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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Data. I don't believe Twiki was fully functional. Bite or byte? Macintosh computers vs. McIntosh apples
  2. Better late (if ever), roster updates are complete. Please check and make sure to let me know what I've left out and/or screwed up. As a reminder, we are drafting today and tomorrow at the usual times.
  3. I thought Cousins was going to the Jets....
  4. Does Keith Richards still qualify as 'human'? I thought he was some manner of Undead. Still Alive? HAL 9000 vs. GLaDOS
  5. Do you suppose he'd be protesting this dishonorable Injustice as wholeheartedly if he had won the coin toss?
  6. It's interesting to hear the stories of the different athletes and countries, but during the performances, I'd like it twice as well if the announcers would speak half as much.
  7. The Challenger Seven. I was just reading about Dr. Onizuka the other day. David, Edward, Patricia, Rebecca, Peter, and William (kind of)
  8. Great picks, everyone! I'll try to get updates posted soon.
  9. Don't. You're too young to experience that much pain.
  10. SLBM. Everything's better with submarines. ICBM vs. IBM
  11. Philadelphia Eagles may have held fake Super Bowl walk-through to foil any Spygate tactics
  12. The Good Book says that Charity is the greatest of all the virtues. On the other hand, I dated a girl named Charity in college, and it was a nightmare. So I'll go with Hope. Choose Your Vice: Sloth vs. Wrath
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