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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Wait, was that snark? I couldn't tell.
  2. Q - Why would a biologist need field plate? A - I've never seen anything burn that long.
  3. One of them charges into the stands and starts beating the carp out of you.
  4. I'm going with the whole famn damily to a baseball game tonight. There should be more than twenty of us there. Little Girl Pariah loves baseball games. This will be the first for Baby Boy Pariah.
  5. This is why dogs shouldn't have Twitter accounts, either.
  6. ...and in the average bar, the average I.Q. goes UP ten points.
  7. So, almost two and a half half-lives? Yeah, not too bad.
  8. 1. "Between Love and Hate" by Mystery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOIgZ2opTpg 2. "Truck Got Stuck" by Corb Lund and the Hurtin' Albertans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKQb4S7taR0
  9. New Topic: Three Songs from Canada
  10. Is it my job to get that, or yours?
  11. We had kind of a sad moment today. When my grandmother died about 8 years ago, Lady Pariah and I inherited her car, a 1990 Dodge Dynasty. It only had about 90,000 miles on it and was in fantastic shape. It quickly became our primary vehicle, ad was so for several years. Alas, last summer it started having problems. Namely, the brake system failed. Our mechanic told us he could fix her (we had named the car 'Lula' after Granny), but it would cost about twice what the car was worth. We were talking about the problem with the dealer where we bought our minivan last fall, and he said he thought they could probably fix it for a lot less than that. So had Lula towed to the dealer. Sadly, they couldn't locate the key part (a master cylinder that only a handful of cars that year used before a design change was instituted med-year). So today we sold Lula to a scrap yard, where we trust she will live on as an organ donor for other old cars. So if you would, please raise your respective glasses with me in memory of a good car who served my family well for almost a quarter of a century.
  12. Mister Incredible. I didn't want to be saved from the VIPER five-team!
  13. Everyone on that show could be nasty. In fact, it seemed to me that they spent more time being nasty to the people around them (and sometimes even to each other) than they did being friendly. Horrible, horrible people. Not as horrible as the main characters on Seinfeld, of course.
  14. My favorite Groucho Marx quote: "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it."
  15. I was having a barbecue. As it turns out, VIPER agents are almost universally suckers for a good kielbasa.
  16. It works quite well, thank you.
  17. She refers to everyone she knows by your name--except you. New Topic: You've just spotted a VIPER five-man team in your back yard. How do you deal with them?
  18. I'm sorry, but that doesn't even sound like fun to grade.
  19. I thought "Neutron drip" had reference to that supervillain who was the leader of the Conquerors. (Are they still a group in 6E?)
  20. Or, as Sagan, said, about a mountain per teaspoon. You could also say that a neutron star is essentially one enormous atomic nucleus, but not of any known chemical element.
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