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Everything posted by MisterVimes

  1. HEAD-EXPLODO MAN! His power works once... ever The comic will be a one shot
  2. Supes is sort of a Fusion of Phillip Wylie's Gladiator (a Character named Hugo Danner who could leap an eighth of a mile, had supe strength and was bulletproof) and Doc Savage (both called Man of *insert metal here*, both called Man of Tomorrow, both had a fortress of sollitude) and the original Superman illustration of supes bursting a chain around his chest was IDENTICAL to the Doc picture (except the hair color and costume)... the 'spit curl' was even Doc's.
  3. We'll expect a full write up, of course:D
  4. Re: Re: Re: Shrinking Brick Names Actually, he was stepped on by a Dragon:D We had a player that took it to the other extreme, he had a human form and a HUGE Dragon form... it made getting tables at restaurants a pain:cool:
  5. Re: Shrinking Brick Names We had a villain back in the old days named Micron... 6 inches tall, 70 Strength... I HATED him... he was so hard to hit
  6. It was pure Gouda... but in a good(a) way I just remembered that there was an evil doctor and went into google and typed: Shogun Warriors Marvel Doctor And lo... Doctor Demonicus Appeared... they had his whole bio and stats for Marvel SHRPG Here it is if you want it: http://www.norse-man.net/Marvel/Char-D/DoctorDemonicus.htm
  7. But... you mean you didn't think Dr. Demonicus was the greatest?!?!
  8. I think it's terrific, but then you had me at Energy Saber ... I'm a sucker for Mecha with big freakin' swords.
  9. And THAT my friend is the difference between a Munhkin and a Twink...
  10. Re: Re: Re: Re: Newpaper For Writers Block I used the "Eve was a Space Alien" in current events in 1983... My teacher hated me.
  11. Re: Re: Newpaper For Writers Block ADAM AND EVE FOUND IN ASIA! EVE WAS A SPACE ALIEN SAYS SHOCKED SCIENTIST! That's current events, that is!
  12. That's the BEST idea I ever heard... *makes notes to use tactic in future*
  13. That's very cool... and WHO was it sying that you needed an Anime expert?
  14. Great call... We are in total agreement. Now I can just start working on a new archer villain...
  15. That's exactly what I had in mind... but did you choose HA or HKAs, to add strength (as would be the usual case) to simulate the strength required to use the bow?
  16. Re: Re: Re: Common complaints Let me clarify my point. The poster complained that the CORE book didn't have setting/world information. My point was that I don't think those are necessarily appropriate for a Core rulebook and are more suited to expansion/options. A lot of games these days seem to favor a 'rich' setting over providing good rules or tie the rules so closely with the setting that it's nearly impossible to use the rules without the imbeded setting.
  17. That's an incredibly good point. As I said... it was just an excercise, but your point is well taken, don't let the system overwork the game.
  18. Patriots Since we're on the Cap-Clones... In my longest running campaign, we had two Patriot/Bricks: Patriot and Mr. America. Patriot had a very cool variation on the Cap-froken-in-the-ice secondary origin. Instead of being a man out of his time, Patriot was a man out of his world. He was from '"The Real World" and had been transplanted into the campaign setting. He'd been a little accountant guy that could now lift tanks. Mr. America was a little different. He was a hollywood actor, handsome, smooth and totally self absorbed. The government took him, image-managed him and gave him super-powers. He was basically the guy the government pointed to and said: "Here... Here is your hero". As the game progressed, Mr. A discovered that the government wasn't always right. He fell in love with a memeber of the "Outlaw Goodguys" and turned into a REAL hero on the inside... it was a very satisfying evolution to the character.
  19. Welllll I'm a closet Anime fan... I like the old stuff and guys in huge Mecha like Voltes V and Mazinger and Gundam. If the UV is as cool as I think it's going to be, we may finally see a viable mecha combat game... Or my poor innocent Champions players can fight one really big Mecha tromping around downtown
  20. We had an NPC that will always be my favorite brick. He was a teenage kid that turned into a big metallic guy. His name was Heavy Metal. He had Physical Damage Absorption that went to Strength, the more you hit him, the stronger he got.
  21. I've been thinking of this idea a lot lately and it harkens back to the days of yesteryear and IIRC Rainbow Archer. RA had bought a MP full of attacks with No Range/OAF/Charges as a quiver of Arrows. Then she bought Usable at Range on the MP through an OAF (Bow). It's more of an excercise in "would it be cool" than a character concept, but it does bring up some other examples: 1) LOTR: Legolas stabs an Orc with and arrow and then notches it and lets fly 2) Green Arrow: GA uses a "Torch Arrow" to cut through a lock rather than using it as a weapon 3) Bloodstone: Old-never-quite-caught-on Marvel character with a Shotgun. His shotgun sheels we "metally activated" and when deprived of his shotgun, he tossed then at someone and made them explode mentally. What do you think? Is this a viable way of buying a Bow and Arrow? Or a Grenade Launcher?
  22. Okay... I think I see where we're going. You want to side effect be a big explosion, but you frankly, don't want to wipe out *insert home city here* in the process. How about this. A Flash Attack (versus radio group) linked with an energy blast... that will reduce the damage and wreak havoc with the campign city and is less likely to be fatal to the general population.
  23. Re: Common complaints Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. This is the complaint that I hear most often about LOTS of game systems. I blame White Wolf... That's not a Flame, just a statement of fact. Prior to the WOD, I had rarely seem a game system (a popular one anyway) that was so deeply entrenched in a setting. The point of RPing games (even the earliest ones) was that they were tools for the imagination. Who among us did not create their own world/setting for their first game of D&D? Now such ideas are 'Homebrewed' and viewed as some sort of oddity.
  24. MisterVimes

    PC Sketches

    Re: PC Sketches Can I say how extremely jealous I am of your talent...
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