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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. That would be most useful. Just be sure to index the examples to the appropriate rule book pages.
  2. This is exactly what FANTASY HERO PRIMER was. which was "How to Play Hero" in 28 pages. It had a good layout, a few pieces of B/W art, and a few sample characters. If this was printed with a Cardstock cover , with some reasonable art. and sold for "Magazine prices" ($5.00 or less) I think it would server the purposes for Fantasy Hero or FHC. Now while this is maybe recreating the old AD&D paradigm, of FHC being the GM's guide, and FHP being the player's handbook, but this might work. Following that format, You could do 28 page for each of the Heroic level campaigns (Superheroes get really complicated, quickly). Just make sure the original author is credited and given a cut.
  3. Thank you. My detailed knowledge ends with 4e.
  4. Is AOE-Accurate, a 6e thing? I know what AOE is.
  5. Oh, if E- Verify was implemented, it would be cheaper, and effective. The wall, though is a simple to understand deterrent. These Caravans must not cross our borders.
  6. I am sort of a Discord addict, and our Roll20 group uses Discord instead of Skype and TeamSpeak, but I am confused as to how moving the entire thing to Discord would work?
  7. Where can one see Titans? my watching: YouTube Wholesome: Flite Test. A group of young men evangelize for a Aviation and having loads of fun by making 5 dollar RC planes out of foamcore board, hot glue and packing tape, or try to make objects around the office fly, or review RC products, or do drone tricks, or fly back seat in high performance aircraft. They sell kits of their planes or downloadable free plans, and have really good customer service and a very family oriented community. Keith Appleton A musician from the Midlands, who builds and repairs model steam engines, while giving a clear explanation and very dry humor about what he is doing, delivered in his mellifluous, accent. Watching lathe and mill operations with his narration is very soothing. I have learned a lot about steam engines by watching him. History Buffs A show, where the host reviews big budget Historical Films, for their accuracy to events and is actually mostly positive, and entertaining. C&Rsenal hosted by Othais and featuring Mae, the show is a a examination of the small arms of the First World War, and the personalities involved in their creation. Othais, the jolly bear, spins his tales of the lineage, influences engineers and bureaucrats responsible for the creation of the pistols, rifles, machine guns, and one T-Gewehr used in the Great War. Diminutive Mae then takes the piece out to the range and demonstrates their operation and accuracy. They then conclude giving their reviews as to how successful a weapon design they think it was for the conditions of the War. Another soothing, but well produced show with a high density of information. Not Wholesome: Hotdiggedydemon a mix of Ren & Stimpy level animated shorts, though the quality of the animation is very high, and well animated rants about popular culture. GIFs with Sounds Viral video clips set to inappropriate sounds and music, for comedic effect. Humorous, but not for everyone. On James Lileks’ recommendation I watched the 1930 MGM political fantasy, Gabriel Over The White House , In prep for the midterms. Both the story of its creation and the film itself are wild. Not to spoil it, but FDR himself was involved in its script, and considered it one of his favorite films, and so did Adolf Hitler. On Netflix loved Daredevil Season 3. Recommend it. Second the recommendation of The Dragon Prince It’s good light high Fantasy, though the dialogue seems a bit modern.
  8. It will be two years of nothing getting done in the house, with the senate saying, “ No”, Trump being effective. And probably a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which I would consider a win. Unfortunately no border wall, unless the military builds it.
  9. Creative, but we did that in California, and the non-partisan redistributing committee, were simply Democrats. Thus we have a one party state for the most part.
  10. Locally, the boundary is marked with a Xeroxed sign saying polling place (and often a plastic American flag) on a lamp post around the proper distance. Then a flip sign owned by the establishment at their entrance.
  11. Voted about a half hour ago, and now eating a late lunch. Polling place had one person in line ahead of me. The California (Los Angeles) ballot was a slog, with 10 judges, 11ballot propositions, and some real crap choices for local politicians. I don’t expect a lot of success locally as I am in the bluest of blue enclaves in a blue state, with me being a Second Amendment Absolutist, and favoring small government, but I observe he ceremony and go to a polling place, rather than mail-in or Early voting. Now it’s just going home and not watching any news until 9pm.
  12. I played neutral good Sorceror/Dragon disciple from Absolom, named Basileides Evreiapteryga. Generally a polite and friendly guy. Having a dwarf paladin (Kazmak)in our party cramped our rogue’s (Kaliek) style somewhat, until he found his second talent was seduction. He put the rogue into rogue. XD. The other patty members were a sarcastic cleric of Cardin Calen (Dalishter), who was always hitting us with the “Stick of Love”, and kept us on our feet, and a half elven local (Sionna) and her exceptionally beefy cheetah ( Nuru). The Mummy’s Mask is very well thought out, and has a great adventurous feel to it, and there are plenty of interesting situations. Looking forward to more.
  13. It was even better for him, because most of our heroes were Brick and Brick Hybrids, the bot was all defenses and knockback resistance, (and extra senses to find invisible characters) and one High OCV REB. It was shaped like two styrofoam coffee cups stuck together at the open ends and it has one slit eye, and a parabolic reflector around it's equator and had only standard movement of 6 inches, on it's gravetic repulsors, only about a foot off the ground. (Gravetics were why it had such high knockback resistance. Needless to say, this is why we panicked. All the GM would have to do, is after the first low damage roll, was to intone funereally, "Bounce..." Eyes went wide around the table and the panic set in. it was great! It took us for ever to take that down. (This was in the old Champions II days, and it was built as a character, with 100 Stun, or something. I never got to see the character sheet for it.) It was great for roving Villain Defense, especially in confined spaces. It was a cat toy, for Siberian Tigers. XD
  14. Quite probably true. I've hashed out things in some heated arguments with friends at the game table, and we were still friends afterwards, I concede the point. It's a difference of style preference. I have. I was in theater in High school for my Senior year, and some of them played D&D. The games were a bit political and "The Duke's Grand Ball" focused, rather than my more combat oriented preferences. A bit frustrating. Somewhat, in that it became a struggle for the spotlight between some players. I begged their leave, and went back to my Champions group. ( I never really left, just swapped the Wednesday night game. Was a strict simulationist in the old discussions, in that to me Roleplay was about creating a distinct and consistent personality for a character, and then subjecting that character to the unknown, whether it be a discussion with team mates, Reacting to the description of the GM, or what ever the dice decided, "story" was to me, something that would be the product of that interaction, rather than the guideline to the goal. It generated very entertaining, "No shit! There I was... ... thought I was gonna die". type stories. In LDG's long running Fantasy Hero campaign interesting die rolls produced interesting results. Sure there were unfortunate character deaths, but that kept things exciting for th rest of us, sort of like being a character in the early "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels. Everyone is wrong! Only I am the true arbiter of truth and Excellence!!! (J/k) Quite true. True, to some extent, yes. But how do you get the hobby to grow, with newcomers? Now we have had our share of turnover in recent Roll20 games, but we gave them a chance, and our core players have been very stable. It's a product of our times. But yes, I will concede the point, and just advocate for my position, that Hero is one of the best, tactically flexible, and creative gaming systems out there, provided you learn the tools. A classic bit, but as I write this on Election Day 2018, it's kind of a Life Imitates Art sort of thing. I apologize if I have disturbed the Comity and harmony of this board. I come here, because it's NOT Facebook, and I can engage my brain with things that are divorced from the real world. I don't want to mess that up. Scott
  15. A few months ago I was evangelizing for VTTs, as those are what got me back into gaming. After a 15-20 year hiatus, I now have two Roll20 games a week. If everything else is moving on line, we should move online. That's where the young, budget conscious, players are. Maptools? Battlegrounds, or Roll20.net, if we had a fairly "Plug-n-play" solution that one could slot into any of those and GM, that's how we get the new blood in. We may have to give up on the stores, entirely, at this point, unless the economics change. I found a FLGS a few blocks walk away, and they advertise table rentals at $2.00 per player, which seems reasonable, but their non- D&D selection is non existent, and their business is mostly CCG's, and this tracks with your above statements. They run a clean, tight ship, but I don't see any entry without a strong, D&D level demand. (I am not even sure that they run Adventurer's league down there, But I can check after I vote.)
  16. If I found out, something good, I will start a new topic in "Hero System Discussion". There is a Test game on Roll20.net that I am a member o0f, but I don't know how to make it work, other than as a player, and it also uses an external way to track the speed chart (I am assuming Hero Combat Manager). I would like to clone the tools, but as a free member I don't think I can. Having to pay for roll20 on a disability income might be a bit of a challenge. But if I find anything I will promote it. I think Roll20 or similar may be the best way to get Hero out among younger players, rather than stores.
  17. For a while Los Angeles had a scattering of LED style billboards, made areas of the city look more futuristic, especially at night. However public outcry forced the city council to prohibit all but a few. The problem was they were bright enough for a crisp image in daylight. So at night, especially in The mostly residential Valley, having a pulsing shimmering panel of light a few blocks away shining into your bedroom window... I think in the future, the most critical invention would be blackout curtains. Incidentally, those lights on the Shenzhen business district are externally mounted and in fixtures that aim outward. There is nothing inside to disturb the residents. They have a building like that here in SoCal. One of the Indian Casinos on the I-10 on the way to Palm Springs. Weird seeing an entire building pulsing and glowing as more ion graphics swirl and spiral advertising 19.99 prime rib.
  18. We loved combats a lot and had a high number of bricks and brick hybrids. So 24-30PD sounds about right, except for the high DCV types. I had a character with 30RPD, but that was a military armored suit. Yes those slug tests took a long time, but it allowed for people to revive unconscious team mates, set up maneuvers, and actually put villains in Stronghold. Real time concerns were irrelevant in high school as we would start gaming after school Friday; and wrap up about lunch time on Sunday. Good times. Later when I played in later Champions games at Planet 10 Comics and Games, it had a 4 hour limit before 6pm, but could go longer after 6.
  19. Foxes are a bit distant, and wary. They are one of the few animals other than humans that kill other than for food. They are very playful. They flee from predators larger than themselves. They make a lot of odd noises. They have exceptional hearing, and good vision in low light. They are intensely curious. I think if she has fox DNA, (soooooperecience!) I would probably give here targeting sense hearing, low light vision, discriminatory smell. Maybe a small amount of super leap. For disads, maybe a personality change giving her a bit of distance except with old friends, playful with those, and a bit wreckless with the health and well being of opponents. Of course she would have distinctive looks: firey red hair, concealable, even orange eyes and it’s vertical slits to go with the low light vision. If you want to go the monster route, Take the above, double normal ground movement, give her enough super leap for a three story reach. Not a lot of strength, but a generous amount of CON and some DEX. Give her some claws or teeth for small HKAs enough to put normals in the hospital. Her DCV should be superb and probably better than her OCV. Targeting sense hearing with reduced range mods would help, and a fair amount of stealth. Disads would be about the same as above, but a bit more intense. Maybe turn distant into skittish, and add obsessive curiosity. Distinctive looks should be liberally applied appropriate to the campaign tone, and decide hoW much of her mind is in control and if she can exist in society, or if she has a tendency to bite people. She as a monster could still be cute as heck though. Just look up Juniper The Fox on Instagram XD. Just some ideas my insomnia is tossing around. Hope this helps.
  20. I love the Aaron Alston cameo , ringside in "the Great Supervillain Contest,
  21. I played a lot of DI as well. Loved the system. With a savvy; knowledgeable GM ( who was also a veteran), the experience was sublime.
  22. I am thinking about t giving it a test. I just need to find a Hero usable VTT solution, for non programmers. 28 pages is A good length for bathroom reading; and as a reference to flip through when during the game.
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