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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. George McDonald was of the opinion that heroic games need strong heroes, so strength was always the first go to stat for Champions.
  2. After reading a bunch of Reddit posts I was persuaded to give Farscape a try. Four Episodes it, it's not bad, but seems a little cramped after the first episode, but people are fitting in to their characters. Not a lot yet I could use for a traveller campaign, but it's nice to see aliens that were more than just bumpy foreheads.
  3. In my long term campaign, Northern Battle mages looked the same as Medium infantry, unless you look closely. Different Waffenfarbe, and lot of non standard swords and other weapons. Equipment was equipment. But once they start slinging spells, the glowing geometric shapes centered on their hands, the glowing eyes, and the otherworldly noise make it apparent you are dealing with Northern Battle Mages
  4. Turns out there are a lot of anti-Semitic college professors than I would have guessed. Star metal would be something searched after, in mined out areas. After doing a YouTube rabbit hole on the model T, it seems that if one’s goals are modest, you can make a reasonably useful ground vehicle from only a few moving parts. A Model A would be a bit more work. Considering that and Industrial Revolution almost occurred in Ancient Rome, if there is enough economic incentive, and minimal government interference, it would happen again.
  5. I myself didn’t run Champions, but I played with a consistent group for about 4 years. We were all avid comic buyers, so a lot of inspiration came from Teen Titans (George Perez and Marv Wolfman), The X-Men (Chris Clairemont and John Byrne), and a scattering of John Byrne era Fantastic Four. There was a bit of influences from early 80s anime as well, however since all of us came out of the highschool wargaming club, the Comics Code was a loose suggestion. I ran Fantasy Hero, and my influences were the Deryeni books, and other politics and violence heavy fantasy trilogies of the time. I bounced off of Tolkien, so his influence was minimal.
  6. And remember, Fantasy Heto is not D&D. I get a little depressed, every time some young player tries to cobble together a 3.5 or 5e TSR build. It never works or is never an efficient use of points.
  7. Felix Schlang tracking the rockets ascent with an X-Box Ontroller over a Starlink connection to a Camera in Boca Chica. He may have a better recording later of the booster's RUD.
  8. THe U.S. Army issued Gladii to Artiller troops from 1855, through th Civil War. You still run across them in gun shows, plus repros for Civil War Re-enactors.
  9. I would not put it that far. The launch was clean. The Hot staging worked. The problem with the booster is the stresses of the flip and burn caused the booster to fail, and the Loss of Telemetry, either through ground stations, or Starlink made the termination system remove ship 25 from existence, lest it go uncontrolled and land on a city in Africa or something. If you remember the Falcon development they lost a number of them before they were able to get controlled landings and were able to reuse the part. THis is a much more complex rocket than the Falcon, so I am expecting five failed launches until they can get a a good, reuseable rocket.
  10. If they paid character points for the item, then they get either a replacement, or a point equivalent piece of equipment.
  11. Interestingly, the Space news sites both posted a day early. If Starship had launched today (Friday, Nov. 17) they would have probably poste footage. As it was, they reported the delay, and what caused it, as well as the large number of launches this past week. And the Vulcan is apparently ready to launch soon: https://spacenews.com/ula-gearing-up-for-first-vulcan-launch/
  12. Thank you. Yeah the replacing of the grid fin actuator was announced later, resulting in a one day delay of launch. https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-second-test-flight-launch-delay
  13. Different take on the above. If a player pays points, then the item paid in points for, will return to the character. They cannot lose it permenantly. Items paid for in money can be lost, stolen, or damaged,permanently. This was discussed 6-9 months ago already.
  14. https://www.popsci.com/science/juno-salt-ocean-ganymede-jupiter/ Found evidence of a salty ocean on Ganymede
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