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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Very sorry to hear that.
  2. Looking forward to the write ups from this, if you do it.
  3. Oh, definitely, but in my case it was running convention games, so yes I re-use scenarios.
  4. When we are done with James Spader's Blacklist, we are going on to Resident Alien, as well. I liked the two or three episodes I saw a couple of years ago.
  5. IT really is a choice made at the beginning of a campaign, as to how big or small it's going to be. THe campaigns tend not to grow too much over time if they start street level, as experience in Hero tends to make characters more versatile, and durable, rather than more powerful (in general). Experience points granted tend to be 2 and 3 points a session, and only the most disciplined player sits on them for a full 3 to six months of weekly play to buy another slot on their multi-power, or a new power. So in general, heroes will make slow moves away from the street level, towards full power. Also , GMs should remember that villains get experience points, also. THey can grow as well, though not quite at the rate the heroes would.
  6. They do make things interesting for an exploratory game. Was thinking about that for a possible age of exploration game.
  7. https://www.sciencealert.com/camera-inside-vardas-space-capsule-captured-its-wild-trip-back-to-earth
  8. Watching The Blacklist with my mom. James Spader plays a master villain who offers the FBI a list of names of wanted criminals, but only if he works with a specific female agent who may be his daughter. The show is tense, and Spader is a joy to watch but he’s definitely not a good guy. On Netflix.
  9. Intuitive Machines Odysseus Lander makes a successful landing on the Moon. https://www.space.com/intuitive-machines-im-1-private-moon-landing-webcast More information:
  10. Yeah physical THerapy was kind of a bitch after the bad sumer of 2018.
  11. THe difficulty I see, is that like Duke says, in Hero you get what you pay for. It seems like the bane of "soft Magic" is the utility and appearance of consistency of the spells. Similarly, technology is mostly marked by it's consistency (See: Machine guns). THe loose soft feel, that inconsistency would confer just doesn't work with the mathematics of Hero. I leaned into it, set a list of nust have, and can't haves to the advantages and limitations of each culture's magic, to flavor them differently, but they were consistent tools used by the people who could wield it. THe only nod to the airy fairy tuypes of magic were some cultures had invisible power effects and indirect on them. Brandon Sanderson's meditations on magic systems clarified a lot of what I have thought about. The current campaign has no magic at all, but the characters dont know that as a lot of them are superstitious priimitives (Except Alchemy works, so there are healing potions available, otherwise people get too cautious).
  12. We could not do "Gain of Function experiments in the U.S., so a few scientists talked to Chinese colleagues, and We spent two years in lock down anyway.
  13. That's a fair point especially with the first character I built with it. But one could construct it so the skills, abilities and some of the disads cross over, though adding new ones would probably be necessary due to the new form. But it ads to the flexibility of a build, so one can build to their concept either way. Just be firm with the concept and don't succumb to feature creep?
  14. Oh definitely. We did a brief "All Powered Armored Suits, All the time, and though the campaign was short it had a unified feel, like a Television show. It was a lot of fun. Cold War, so it was the U.S. Versus the Commies, and the occasional villain group or malign corporation.
  15. There is a new Ai bot called Sora. The prompts can now generate up to one minute of full motion video. Take a look: This is under a company lock down, so it's not yet available to the public, but it would be a useful tool for generating B-Roll for YouTube, It as of now cannot generate Porn, celebrity look alikes or graphic violence. How long does one think those restrictions wil stay in place?.
  16. Nultiform has been nerfed since it's origin in Fantasy Hero, It didn't used to need a power framework to be affordable, just points.
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