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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. You are correct. I would go there just to get Jolibee, and a few other odds and ends. Sorry to see it go, but that whole little valley area is going Biotech.
  2. Oh That’s true, but the suburbs were much smaller in 1930. Their expansion was after WW2.
  3. The Tanforan Mall in South San Francisco used to be the Tanforan Race Track (where Japanese Americans were collected temporarily before internment.). The Great Mall in Milpitas used to be a Ford plant. Just some examples locally.
  4. Malls were generally built on obsolete industry or pre-trucking food packing and processing, so you could replace the malls with a Can factory, a stock yard, or a manufacturing concern that made things that were once common but are no longer, or were4 once common, but moved out of the city in the early 70's due to toxicity, or in the 80's when they were moved over seas.
  5. Played SFB some, but I don't remember it well. I really don't get you guy's fetishization for vacuum tube, rack mount, CPUs. I just don't. It's weird, like genre enforcement of DOD computer practices from the 1960s, or The Rand Corporation. The whole Genre Enforcement thing is what made me walk away from Superhero games (With one or two exceptions, because the GMs were exceptional). Traveller could be set up for just about anything. I forget where, but there was a semi serious posting in one of the GDW publications that had stat blocks for Star Wars Characters, but they were given generic names. I could see someone back in 1978 putting together a Star Wars campaign using Traveller. Hell, it's Maneuver and Jump for ships looked similar. So basically Duke said that one enthusiastic Traveller group basically filled in the Hexagon Pad, except for the area that Now I have homebrewed backgrounds for SF Campaigns, bnut looking through various Traveller projects I am curious to what sorts of things other people have come up with to cover my blind spots. Also I am curious about the Julian Protectorate as there are fragments of a story there. scattered through the Traveller Map, and some of the Traveller Wiki, that I am curious to find out about. Again it's a matter of time. OI don't have a lot of it, between clin\ic visits, and attempts to earn more money to add to my unfortunately fixed income at the moment. I still prefer any game I play to be Map and Minis, so I can get an idea of ranges and layout of combat areas. Hell in ROTC I was a map and compass guy. Duke I would love to see more detail on how you did THe Hero conversions. It was also Steve Jobs that killed the slide out keyboards. For complex posts, I type on my desktop. If I am Dyalysis, I use voice to text, and then edit the mistakes (only one hand available, and it's not my dominant).
  6. Just finished Stranger Things Season 4, Pt. 1. On par with the first season, with a lot less comedy, more of that Stephen King influence the First Season had. They turned on the Money spigots at Netflix as the production looks lush, and each episode is like a movie. Characters are doing things, and acting mostly smart. Definitely recommended. Bosch: Legacy on Amazon Prime Video. a smart detective show. Harry Bosch has left the LAPD and has gone into being a private Eye, which allows for him to use a lot more creative problem solving than he did as an LAPD Detective for the past 6 seasons. But old problems from those days continue to follow him, especially due to how slowly the courts move. About to dive into Season three of The Boys.
  7. This was already a young adult graphic novel.
  8. But that was the thing. Champions had these really elegant mechanics in that you could wargame Superhero battles. And later anything else. This lead to the Mercenary battles and from then Fantasy Hero. I read superhero comics, but I read more War comics, soot was all about elegant mechanics, not minimal mechanics.
  9. Did you mean me, or Spence? More later.
  10. The other repurposed building that might be popular as a base would be the "National Guard Armory" Castles build predominantly east of the Mississippi, which were usually fortified buildings that looked just like castles. As the nature of war changed, so did the usefulness of those buildings (MOst notably their lack of parking lots, as motorized Logistics and mechanized warfare came to the fore). These buildings have many secure rooms, and many classrooms, and large assembly rooms/ gyms, all covered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connecticut_Street_Armory http://www.upstatecastle.com/architecture.htm https://www.builtstlouis.net/national-guard-armory.html http://www.cob.org/wp-content/uploads/sehome-survey-national-guard-armory.pdf
  11. Exactly my situation. slightly different games, but yeah classic Traveller, Bushido, and what ever FGU Game did a decent Crunchy fantasy. Oh, and Welcome back, You have been missed.
  12. Are we talking the TV show, or the Comic? They come across as very different.
  13. There is a building a lot like that on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills.
  14. Here are the details on the SiG M% rifle, and it's ammunition. Yes, we are going back to using a Machine Gun Cartridge, just like WW2, but with sound suppression and far better optics.
  15. He was definitely enthusiastic about the system, and his posting in various threads showed it. Never thought of him as one of th gray beards here, as he had the mental energy of a young man. Sorry to lose him. R.I.P.
  16. Weapons: Repurposed farm tools. This includes Axes, and pruning hooks. Education: Animal Husbandry, Seasonal Weather variations, Animal Anatomy. Local Land Ownership History. Spells: Spells listed are missing AOE options. Other Spells: Purify field, Purify water, Change Environment: remove weeds/vermin from field, Mend bones (healing), cure disease . (some with AOE inside of a defined or Sanctified area). Magic Items: 4/6/8 magic stones that define areas, and within a max distance, and will "sanctify" and area within the stones. Stones probably start as valuable (Emeralds larger than one's thumbnail). Ceramic Tableware of Purify food. Goblet of Purify Drink. Pitcher of create water. cotton wraps of healing.
  17. Pathfinder's customizations get really crazy on occasion, don't they?
  18. Goddess of Justice: The balancer, the goddess of just endings. Goddess of vengeance. the goddess of honour, (any other ideas?) Feuds? Perseverance? Retribution. Suggested changes: Clothing: When presiding as Judges, they wear black robes and a tall, white, collar, for "Difficult" trials, they may also wear a white mask. Education: Same as above, but also some of the specializations may edge towards criminology and magic theory. Spell Additions: The clergy of this Goddess may edge towards combat disciplines in the same way police have assumed some paramilitary duties, so they may have spells that can be triggered as, and within combat actions. One spell of that type they may all have is Silence, and many would have Silence as an AOE (The Gesture difference being pointing their finger at an individual to silence them, and an open and spread hand to silence the gallery. No impotent banging of a gavel to quiet the crowd. There may be inquisitors, or Investigators that have a panoply of combat spells,. magic items and equipment that make them into formidable pursuers or opponents. Magic Item Additions: Goggles of the owl (Night vision), Telescope, Scroll of duplication: A blank scroll that duplicates the writings (and drawings) from another document upon itself, until the scroll runs out of room, Jar of voices: records the voices for X number of minutes once the lid is opened and stops recording when the lid is replaced, then of the lid is opened again will repeat what is said for all to hear.
  19. True enough. There was an abandoned mall in South Los Angeles I used to drive by on occasion that looked like fortress. Shore up the wals from the inside and that would probably work.
  20. I’ll do what I can on Thursday morning.
  21. The problem with disused shopping malls, is that they have severely high maintenance expenses, and the layouts are somewhat semi-random. The central areas, tend to be wide open spaces, that allow a lot of foot traffic. Large glass windows and huge geometric skylights are a lot less secure than the sober brickwork of a masonic temple.
  22. Wrath? No…. Revelry, rather than lust? Hmm interesting.
  23. A very defensible building with solid construction, and tiny windows. Perfect for a hero base, and not expensive, either. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/living-in-masonic-temple?utm_medium=atlas-page&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1fSSRJMcnG50SlYQ0c3yAMEJAq1V-gyIPg2fSxtrUSENgtFVdVEq4mqt8
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