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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Paper Girls in Amazon Prime. A pretty good adaptation of the comic book. Time travel, weird science, giant mechs, nanotech, attitude, gunfights... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDz0ioCV1TU
  2. My favorite is the third one, Quatermass and the Pit, aka Five Million Years to Earth.
  3. I'm almost finished with Sandman. Beautiful and engaging.
  4. Stop by Indie Press Revolution to see Jason and Tina.
  5. I recommend the podcast The 7th Rule, which covers each episode of Deep Space 9 from Cirroc Lofton (Jack Sisko) and Aaron Eisenberg (Nog; until Aaron recently died). They're just starting the final season, and have recently remastered all the previous episodes for better sounds quality.
  6. Arachnophobia. Still fun. Such a fantastic climax. The mutant spider is on fire and still running for our hero who is pinned. The pulsating egg sac just started hatching thousands of killers. Daddy spider jump for the hero's face, but a handy nail gun launches the giant flaming spider into his egg sac and spider-napalms all the itsy bitsy hordes of death.
  7. This was a job for... Hindsight Lad!
  8. My favorite role for him was Jack the Ripper in Time After Time. Also my favorite McDowell role. Also possibly my favorite time travel movie.
  9. This weekend at church, I taught a lesson based on the film that most inspires me, The Wizard of Speed and Time. As the trailer says, "Five years in the making! Five days in the theaters!" This weekend, I'll cover Bill and Ted.
  10. The Get Smart movie was so much better than I expected it to be.
  11. It was gaining XPs by undergoing quests?
  12. I meant The Incredibles is the best Fantastic Four film in the same sense that Galaxy Quest is the best Star Trek film.
  13. 15-ish years ago, Darren and I were the guests of honor at HeroCon in Baltimore. They had a big table (or maybe even two) covered with books. As per the rules, whenever we'd finish running a game or speaking on a panel, we'd go up and grab a few books. I saw one book under a few others that was written by a friend of mine from high school. It had a sticker on the front that said Autographed Copy. And the sticker was from a bookstore back in my hometown, 600 miles away. I picked it up and looked inside to see the autograph, and it was autographed to me! Using my nickname from college. Couldn't have been any other New Wave Dave.
  14. This encapsulates 40 years of Moon Knight comics.
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