? You'll thank me" His father smiled as he put on his helmet, "Look, not going to lie. When your alien half kicked in, I thought a bit of time on an island where you could practice would be a good idea, but don't forget, your mom also got a job offer here. We were going to move here anyway." "But you guys can fly all over the globe easily, we could live anywhere," The teenager pointed out and picked up the remains of a discarded and broken transport... he lost track of his strength, and it went over his head , out of his hands, and landed a full half mile with a plunk into the ocean, "Whoops" "Oh yeah, they love when you fling around a few tons of dead weight like that in Hempstead," His father observed the slip and crash, "Look, at least here, there's no HOA." "Point" His son admitted, "But I'm getting control really fast. Honest." Still, he looked thoughtful and eyed the helmet, "You're back on duty already?" "Yeah, the Corps is a pain in the ass like that. I saved them too many times for them to just fire me, so they took their revenge by putting me in charge of things," His father's stubble hued lower face broke into a smile "At least until I tick them off again." more seriously his dad said, "I'm sorry. I know between my being on call, and your mother's job here, it might seem a little lonely. But I'll make it up to you. Promise. Just remember to keep up on your studies." "You didn't even graduate High School," his son reminded, "And look at you now." "Guts and dumb luck," His father shook his head, "Are not a life plan. Sides, you take after your mother. No reason to let those smarts go to waste. And besides, there are a lot of flying superstrong folks around, even outside the family. The more you know about how things work, the bigger your edge if you do go into the superhero biz. It may feel like it, but you're not invincible. You know that right, Mark?" Mark's eyes lit up "Invincible? I like the sound of that. Short, simple..." "Mark? You're missing the point," His father, Richard Rider told him, "Besides, you call yourself that, folks will want to test it." "It's a lot better than Kid Nova," Mark retorted. "I barely used that and there were trademark issues ..ah heck... I gotta go. Eat your greens." And the helmeted Earth Man lived up to the nickname of the human rocket as he went to work. Mark watched him go. His dad wasn't so bad. And, the idea of this place being littered with women his age in bikinis was nice. It would definitely make up for his so far disappointing lack of X-Ray vision. FATHER: Richard Rider (AKA Nova: The Human Rocket) SON: Mark Grayson (Well, Rider now) )(AKA Invincible)
  2. No woman who was truly loved by her husband and loved him in turn seeks to be a widow. When their world was literally ending, she had meant to stay by her husband's side to the last, sacrificing herself so a far more precious cargo would have better chance to make it to safety. She did not expect to be rescued, she did not expect to survive. Nor did she expect to slowly fall in love with her rescuer. How like a betrayal it felt to her first husband's memory. In time, she forgave herself for having a heart. When she came to Earth she found herself graced with powers that were only the stuff of speculation and theory before. Now it was she who was often the rescuer, though she put her scientific skills to use just as much. Hence, when a position to make sure that Nomanisan Island was secure of any lingering death traps or killer robots opened up, she was the one offered the job. Her new husband agreed, and it seemed like a fresh start for their family. The real wonder wasn't her powers, or even the science of the island (Which was actually quite primitive by her homeworld's standards); it was just how large her family had grown. MOTHER: Lara Lor-Van (Formerly of Krypton)
  3. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/12/13/23505459/supreme-court-birth-control-contraception-constitution-matthew-kacsmaryk-deanda-becerra Yup. They're going after Birth Control Access. My apology to the writer of The HandMaid's Tale. I thought it was far fetched.. boy was I wrong.
  4. I get the feeling most of us are waiting till tomorrow to get two at the same time
  5. Interesting. I will try to take part assuming I have WIFI and time when I'm visiting family for part of it
  6. IMO Russia would LOVE to provide Trump haven. They'd have a field day calling him the "TRUE President of America in Exile". He'd be worth it just to keep fueling sedition among Trump's faithful here in the US of A. Never thought I'd say this twice in a five year period but "God Bless Georgia"
  7. Happy Birthday Log Oh, forgot the comma
  8. That's obviously the ideal set up for a place where you can, if you use the right words, get your supply of meta-pharms, superpower causing drugs. The question is, is it streetlevel stuff with all the ugly addictive side effects for a short term boost sold by shady under the counter types posing as simple purveyors of vapes and tobacco? or is there more to it? Maybe there's a mad scientist using this as a cover to experiment on the amazingly fluid human capacity for mutation causing true changes over time? FOR SCIENCE!
  9. Hell, he could have threatened to Nationalize it, THEN say 'or give them some sick days' and been a hero
  10. I hate the term "Both sides" but I'm rather pissed at the Democratic Party (or at least Biden) right now because of their treatment of the potential rail strikers. The GQP? I expected it from.
  11. I really don't think the same jerkholes who want to 'arm teachers' , then praise 'stand your ground laws' then THREATEN said teachers have thought a possible course of events through
  12. L. Marcus was found as a child in a meteor crater, his odd rocket shaped crib had apparently crushed a farming couple in the impact.
  13. Oh, we're ACHING for it. Now if they'd just do Trump next.
  14. Eel rubs his forehead, torn about this whole thing. On one hand, mystics give him the heebie jeebies, on the other, southern manners means he has to offer each spirit at least a drink and a small meal. He'll try to get his friend Mayo (Who is a mystic) on speed dial for help sure the spirits got the wrong house. Pinprick informs them he's got no time for visitations from moral guardians from the Winter King and buzz off before he gets pointy. He's got ghost busting arrows and he is not afraid to use them! This is, largely, a bluff, as he doesn't have the heart to risk his son not having a nice Christmas and arrowing yuletide spirits willy nilly might have fall out. Slime is full of questions about this human mythology . Is this lesson going to end up with him finding out the fast paced city life wasn't for him and he'll be far happier in a small town with a local who turns out to be the ideal mate who teaches him about what's really important? while at the same time happens to be particularly good looking and well off? He finds humans disgusting aesthetically speaking, but he has watched Hallmark movies before and it seems to be a recurring theme.
  15. It's going to get peopley today, as my handle indicates, I'm not a fan of crowds, but it will pass quicker than the turkey will, so I'm good
  16. Better than some would think I imagine, after all, both might involve the study of dark holes
  17. Fair. I mean, if the Scottish pour all the tea into some harbor there, it's just going to offend the environmentalists that might otherwise be sympathetic.
  18. Hit my 50000, but hitting a snag on the teaching staff and who should teach what.
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