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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Like Star Trek? (It seems to me that I once read that Star Trek used cylindrical coordinates....)
  2. In other words, current political reasoning. Keeps going around and around without getting anywhere, can only see one side of an issue.
  3. The Vikings haven't sniffed the Super Bowl in 40 years. What makes you think it's going to be an issue now?
  4. It wouldn't be so bad if the proponents would just turn down the hyperbole a bit.
  5. The Niners played in Palo Alto, as I recall. Close, but not their home stadium. No NFL team has ever played a Super Bowl in their home stadium.
  6. It'll be interesting to see how JuJu's suspension/fine compares to Gronk's, and who says what about it.
  7. Remember, the only thing Flat Earthers have to fear is sphere itself.
  8. Q: Ugh, what a mess. How'd this poor sap end up down here? A: Of course it's not turtles all the way down. It's mostly hippopotami, if you must know.
  9. Q: A solar powered flashlight? Cool! How does it work? A: I left it on the table next to my glow-in-the-dark sunglasses.
  10. Measure with a micrometer. Mark with chalk. Cut with an axe.
  11. Q: Is this cathedral really called "Saint Rockefeller's"? A: That way, we'll know whose turn it is.
  12. It was pointed out to me today that the Christmas movie "Home Alone" is basically a remake of the Christmas movie "Die Hard" for kids. Yippie-ki-yay, Wet Bandits.
  13. Too right. Let's see if Darth Hoodie gets his knickers in a twist over this one.
  14. She wants to bring in George Lucas as executive producer.
  15. There used to be a Long John Silver's downtown. I've never heard of Captain D's. Apathy vs. Ennui
  16. Spock. Choosing Chewbacca would be illogical. 3D Chess: Mr. Spock vs. Ender Wiggin
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