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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. The last time I gave a quiz, I had a kid miss Q1.
  2. Q - What's the best way to cook a sausage over an open fire? A - Of all the great ideas I've heard today, that's not one of them.
  3. Absenteeism is about 10-15% higher than usual today. Must be test day. I had one student (among many) who was absent for the test last period. I saw her in the hallway right after class. Hmmm.
  4. Q - Hi, I'm agent Slobowski from the NSA. A - I'm sorry, but it's the law of the jungle.
  5. Q - This chicken is clearly past its prime. What can you tell me about the salmon? A - We used to call him Lefty. Now we call him Stumpy.
  6. Of course! As does anyone from "A Mighty Wind".
  7. "Can You Picture That?" by Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
  8. "That Thing You Do" by The Wonders "Pop Goes My Heart" by PoP
  9. New Topic: Three Songs by Bands that Don't Really Exist (Fictional groups, in other words.)
  10. "Have You Ever Been Lonely" by Jim Reeves and Patsy Cline - Particularly interesting in that both artists recorded the song, but never together. The two recordings were mixed and mastered together to make it a duet two decades after their deaths.
  11. "Sailing to Philadelphia" by Mark Knopfler and James Taylor "(I Wanna Take) Forever Tonight" by Peter Cetera and Crystal Bernard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuQsW5DMerw
  12. Q - What is SG-1's standard operating procedure? A - It's what I do.
  13. Q - I have finally found a way to rid myself of Reed Richards once and for all...but at what cost? A - I think I'd use DCPIP instead.
  14. I surprised Lady Pariah with a loaf of fresh-baked banana bread last night. Sure makes the house smell good!
  15. But...but what if I'm one of the rich a******s? (Clearly a rhetorical question, as I'm an educator.)
  16. As I once heard, "Our species didn't climb to the top of the food chain so that we could all become vegetarians."
  17. And thank you all for Peter Forsberg, by the way.
  18. From the "Stuff You Didn't Know" File: Dolph Lundgren (Rocky IV) has a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering and received a Fulbright scholarship to MIT. Also, he has a 3rd degree black belt in Karate and plays the drums.
  19. It works the same way over here, too, except that most of our elected leaders have forgotten that. Hence, nothing ever gets done in the Legislature, and the President has to threaten to use his "phone and pen" to make things happen.
  20. I think the real question is, "Is it NOT wrong to cringe at bad spelling and poor grammar?"
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