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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Never heard of mochi before now. I could give it a try. Best Served Cold: Revenge vs. A nice raspberry sorbet
  2. Like a nice raspberry sorbet.
  3. Oh, it was much more elegant than that. (But yeah, the unis are laughable. Always have been.)
  4. Technically Latino rather than Hispanic (speaking Portuguese rather than Spanish), I like Sunspot. I particularly like the way he was portrayed as part of the Avengers. His solution for defeating AIM was sheer brilliance.
  5. I thought that was 'revenge'.
  6. Sadly, I am entirely unable to disagree with this.
  7. Now we're talking about anti-vaxxers and homeopathic medicine.
  8. My third period underachievers routinely turn in science fiction that clearly demonstrates how little they know.
  9. It was basically an "Observe and report" exercise. Fabricating data would've required more effort than actually completing the lab--and more than these particular students would likely be willing to make, I expect. But, under school and classroom policy, I could just go ahead and give them zeroes anyway. I'm giving them half credit because I'm a nice guy.
  10. Q: Wait, the Canadians are blaming us for the Olympic Athletes from Russia winning the gold medal in men's ice hockey? A: Not to be confused with actual music, of course.
  11. Let's see...bad sci-fi is Voyager and the Star Wars prequels. Bad fantasy is Twilight. Sci-fi wins.
  12. All right! The submissions are in, and it's up to you, the viewers, to determine which of our half-dozen stories will be picked up by the networks/studios. Here are your choices Spoilered for length): Pick your THREE favorites. We'll shut this thing down sometime Sunday night. Thanks to everyone who played! And remember, if you had half as much fun as I did, then I had twice as much fun as you did!
  13. Wrote this at the bottom of a couple of lab reports today: "Because your group and xxx's group submitted exactly the same results, I'm going to take the points you earned on the lab and split them between both groups."
  14. Bert & Ernie. Two friends, one eyebrow. Dessert Dilemma: Chocolate cake vs. Apple crisp a la mode
  15. "I thought you said your dog wouldn't bite." "It's not my dog."
  16. With a good enough team around him, even Nick Foles can win a Super Bowl.
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