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Posts posted by sentry0

  1. I just pushed the 1.3.4 build into production primarily to fix a file selection bug on iOS that was preventing users from picking a Hero Designer file.  The combat screen is still a work in progress, let me know what you think of it so far.


    Path notes:

    • Added in phases to the combat screen
    • Added a section for combat values (OCV, DCV, etc) to the combat screen
    • The health section of the combat screen now uses a calculator for its input
    • Fixed a rare crash with custom martial maneuvers
    • Fixed some display issues with martial maneuvers
    • Fixed a loading bug when trying to load Hero Designer files (iOS only)

    The build should be hitting your devices later today.

  2. It looks I fixed the iOS loading bug for Hero Designer characters.  I'm still being bitten by a bug with my simulators so it's impossible for me to test right now... but I can now see the files and they are selectable.  I just get an error when I try to actually open the files because of the bug with iCloud.


    I've got other changes in this build that I need to spend time testing but I may push a build as soon as tomorrow depending on how it goes tonight.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Trencher said:

    Thanks for interesting answers. I am going to go with the activation type of limitation. Trigger could work but as said earlier it would make it more expensive than just buying extra flat damage. 

    Also I want to avoid using the trigger concept for things other than traps, just to keep things simple for my players. Most of them are new. 


    It reminds me of Pathfinder where you would threaten a critical and have to confirm it with a second roll.  Sounds interesting, you'll have to let us know how it works out for you.

  4. 4 minutes ago, bluesguy said:

    Ok I removed the old version from my iPad and installed the new version.  I tried up get it upload my HDC file (6e Heroic template) but it wouldn't do it, the app doesn't seem to recognize the file type.  It sill loads the xml export.  I attached the HDC file in question

    Morrolan_eDrien.hdc 267.1 kB · 0 downloads


    Ok, I'll look into it.  I'm having an issue accessing iCloud via the iOS simulators which is apparently a known issue.  I just saw that a new version of XCode is available the other day so I'll get it installed and see if it fixes the issue.


    If I can access iCloud I can test the issue.  It's probably just a weird iPad thing... iPhones and iPad's actually handle files slightly differently which used to mean separate code for each.  I basically opened up the file picker so that it will load any file now but iPad's probably require some special flag or something 🤪🤯


    You can see on line 32 of the code I'm explicitly saying allow any file type to be chosen - https://github.com/sentry0/hero-system-mobile/blob/master/src/lib/File.js.  It's Probably just me not reading the docs closely enough... honestly though, iPad's are almost always the devices that give me grief 😣

  5. I've been working on the "Combat" tab of the app today in my free time and wanted to give an update.


    Here's a screenshot of the tab:




    From the image a few things should be evident (other than the alignment issues I'm fighting :)😞

    • I've added in a "Phases" section that simply displays the phases of the current character
      • I think it would be kind of neat to do something here to show which phases the character has used
        • A touch would highlight the phase in red to show that it's been used
        • Long touching a phase could turn it Yellow or Orange to indicate the phase was aborted
    • The "Combat Values" section is also new
      • You can adjust up or down any CV you like
      • Hitting the "Roll" button will bring you directly to the "Result" screen which will tell you what DCV you can hit

    I'm thinking of a couple of things here...

    • I want to add a calculator to the "Health" section so that when you edit your health you can let the computer do the math for you
    • I need to add in CSLs to the "Combat Values" section
    • I think I would like to list not only PD/ED but also unusual defenses like Power Defense under the forthcoming "Defenses" section

    If anyone has any requests for this section or feedback on the ideas I'm batting around let me know!

  6. 3 minutes ago, ScottishFox said:

    I downloaded a copy and the first thing that stands out is the newer more modern look to it.


    I was able to load a character from the old .xml file without issue.  I'll try to do one off one of my HDC files with custom powers/skills when I get home.


    Thanks for putting this all together!


    Awesome, thanks for helping.


    Just make sure you get the 1.3.3 build on your device before you try to load custom powers and stuff.  It will cause a crash in earlier releases.


    The app is at version 1.3.3 on the Play Store and Amazon Appstore right now.  It's probably going live on iOS later today/tonight.

  7. In what is becoming a theme for my mornings I have pushed another build to the app stores :).  The 1.3.3 build fixes some issues with loading multiple characters in succession and adds support for custom skills, talents, and perks.


    Patch notes:

    • Fixed an issue with Cramming
    • Added in support for custom skills, perks, and talents
    • Fixed a number of issues relating to stale data when loading one or more characters into the app in succession
    • Skill Levels now show more useful information at a glance
    • More work to clean up how modifiers are calculating and displaying

     The new build should be hitting your devices today or tomorrow depending on how fast it progresses through the various app store QA processes.

  8. I just pushed the 1.3.2 build into production which is mostly a build that addresses some corner cases.


    Patch notes:

    • Fixed a bug with the lift calculation for intermediate strengths
    • The "Skill Check" button can now be toggled off
    • Modifiers now enforce minimum and maximum values
    • Modifiers now correctly discount negative adders
    • Skills that grant skill levels only now calculate and display properly

    The build will probably be available today or tomorrow depending on how fast the QA process progresses in the various app stores.

  9. I am pushing out the 1.3.1 build today to address some issues with certain types of advantages not calculating properly.


    Patch notes:

    • Fixed an issue with HKA not calculating damage from STR properly if it had advantages
    • Fixed an issue with certain types of advantages not calculating their costs correctly
    • Fixed an issue with the app splash screen not showing (iOS only)

    This should be available today or tomorrow depending on how fast the build passes through the various app stores QA process.

  10. I have just released the 1.3.0 build to the Android, iOS, and Amazon app stores so it should be hitting your devices soon.


    What's new?

    • You can now import 6th edition characters directly from Hero Designer files
    • Completely restyled the application

    Two bullet points don't do justice to the amount of effort involved so I'll expand on those points a bit.


    New Look & Feel

    I updated the app to have a more modern look and feel... it's now a dark themed app.  Instead of trying to describe the app, here's a couple of screenshots of the new app.  Note that the second and third images are from the Hero Designer character viewer and not the XML export character viewer.


    U0AEJfpl.png    IVFf2fvl.png   E1TEFeAl.png   12pjazWl.png


    Loading Hero Designer Characters

    This feature was a major undertaking and took months of part time development to get working.  Instead of using the XML export template to export your character from Hero Designer and then loading that file into the app you can now just load a Hero Designer character directly.  This is currently only available for 6th edition characters, I'm still deciding if I'm going to support 5th edition characters.  You can still load your 5th or 6th edition characters via the export template method.


    Reading in Hero Designer files means that I now have a much greater ability to get granular details out of the file.  This new way of dealing with character data meant that I needed to build a new UI in order to show it and write code to process the data properly.


    Bug Hunt

    During the process of writing this update I managed to get some reported bugs fixed and even found some new ones while I was in there.


    I'm usually pretty optimistic in general but I'm 100% certain that bugs with the new character viewer that I haven't come across.  Writing this basically doubled the amount of commits I made to the codebase... I pretty much touched every file and wrote a large amount of code in order to support reading Hero Designer files. 


    Keep the bug reports coming via the usual methods:


    Use The Source

    Source code for the app is now open source under the Apache 2.0 license.  You can find the project here - https://github.com/sentry0/hero-system-mobile... do with it what you will.


    Thank You

    I wanted to extend a special thank you to all the people who signed up for the beta and reported bugs.  Your help was crucial in getting this out the door.

  11. The HERO System Mobile app is now officially an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license. 


    I have decided to put this project into the public domain primarily because I want to ensure the code will be available for anyone to do with it what they want.  I have always been a bit of an FOSS fanboy at heart and in practice and want to offer the project up as such.  I don't make money off this project and I have no plans to charge for the app, so there is little point in keeping the code to myself.


    Get the code here - https://github.com/sentry0/hero-system-mobile.  The code is reasonably clean and hopefully understandable but there's always room for improvement.


    For people who are interested in contributing, feel free to grab the code, write your feature, and submit a PR.  I'm happy to help out and get your environment up and running, answer design decision choices, and offer any general assistance I can.  


    Tinkerers welcome :)  

  12. I'm prepping the next production build which will be released sometime this weekend for iOS and Android and wanted to make a quick update.

    • I had new icons, splash screens, and a logo created for the app
    • I added in a "Combat" screen for Hero Designer characters
      • It's only tracking STUN, BODY, and END right now
      • I will be expanding it to include other useful combat information
    • I added a warning message when loading 5th edition characters from Hero Designer directly
      • Loading a 5th edition character mostly works
      • You're basically on your own until I can support them fully
        • Loading the output of the XML export template works as usual
    • I finished all the tasks necessary to open source the app
      • I will complete the process of open sourcing the code this weekend and make an announcement
      • I added an automatic linter check when committing code
        • I linted all of the codebase
      • WIP: running unit tests on commit
        • Having an issue mocking an upstream library I'm using for navigation
    • Other sundry items and bug fixes too boring to speak of here :)

    I will be ending the beta this weekend, probably tomorrow (2020-01-11).  I just wanted to give a special thank you to everyone who participated in the test program, I am very grateful for your help with this project.

  13. On 11/21/2019 at 2:03 PM, Alarond said:

    I would be interested in taking a look.  I'm a fellow coder, mostly worked with angular but I've been playing around a little with ReactJS recently.  I've also created a lot of DBs and Rest APIs over the years.   I have a gitHub account here - https://github.com/Alarond 



    I'm not ignoring your post... I am very seriously looking into moving the repo into the public domain.  I'm looking into licensing options and will very likely releasing the sourcecode under the Apache 2.0 license sometime in in the near future.  The code was also a little messy in some places which has been (mostly) rectified in my work to support Hero Designer files directly.  There's still some spots I'm not super happy with but it's coming along.


    Once I have the licensing sorted out and have the code in a "good enough" place it will be open for anyone to have a look at.

  14. I'm rolling out the latest build to the Android and iOS app stores.  This build (1.3.0) is a release candidate and if things go well I will be pushing it to the production channels of the app stores.


    What's new in this build:

    • Fixed a bug with extra DCs not adding to martial arts damage
    • Fixed a display bug with martial maneuvers that did killing damage with a weapon
    • App navigation is much improved now

    Keep checking the post at https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/98754-hero-system-mobile-20/?do=findComment&comment=2740009 to see the status of the rollouts.


    Hero 5th Edition

    The app does not currently officially support loading 5th edition characters directly from Hero Designer files.  You can still load in 5th edition characters via the usual way (use the export template, load that file into the app).  I need to do an analysis to see what would be involved in loading in a 5th edition character directly from a Hero Designer file to determine if I want to do that work.  I'm not going to mix words here; I'm not interested in supporting old versions of HERO if it's going to be a lot of extra work.


    With that said, I would welcome anyone who is interesting in helping out with supporting 5th to join me on the project.


    Odds and Ends

    Behind the scenes, I've been doing a significant amount of refactoring to the codebase to upgrade libs and clean up things.  I started using a library called Redux to manage the state of my application more effectively.  Ironically, way back when I started this project I added in Redux to my libs but only used it sparingly.  By adopting its use across the board I was able to significantly clean up my codebase so it's much easier to reason about and more structured.


    I also performed a major upgrade to the navigation library I'm using to allow for a much better navigation experience.  Basically, before this upgrade when you would hit the back button you would probably end up going to the home screen regardless of where you were.  Now, the library will accurately return you to where you were which included remembering what tab you had open (if any) and even where on the Screen you left off on.


    I also upgraded most of the core libs on the project to newer versions.  This resulted in a massive amount of child library upgrades but everything is working fine.


    Finally, I am using a new bundling tool for Android which will result in significantly smaller application sizes.  Essentially, the old style of bundling an app made for a bloated APK and the new style produces a very svelte package.  On my phone this reduced the installation size from ~40m to ~13m.  A pretty massive improvement.


    This effort to refactor the code moves the project closer to possibly releasing it as an open source project.

  15. I found a couple of bugs with martial art maneuvers in the latest build (1.2.11 beta5):

    • Extra damage classes were not adding in properly to the total damage calculation
    • Moves that inflict killing damage were not displaying their damage

    Both are fixed on my development build and will be available in the next betta build.

  16. I am currently rolling out the 1.2.11-beta5 build to the iOS and Android app stores.  This is mostly a bug fix build but I did do a pass through the Martial Arts screen and they now show much more useful information.


    What's new:

    • Fixed some issues with Hand Killing Attack
    • Fixed some issues the Hand-To-Hand Attack
    • Martial Art maneuvers now show much more useful info
    • Fixed a crash with the "Load" option from the sidebar
    • Fixed a display issue the Equipment items which were Compound Powers

    Keep checking the post at https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/98754-hero-system-mobile-20/?do=findComment&comment=2740009 to see the status of the rollouts.

  17. I am rolling out the 1.2.10 beta4 build as I type this.  This is a big build in terms of features and bug fixes.  I added in a number of large-ish missing features and fixed a couple of gnarley bugs that was causing the app to straight up crash.  


    What's new and been fixed in this build:

    • Added support for built-in templates other than Superheroic
    • Added support for user created custom templates
    • Added the equipment tab
    • Added support for Multipower slot types (Fixed and Variable)
    • Enhanced Perception is now aware of the show secondary characteristics flag
    • Fixed a couple of bugs with Compound Power
    • The Language skill now calculates its cost correctly
    • Fixed a bug with loading multiple characters one after each other

    Keep checking the post at https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/98754-hero-system-mobile-20/?do=findComment&comment=2740009 to see the status of the rollouts.

  18. I am in the process of rolling out the latest beta build to both Android and iOS app stores.


    Here's what's new with this build:

    • Enhanced senses should work now
    • Flash is calculating its cost correctly
    • AoE advantage is calculating properly
    • Toggling secondary characteristics now applies to the Skills page
    • Density Increase and Resistant Defense now add to stats and skill checks
    • Fixed a bug that was preventing Powers, Talents, Perks, etc from displaying if there was only one item

    Keep checking the post at https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/98754-hero-system-mobile-20/?do=findComment&comment=2740009 to see the status of the rollouts.


  19. 1 hour ago, C-Note said:

    Love it so far.  The "Equipment" tab is missing.  Is this a "to do" or a bug?  Thanks.


    edit: Just noticed this. Nevermind!

    • The character must have been created with the Superheroic template.


    I haven't touched equipment just yet... there's a stub in the code for it but that's about it 😁

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