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    Hermit reacted to Cygnia in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Longer, I'm afraid.  At least since the 70's with Nixon.
    And, unfortunately, I don't have the luxury to not worry.  I'm a woman with a frustratingly still active uterus living in a red state.  I ask about getting neutered and I'm told (condescendingly) that it's "too risky!  too invasive!".
    And that's WITH what little privilege I have from being married, "well-off" (only because of the husband -- anything happens to him, I'm [BLEEP]ed) and white.
  2. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    SO, a location today, but no theme until Tomorrow
    If I were a wise man, I would try to hold out until tomorrow for location as well, and thus be better braced for whatever theme comes!
    But today, Wisdom is my proverbial dump stat!
    Not knowing WHAT the hell is going on, I choose...The Windy City, Chi-Town itself, the City of Big Shoulders, aka Chicago, Illinois!
    Location: Chicago

  3. Like
    Hermit reacted to Cancer in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois

  4. Like
    Hermit reacted to Psybolt in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    Twin Peaks, Washington

  5. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Cancer in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    SO, a location today, but no theme until Tomorrow
    If I were a wise man, I would try to hold out until tomorrow for location as well, and thus be better braced for whatever theme comes!
    But today, Wisdom is my proverbial dump stat!
    Not knowing WHAT the hell is going on, I choose...The Windy City, Chi-Town itself, the City of Big Shoulders, aka Chicago, Illinois!
    Location: Chicago

  6. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Starlord in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Of COURSE they did.
    I hate this timeline.
    EDIT: To be fair, there are legitimate reasons why the Supreme Court might think a precedent of defining sedition on the state level without impeachment by Congress might be a dangerous precedent. The fault is in the legislative branch more so than even the Judicial, but to say I am disappointed but not surprised  by this outcome is putting it mildly.
  7. Like
    Hermit reacted to death tribble in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    Justice League Satellite in Earth Orbit
  8. Like
    Hermit reacted to Old Man in Impromptu Superdraft II   

  9. Like
    Hermit reacted to tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Nikki Haley Wins DC Primary
  10. Like
    Hermit reacted to Pariah in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    Yes, Monday's pic is your location. That's all I'm willing to say for now. 
  11. Thanks
    Hermit reacted to Old Man in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    He says he won't tell us until a couple hours beforehand. 
    I'm in.
  12. Like
    Hermit reacted to Pariah in Impromptu Superdraft II   
    Holy forced spontaneity!  It's the Impromptu Superdraft II!
    What: This is a supers draft. You'll be making one selection each weekday, starting tomorrow (Monday, March 4th) and running until Friday, March 15th. All selections are exclusive. 
    Who: All the usual rules about different versions of the same character apply. In short, different characters with the same name are fine; different versions of the same character are out. (For example, if Ant-Man Hank Pym is drafted, you could still draft Ant-Man Scott Lang, but not Yellowjacket Hank Pym.)
    When: You will make a pick each weekday, starting tomorrow, at noon Eastern Time. No, I don't know what time that is where you live. Google probably does. We will draft over the weekend. A poll will be posted on or around March 22nd; you are encouraged to use the intervening week to finish up picks, post fiction, etc.
    NOTE: The United States moves to Daylight Savings Time on Sunday morning, March 10th. That means we set our clocks forward one hour. This will adjust when you get to draft halfway through. Sorry, not my idea.  
    How: Each day you will make a selection (usually a character) to fit a certain archetype or role. Everyone will select the same type each day...but you won't know what that type is until a couple of hours before it's time to make the pick. The description of who or what you're choosing each day will be revealed no later than 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the day in question. Picks that do not fit the daily theme will be disqualified. I will act as final arbiter of whether or not a pick fits the daily theme, but I am open to reasonable persuasion.
    Why: Because we haven't done a Superdraft yet this year. Why not start this way?
    I think that pretty well covers it. If you have questions along the way, feel free to ask. In keeping with long established tradition, your first pick (i.e., Monday's pick) is the location for your story. The theme for Tuesday's pick will be revealed Tuesday morning.
    Enjoy, everyone!
  13. Like
    Hermit reacted to DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    well, it's nothing new. I forget whether it was Seneca or Cicero -- somebody Roman, anyway -- who said, more or less, "The philosophers think the gods are false. The common folk think the gods are true. The rulers think the gods are useful."
    Dean Shomshak
  14. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    THIS is what more democrats of Christian Faith need to do. So much BS comes of certain Republican con men in political clothing taking the bible out of context or missing context to misuse the teachings they claim to support.  More democratic politiicans need to call those republicans out on their twisting of gospel. Yes, I get it, the democrats shouldn't have to. The separation of Church and State should at least be a fence if not a wall (For the sake of both sides really imo), but until the lock on the gate between them is tended to, this is the world we live in, and the only way you're going to rob the GOP of their Faux Spiritual Authority is to call them on their betrayal of the very verses they abuse.
  15. Like
    Hermit reacted to Sundog in What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...   
    Promise of Blood, by Brian McClellan
    First book in the Powder Mage trilogy, and to a certain extent a re-telling of the French Revolution. Magic exists, and in the kingdom of Ardo manifests as one of three primary ways - Privileged, full function sorcerors who can manipulate the raw essence of magic (to tremendous destructive force if desired) provided they are wearing their power-enabling gloves, Powder Mages, who can manipulate black powder and bullets, and who are feared by the Privileged for their ability to kill at well beyond the range of Privileged sorcery, and the Knacked, who have minor but unique and usually useful abilities - early in the book we are introduced to a Knacked with perfect recall, and another who never needs to sleep. But it becomes clear that, despite their rather arrogant belief in their understanding of the world, Ardo and the rest of the 9 Kingdoms have a fair ways to go to comprehending everything there is to know on the subject of magic.
    The various characters are well drawn, with comprehensible motivations and flaws. Would recommend this book.
  16. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Cygnia in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    THIS is what more democrats of Christian Faith need to do. So much BS comes of certain Republican con men in political clothing taking the bible out of context or missing context to misuse the teachings they claim to support.  More democratic politiicans need to call those republicans out on their twisting of gospel. Yes, I get it, the democrats shouldn't have to. The separation of Church and State should at least be a fence if not a wall (For the sake of both sides really imo), but until the lock on the gate between them is tended to, this is the world we live in, and the only way you're going to rob the GOP of their Faux Spiritual Authority is to call them on their betrayal of the very verses they abuse.
  17. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Tom Cowan in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    THIS is what more democrats of Christian Faith need to do. So much BS comes of certain Republican con men in political clothing taking the bible out of context or missing context to misuse the teachings they claim to support.  More democratic politiicans need to call those republicans out on their twisting of gospel. Yes, I get it, the democrats shouldn't have to. The separation of Church and State should at least be a fence if not a wall (For the sake of both sides really imo), but until the lock on the gate between them is tended to, this is the world we live in, and the only way you're going to rob the GOP of their Faux Spiritual Authority is to call them on their betrayal of the very verses they abuse.
  18. Like
    Hermit reacted to Cygnia in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    He’s Deeply Religious and a Democrat. He Might Be the Next Big Thing in Texas Politics.
  19. Like
    Hermit reacted to DShomshak in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Star Trek: Lower Decks, Season 3. Not as much pure silliness this time. Some episodes are actually quite dark. But still funny overall, still excellent and recognizable Trek, plus delving deeper into the characters. Rutherford's past explained, Mariner recognizes her commitment to Starfleet, Tendi gets her pirate on, and Boimler gets Bold.
    Subtler toss-off bit: Boimler and  Picard both come from families of vintners. But the Picards make wine in France, while the Boimlers make raisins in California. I wonder if they'll do anything more with this?
    Once again, though, the funniest "bit" was a toss-off call-back to a past series. "We've got *another* ancient mask situation..."
    I hope my library gets Season Four soon.
    Dean Shomshak
  20. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I get the feeling this case will be set up to slow things down so  Trump can still run.
  21. Like
    Hermit reacted to tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    It's up to us voters then. Vote and get out the vote.
  22. Thanks
    Hermit reacted to tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    This is at least more encouraging.
  23. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    At this point, if someone in the GOP House says Biden is a lizard man, I'm pretty sure the one making the accusation has scales under a lot of make up and prosthetics. It seems to be what inspires them, whatever they do and try to hide, they accuse the other side of.
  24. Haha
    Hermit reacted to Pariah in Random Television Quotes   
    "Can I ask a dumb question?"
    "Better than anyone I know."
  25. Like
    Hermit reacted to Michael Hopcroft in Random Television Quotes   
    "NO KILL I"
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