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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Oddly enough, Vance Joseph appears still to be the head coach in Denver. Huh.
  2. No need to worry about a replacement for Brady, as long as he's able to keep taking other quarterbacks' Quickening.
  3. The other thing about the long layoff is that it gives good coaches a chance to do some serious game-planning. Good coaches can plan for almost anything during bowl season. And as much as I might personally dislike him or his program, I can't say that Nick Satan isn't a good coach.
  4. Can't argue with that. (And definitely more tolerable than when Fahrenheit and Kelvin agree.)
  5. Happy New Year from the colonies, you three.
  6. It's actually about average for what we see hear this time of year. It was much colder than this last year.
  7. Nearly a full hour into 2018 here, with a current temperature of 26°F (-3.3°C).
  8. Hermit resolves to get off the damn fence already. Maybe.
  9. More than now? I find that hard to believe.
  10. Well, it appears that Ohio State was actually a pretty good team that just had a couple of bad losses. It also appears that Wisconsin was a really good team who just happened to have and one bad game against a really good opponent. Overall, I'd say Ohio State and Wisconsin are both better teams than anyone thought a couple of weeks ago.
  11. HULK SMASH PUNY COSMIC ENTITY! More Cosmic Weirdness: Captain America with a Green Lantern power ring vs. Billy Batson with Mjolnir
  12. Cancer has the only Studebaker gas-electric hybrid in North America.
  13. It was 57°F (13.9°C) in SLC today, December 30th. This should not be so.
  14. Pattern Ghost has a surprisingly lucrative secondhand ballpoint pen business.
  15. In a shocking move, they are both soundly defeated by . . . The Tick! SPOOOOOOOON! Sea-bound Showdown! Aqualad vs. Namorita
  16. Kansas City fan buries Chiefs flag under Raiders' new stadium site in Las Vegas
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