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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Well Hero coul re-release the First and/or second editions as a “Facsimile 40th Anniversary Edition ” with the book, map, dice and adventure included in a box, and that would serve to cover everything we have been thinking about. The summer of 2021 is a year and a half off, time to organize crowd funding with a big enough goal to print retail copies as well as cover the backers.
  2. Welcome to 1981, folks, pull up a chair and listen....
  3. Artists like to draw boobs. | That being said I have seen a few artists that draw feminine reptilian types without boobs that look nice.
  4. Because good software development is it's own expensive nightmare of a project. and the design phase is the most important. Do we cede tabletop, because we don't have a decent phone app? Then I guess it's ceded.
  5. The problem with Bayonets is that when attatched to rifles they are long annd unwieldy in close quarters (see previous arguments), but in the field, well bayonets can be more useful, with a lot of training. Imperial Japan put a lot of emphasis on bayonet training, to the point of making a sport of it called Jyuken Jutsu. after the US occupation the sport was revived as Jyukendo, and the popularity is growing. a friend in Australia joined a Dojo that teaches it.
  6. I missed your post, But yes, something like that for Champions might work, but in building the Pre-generateds, build thinly disguised versions of popular superheroes. (Either from Film or Comic), so that the new player can kind of assume. But now, does it have to be Champions, or are we selling the system, rather than the genre? Espionage (Marketed as Action Hero), might get more traction, maybe?
  7. [lost my post due to a Windows Update] Okay, I see three things here: The complete Series was not a bad approach, but was sub-optimal due to bad organization and layout. As it is it's focused, but it's not a good product for a beginner to Hero. There is little to no chance of there being any ability to change the published rules as is, but there may be a chance to repackage the "Complete" series as re-organized as a PDF maybe (with permission). A reorganized product might be easier for beginners, but it is a large sandwich to swallow. What this re-organization would look like would have to be discussed as I have no clue what that would look like. organization is not my strong suit. This produce might be useful to someone new to Hero, but a more experienced GM. There is a new product from WOTC. It's entitled Essentials Kit. It is a boxed product that contains a 64 page rule book with ruled to cover characters from levels 1 - 6, Dragon of Icespire Peak an introductory adventure, Double Sided poster map, Dungeon Master's Screen, 6 blank Character sheets, 11 polyhedral Dice, 81 cards describing Magic items, sidekicks and more. The produce comes in a fairly substantial box and I bought it retail for $24.00 US. (the reason I bought it, was that my Nephew wants to learn how to play D&D< and this is a way to do it, without tossing him into the deep end by buying him a PHB). The product is definitely aimed at Beginners, and includes an abbreviated rules set, but otherwise is compatible with the current 5e rules. Boxes are still a thing and work well for introductory products. Hero at the current time does not have the finances to attempt this. But the product format is still worth looking at for design and educational purposes. The third thing. I was looking at Fantasy Hero Battle Grounds for Fifth Edition FH. It's a book of adventures, with a fair amount of details. They are all loosely linked with some background to make them into a whole, short campaign. Why wasn't this idea pushed further? (probably because it didn't sell). Partly I think it should have had a more evocative title, like "Rising of the Forgotten God". But as written is looks and feels pretty solid. The only thing missing would be a set of pre-generated adventurers, to make this something like an introductory product. So it has been done before. If we must, it could be easily ported over to 6th Edition, but it will still need some pre-generated characters. I could not tell from my first pass if this product was at all tied in with any other existing Hero FH Background, but it could be, I suppose. But I think some sort of combination of What WOTC hass done, What Hero has done in the past, and what is economically feasible is what we should aim for , in attracting new talent. Now we can't have a box, or dice, or probably multiple books, but a very slimmed down, basic set of the 6e rules might work, with an included Adventure and pre-generated characters. All examples using those characters names and such. Maybe even splitting things out further into a GM's book, and a player's book, ala D&D, to keep the amount of effort on the new player minimal? something like Fantasy Hero Primer, but with more pre-generateds would work as the player manual. https://www.herogames.com/files/file/367-fantasy-hero-primer/
  8. Oh those bands are on the list as well. (Well except the Cure), but Depeche Mode was/is one of my favorite bands just due to the consistency of the stuf I like, even their early stuff. US Music in the 80's was British music on certain stations. (I avoided hair bands).
  9. A good chopice, but I have a mix of old 80' s dance tunes I call "Music by Work by" with things like Obsession by Clan of Xymox, Alphaville's "Dance with Me", plus some new stuff like Dolya Riska, byt the cheese people, and Dog blood, by Chella Ride (which is the soundtrack to a martial arts fight scene in a movie playing in my head). But my love for the 80's is eternal.
  10. Looking forward to the Next WW movie. I think DC movies finally have worked themselves out from under their curse, finally. Also New Order's Blue Monday, for the Win!
  11. Usagi is "Rabbit" in Japanese. So w're hunting wabbits?!?!
  12. Never quite understood the difference between skills and talents. But then it was all skills when I started.
  13. There is a thread below that discusses what long term Fantasy Hero characters look like and you might want to look at that. But the TL:DR of it is that the characters become more skilled , and more competent, and more flexible, rather than superheroic.
  14. You guys is picking on meee.... Seriously though I am probably going to just breeze a couple of chapters to get the flavor of it and then a specific location as to where the game will start.
  15. Okay... got word from my GM that I AM SUPPOSED TO READ the Turakian Age before the game starts, so I may have further comment later.
  16. Well I would build them as 5 to 10 points. And not have too many. Like 5 max.
  17. I even have playtest sheet fro FH characters , but those were ugly, and most people just used Photocopy edited Champions sheets.
  18. I would have to disagree. Skills become a decent point sink for characters, rather than more OCV/ DCV.
  19. There was a few magic items, but not a lot. Most magic users were innate, with a magic rolls required. The software used was the original Heromakr.exe that released nearly simultaneously with the 4th edition BBB, but was the character generator for then never released Champions PC Game. It was so much easier than HDC is now.
  20. For some reason HTTPS doesn’t display in line. You will have to click the link.
  21. So what does an experienced Fantasy Hero character look like. here's my example. The following Character is Lord Morvath Broadwing. I was a member of L, Douglas Garrett's Fantasy Hero Play test, that ran for years at his house in Sunnyvale CA at the time. In the first cycle I played Shiro the Samurai, for about a year. When the rules were finally released, there was a time jump of about 15-20 years campaign time. As it was, the world was, by necessity a "Kitchen Sink" world. However, being an L. D. G. campaign the geopolitics, and power dynamics were intricate. The game at the time was anywhere between 12, to 22 Players, usually around 18, and consisted of several of the Hero Games employees at the time. Because of the efforts of one of the players in the first cycle of the game, his God, Keoshin, had become a large popular movement, and had wiped out a couple of the monarchies in the northern reaches, one specifically Davria, which had been an early thorn in the side in the early parts of phase one of the campaign. So in the early part of the Second phase, the Party headed east into the desert lands of Caliphistan. I had recently lost a character in a fight, but came up with an idea of playing a notorious Daviran noble expat, living in far distant Caliphistan, and working as a gunsmith. But he had more than a few secrets. I discussed with Doug one of those secrets, shape shifter. Doug thought it was interesting, but said that I could not buy the full amount, and would have to use XP to finish building it out. This is the original sheet: https://i.imgur.com/e8cU7CW.png This is the basic character, and the Multiform was at 67 of it's required 79 points. The sheet shows 18 XP, At this point, Morvath was brought into the party as a line fighter, and a gunsmith. Later he was able to purchase his Multiform , and the party realized "Oh.... he was that dragon..."(See his disads, and had a rep of massive destruction against Davria's enemies). But since he was still useful to the party's goals he continued with them, as they moved Eastward. The Dragon got a lot of work out as the party's goals expanded into the politics of the region. here's the Dragon: https://i.imgur.com/TGOJuj2.png So after a few years the character bought off some disads, bought a lot of skills and levels, validating the observation that High Level Fantasy Hero characters tend to progress like Champions Martial Artists. This is the latest sheet of the character. https://i.imgur.com/myln8zy.png I had way too much fun with this character, and I have used him as an NPC in my FH campaigns. Hopefully this character has been a useful example.
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