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Everything posted by MisterVimes

  1. Can I reccomend a resource that might get your juices flowing? (that just sounded dirty) Here is a link to PDFs of the Marvel SHRPG. There were three books on magic called the 'Realms of Magic Books', they might be of some help. Marvel SHRPG PDFs
  2. For those of you with an Anime bent, below is a website with so 50x50 video game sprite just begging to be used as Avatars: Tada!
  3. You are correct sir! And there was a Justice Machine portfolio (which I still have) with pics of the team by George Perez and some others. I spoke at length with Bill Willingham years ago (when the Justic Machine/Elementals one shot appeared under the Texas Comics imprint) and he said that if another company he took the Elementals to went under that Marvel and DC were going to pay him to take the elementals to their other competition... He was quite the Jonah in those days... Elementals... that was another beautiful book.
  4. And, speaking of citing sources, wasn't Cobalt Blue a backup feature in Justice Machine, written by Gustovitch and Penciled by Paul Gulacy?
  5. WOW... the fingers on that hand are growing.
  6. Well remembered, Mr. Gustovitch it was... Bill Willingham probably remebers because of the Texas Comics fiasco, so we must be counting on Ann Bolenn's hand.
  7. Two words: CD Burner I burned that, Herodesigner and all the HD packages. If I make an electronic purchase it's going to be backed up... probably twice.
  8. The Dodge and Burn tools from PS are what I use as well. If usually select areas I want to manipulate and then adjust the color variations, smudge, a few filters and dodge and burn usually finsih the job.
  9. I didn't mention it... why should you:D Besides, the people that remember the Justice Machine could probably be counted on one hand... I loved that book.
  10. That's actually a very cool name (if not necessarily indicative of their mission).
  11. I concur completely. The UPB was the best listing of Powers I have ever seen. I use it to this day for random character generation and then convert to HERO.
  12. My crew has now got their name Haven, which I think says a lot about the group dynamic. They have a mindset of Protectors (rather than Avengers) Former team names for my groups were: The Highwaymen, who started out very much on the wrong side of the law. Force, who were quite the hard hitting, bruiser types. Onslaught, very high minded local heroes Purge, the tough guys that broke off from Onslaught and the New Breed, a group of younger players that I ran in the late 80's. Avatars of Justice is great. My favorite will always be The Justice Machine.
  13. But it always speaks so highly of you
  14. Yes... but I don't think I want to see the special effect on that one. Ok... that beats my idea of a guy with an ever changing t-shirt I had more of a really painful Iron Man in mind.... *sizzle* Though I might keep the truth syrup:D
  15. CURSES! Bile man? T-Shirt Man? The Human Griddle?
  16. ¼, ½ and ¾ No... but apparently you can copy them and paste them form word... if anyone wanted to go to that much trouble.
  17. Other non-standard Fantasy races would be appreciated for a warm, happy Elf-Free environment
  18. Can I say how frightened I was when I first read your post... I thoght it said 11 and 1/2 d6 RKA! That's one big magnum. As for the APX attack. I think the increased damage to simulate the explosion is much more ellegant and less game threatening than an NND
  19. Ooooh... show them the other one! The small one with the profile view.
  20. That's EXTREMELY smooth *Copies and Pastes* Now I see a biker gang descending on the innocent city of Trinity... *evil grin*
  21. I'm DYING for UV... I feel a combining mecha coming on...
  22. Re: Cracking the whip You might also consider adding just some stretching, so that grabs, trips and slaps can be done through the whip.
  23. Depends on the whip. An 18 foot rhino hide bullwhip will cut you deeper than any knife.
  24. Things I'd love to see: 1) Good ways to do 'Expert' Characters that literally have access to every skill. 2) Mimics like the absorbing man and the Super-adaptoid 3) Clearly defined Elemental Control examples (with guideline for what is and is not acceptable)
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