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Everything posted by MisterVimes

  1. eh... Tom Cruise... not my favorite actor. But after Minority report I might be able to handle it.... afterall I found Michael Keaton credible as Batman.
  2. Actually... I pictured Timothy Dalton (with an American Accent)... probably because Alex Ross' illo seemed to be modeled on him.
  3. Sad:( But at least there is still life... and the Blade team gives me confidence
  4. I do that... Heh. Suck it up Man! Wear a Helmet, carry weapons... Hire bodyguards... GM via sattalite! or not...
  5. I've done that, but each issue did not necessarily resolve the storyline... it was just continued to next issue:D And once a year we'd have a marathon "Annual" on a saturday and game for 12 hours... I even had a player who drew the covers.
  6. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Team "Vibe" or Lorne Michaels
  7. I dunno. David Micheline, John Romita jr. and Bob Layton were a pretty amazing team. The whole Justin Hammer Storyline, the Alchoholism Storyline, Tony and Doom in King Arthur's Court... Great days. Of course J. Michael Strazynski or maybe Kevin Smith would be my dream team.
  8. And Joss (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Whedon is the front runner as Director... That's a good thing
  9. The true form is excluded from the "Most expensive form"
  10. Ah... But wasn't there a time (Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers, Gene Colan, David Micheline, John Romita jr., Bob Layton) that ALL Iron Man comics were essential? *sigh*
  11. Re: Iron Man At the risk of posting these all over the place, have you seen this? MSHRPG Weapon Locker PDF It's a PDF of the old Marvel Superhero RPG Weapon Locker book. It have a variety of Shellhead's armors, Iron Monger, Crimson Dynamo, Guardsman... etc... It mightbe of help... or it might be redundant.
  12. Ditto... but it was more of a "Mystic Origin" campaign. There was an Earth Elemental Brick, Several 'Casters', a knight with magical armor and a Wraith...
  13. Chris is leaving the Potter Series according to recent interviews and is still on board as of two weeks ago (but of course that means nada) and a recent Avi Arad interview said they wanted to FF movie to have SOME humor, but that after the last FF fiasco that they wanted a hardcore Superhero movie. After Blade, Blade2, X-Men, Spiderman (and hopefully Daredevil) I have a growing faith in Marvel's Movie ventures.
  14. Ask and ye shall recieve: And it's directed by Chris Columbus no less
  15. Re: Re: Re: The Team "Vibe" I merely meant that the team is very mature and businesslike... You guys haven't been together long enough to establish more rapport. Though you and the homeless Hero were getting quite chummy... I liked that.
  16. Yep... I was right. Cobalt Blue was the backup in the Noble issues... I'd forgotten that particular publisher in the mix.
  17. Re: The Team "Vibe" I'll do thise by Group * Force (our first team back in the early 80's): Boy's Club with Guns. * The Highwaymen (our longest running campaign): A huge extended family. * Onslaught: Bickering Siblings * Purge: A Military Unit * Still Un-named Team (aka The Soveriegn Order of Haven Sentinels): Businessmen with Guns... ah... we come full circle.
  18. Re: "Angel" the RPG I bow before your brilliance... that Storyline was Truly.... Supreme
  19. Exactly my thoughts. Just like "Whip" from Eurostar (4th Ed.)
  20. 9" Gliding. No Altitude. Only to not leave tracks.
  21. The great thing about German is that the syntax is very straight forward. If you want Star-Knight... you get Stern-Ritter (rather than say: Knight of the Star). Those were all great. I feel a surge of Nazi Villains making an appearance.
  22. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Newpaper For Writers Block I was a senior at the time and the Current Events class had been added to the list of required subjects when I was a freshman and I never got around to it. So, I was a Senior in a class full of Freshmen. I was Cocky, it was an 'Easy A' and I wanted to have some fun. Each week we were suppossed to bring in a current event from a Newspaper, Magazine or Periodical.... This (I suppose) was to encourage the students to participate... but we got a LOT of Car Magazine, Sports Magazines and Teen Magazine articles. I on the otherhand would grab the Enquirer, The Sun, The Weekly World News and the Globe. I would find the most rediculous article in the bunch and present (with great gusto) my startling findings all the while insisting that it MUST be true... it's in the newspaper. Poor Mrs. Franklin... I prbably aged her 20 years. But I did leave the class with a 100 average.
  23. Last night my group finally (officially) formed a team and got government backing. They were deeded the land they wanted beneath the (real world) colonial fort in the area. When it came time to discuss contractors, the government agent recommended several options for building their base. During part of the conversation, he pulled out a huge pearl shaped object and mentioned the Verminax (see Mystic Masters if you don't know the full story). He then went on to other options. The Mystic in the group made the necessary roll to know who the Verminax were and how to summon them. I looked on in utter disbelief as the party selected the Verminax Option... I mean, they'd been given photographsof what the Verminax DID when they built. Despite that, the team summoned the extra-dimensional builders who then (in my best horrible verminax negotiator voice) wheedled and argued with the team until a "Conntrrrrrrrrrrrrrract" was settled. Then the most disgusting array of descriptions began as the Verminax excreted, vomited, snotted and oozed the base into shape. 12 game hours later and the base was complete and the Egg (used as a bargaining chip) was in the Negotiator's forelimbs who then scuttled away after requesting/demanding that they be given a "Rrrrrrefrrrrrence!" Man I love Champions.
  24. I have noticed something common in Modern games (particularly in Champions as I will address further) that seems to be absent in other RPGs and I am looking for your solutions. Comics have attempted to keep there magazines cohesive to the story, while keeping the topics as current as possible (Dazzler and the Hypno-Hustler not withstanding). But this has led to huge continuity issues and 'necessary' retroactive continuity (or retconning). As an example. Spider-man was created in the eraly 1960's. He was a high school student about 16 years old. Today Peter Parker should be about 57 years old. He and the Fantastic Four had adventures that mention the new groups "The Beatles". Superboy went on a 'Mission' for JFK, finally pinning him down to a time and place (and despite supermans WW2 adventures, made him about the same age as Spider-Man after that tale.) The point I am making is that because the comics come out at a rate of once per month, in comic book time, that means that only a few days may have passed in 12 issues, but to keep things current, the back story has to continually be bumped up. This is NOT a problem for comics like Conan and the majority of the CrossGen comics which do not take place during the real world timeline. As it relates to gaming, games set on different worlds and in the distant past or future (or even the recent past or future for that matter) rarely suffer the same problem. The few exceptions would be regularly updated settings like MechWarrior (with its yearly line of new Mechs) and Cyberpunk games (with their annual catalogs on new technology). Because combat in Champions may take an Hour (or so) of real time when only seconds pass in the game, weeks of game play may only take up a day or so of game time. The question (you knew I'd get around to it) is how do YOU keep the Chronology straight? Do the Characters age a year each year? Do you keep a calendar at all? And how do you keep the players looking at time from the Game perspective when the real world spins by?
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