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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Running Cyberpunk Red on Roll20. Have been using Google maps and Zillow to get info on houses and buildings, cutting screen shots up for maps, and it has worked out. Los Angeles in the 2040s is pretty much the same, just more economically depressed, what after the tsunami, and the film making diaspora to avoid California taxes.
  2. Fan-made animated Batman film, written and animated by Stephen Trumble. Original score by Claire Wickes. Starring Brian Vaughan, David Trumble, Sylvie Nightingale, Bronwyn Sweeney, Calum Carpenter. Special sound design by John Moros. A much better than average Batman Story, where Batman is true to character, doing his Detective thing at the start.
  3. Probably none. I would have continued with Bushido, and Traveller, and played other non Class, non D20 based systems. The attraction was because Champions was a well designed "Game", which to me was far more attractive than Superheroes. More importantly, without Champions, point buy systems would be a lot rarer, and/or stunted. D&D would have had less competition. I may have picked up some of the Tri-Tac games a little sooner. Cyberpunk, as written, would have been very different.
  4. The Space-X Starship is really big https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/05/spacex-engineer-says-nasa-should-plan-for-starships-significant-capability/
  5. It’s not bad and it moves along. Good martial arts fights.
  6. Watched the second season of Ultraman on Netflix. it's Mocapped 3D, and Cel shaded, so the dialogue scenes are a bit stiff, and robotic, but, it's Ultraman, so the acrobatics and the martial arts are stellar. IT has a much more epic feel than the first season.
  7. Mostly The rare times I have seen it, as it was NPCc Heroes. PC Heroes spent the points elsewhere to boost their combat effectiveness. Then there is how you class them. Are they followers or DNPCs?
  8. I did, for about half a decade after that incident, but I wasn’t the GM any longer. Then A couple of us had a falling out over game styles/ politics, and some of them stopped gaming. When I moved to Los Angeles in 2005, that was the end of that phase of gaming until I got coaxed back into it due to the advancement of online tabletops by 2015. I still will send a note to a couple of them from time to time, but I game online exclusively now, and they didn’t need to ( three of them live in the same house. )
  9. Many lifeboats were made as independent watercraft with a sail, a bin of cracker rations, a fishing kit, a water cask, a compass, two pair of oars, and a tarp. This is different from a whaleboat which is just the boat with oars. It can be used as an expedient lifeboat, but lacks navigation and sustainment items. Recently, especially for commercial vessels, the lifeboats are powered, weather resistant, enclosed, fiberglass, boats, gravity launched from the ship to give them a kick away to get clearance. They have navigation and radio. All lifeboats have to be inspected, and restocked if need be. The USCG takes a dim view of unmaintained lifeboats. Paying 1/25th points seems fair for a limited use craft used to leave a bad situation, or a damaged and unrecoverable ship.
  10. Man... I ate at a few of those. There is still a Red Barn structure here in town, but it's a car wash, now. Howard Johnsons had better breakfasts than lunches IMO
  11. LIES! LIES! You Get What You Pay For! You get what you pay for!! ...only half kidding, based on some of the responses I see in these forums. (And most of the rationale for 6e). I tend to view points as a game currency rather than as hard math.
  12. Didn't the Harbinger of Justice do this to store his gun collection? Look at his write up?
  13. Wow, talk about a day and night comparison. I am somewhere in the middle, it was for the most part, a competent film, but also IMO a bit too dark in the cinematography. I thought the story was adequate, and I loved the characterization of Gotham City, of what I could see of it. I initially was wary of this film due to the news coming from the set, but the film exceeded my low expectations by quite a bit and I thought the acting was well done. IT seems to also have made its money back. Not a bad film.
  14. I can advise, but I am usually paid for contributions. Art, is time consuming, and I need to pay my rent.
  15. There has been an interesting piece of analysis of fight scenes in DC movies, and how fight scenes on the air are just padding and tend not to decide a lot.
  16. Licensing invites corporate oversight. This is not a good idea. So thank goodness it's too expensive for Hero to have a Licensing agreement with DC< especially with the Discovery Merger, D.C. may end up as strictly reprints, anyway.
  17. The cock and fire actions can b e quite quick for a trained shooter. Watch how this single action is handled, and listen for the "ding" of the steel plate target, for the accurate hit.
  18. "The Union" "...Which Union?' "The one that matters". "Which one?" "Exactly."
  19. https://variety.com/2022/film/news/dc-warner-bros-discovery-zaslav-hbo-max-1235232185/
  20. Spectacle, is going to be mostly CG, but the existence of my mother and her friends indicate an appetite out there for "brain food" movies that have little to no spectacle. In any case small budgets do goose creativity. I watch a lot of super low budget SF films, on the CG Bros channel on YouTube. There is some spectacle there, but it's not a lot of world saving plots. Mostly it's about the quality of the idea, and/or the writing. I can see a rise of independent produced Crime Thrillers, small unit war movies, westerns, and psychological art house fare. Superheroes , if they continue, will have some budget constraints.
  21. It can, but the points of view are limited, and the quality of the images are variable. It's better to go out, and bring a camera and a selection of lenses.
  22. Watching Midnight's Edge on YouTube, and they have had a lot of detailed information about the Warner's situation. Anne Sarnoff has been asked to leave, Walter Hamada has also been asked to leave. The only executive that is remaining, so far, is Toby Emmerich. This is going to halt any further development by J.J. Abrams on the DCEU, so thankfully no Black Superman. I would expect that release dates are being shuffled. I also expecft that there is going to be a shrinkage of film budgets, and that the studio as a whole will be putting out films of limited scope, more like the 1970s.
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