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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed... The transform isn't used to simulate powers. That's outside the scope of the build, first. Maybe I wasn't clear, but it's to simulate normal equipment, and at GM discretion, or with us of the Aid, possibly improve it. Power idea is actually from USPDb Revised, p. 49, Assemble Machine. It's a Transform: Parts into working Machine. You don't need a VPP. This is a NOT a gadgeteer build. It's a character who can do three things: Fix tech, make it run better, make improvised normal items. Just need to apply common sense and GM discretion to the transform.
  2. Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...
  3. Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed... I had an idea for a super-mechanic multipower: Slot 1: "I can fix that in a jiffy." Healing, only for Technological SFX, extra time. Super-repair skill, basically. Slot 2: "Let me tune that up for you." Aid to any one power with Tech SFX. Slot 3: "Ok, I need a toaster, a cell phone, some bubble-gum, and..." Transform: Stuff of opportunity to Tech SFX gadget. Might limit to mundane items, but perhaps in some way better. The McGuyver power. Can make all of these require a tool kit, or not, depending on preference. Precognition can make an interesting low level build with some defensive capabilities. Perhaps the Precognition can be Uncontrolled, for GM plot inducement. The character can buy almost any defense with the "saw that coming" SFX, particularly DCV levels and Combat Luck. Heck, just plain luck for that matter. For offense, some indirect attacks to simulate steering an opponent toward an environmental hazzard, such as an oncoming car, or an open manhole, etc.
  4. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns? Adrenaline rush certainly hinders fine motor skills, but it's certainly can help with both fight and flight. Being tool users with relatively weak bodies for the animal kingdom, we don't see the benefit of an adrenaline dump like, say, a big cat does, but there are certainly offensive benefits.
  5. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns? The problem with taking an anecdote meant to be amusing too seriously is that sometimes you end up preaching to the choir. I agree with you. The game stuff wasn't intended to be taken seriously. =) Edit: Of course, I'm not really that good at putting across humorous intent lately.
  6. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns? When I was little, I used to catch a lot of random things and put them in coffee cans. I also used to go around the neighborhood and remove pygmy rattlers from the porches of retired folks in the neighborhood. They'd frequently climb the stucco (this was in FL) and get up in the corner of the porch above the front door. One day, I brought a can home with me, and my older brother was on the front porch. He wanted to know what was in the can, and I told him -- knowing he was afraid of snakes -- that he didn't want to know. Well, he was insistent. I dumped the snake out (not from a height, mind you, just popped the lid and slid it out of the can) in between us. He turned, grabbed a broom propped up on the wall, pivoted back and smacked the snake square in the head, completely flattening it. In about two seconds. I've never seen anyone react that fast to anything, including being batted around by a friend who was a professional kick boxer when I was in the army. (He jokingly called it "sparring.") So I'm guessing my brother got a DEX bonus out of his fear. He got an initiative bonus, and huge OCV bonus for the called shot to the head of an animal with several levels of shrinking. He almost got a punch from me for killing an animal that didn't need to be killed, but frankly freaked me out with the display, so I guess he got a triggered PRE attack out of it too.
  7. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise You'll get P&P before you see a concise rules book, I think. Edit: To state the obvious: You aren't getting a P&P book any time soon, either. Probably never ago, from Steve's comments on another thread.
  8. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise The game really hasn't changed substantially since 4th Edition, and that book's only 220 pages including the character sheet and index. I never did understand the need to add 500 pages to elaborate on anything, or even go to the extent 5th did. A set of 256 page books would have been a lot easier to digest. The presentation in 4th was good, and had enough examples to get you started. Campaign books, Ultimate XXXX books, and APGs can do the rest of the explaining. So, instead of 300-350 pages, I'm suggesting a target of 256 pages.
  9. Re: Support HERO Indirectly... In the player primer, under the Veteran entry: "As the bands leader..." should be "band's" Nice work!
  10. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- New Character Preview That one reminds me of an Elseworlds story for Thunder and Lightning from Classic Enemies.
  11. Re: Second Best Game System ? I preordered the Marvel thingie on Amazon. Doubt I'll play it, but probably worth a read.
  12. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns? But it doesn't cover PRE attacks?
  13. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns? I'm with ya on that. I was just created the thread to generate some random discussion. In a supers campaign, I don't inflict fear based emotion control on PCs. There are a lot of other emotions that are more fun to inflict. I don't do PRE attacks, either. If they come across a high PRE NPC, I just describe how impressive the character is and let them RP how they will. That's a pretty neat idea. Of course, Captain Fearless now has to buy PRE, Mental Defense and Power Defense... Then again, he could just buy a high EGO to cover the first two, and Power Defense for the last. If "Only vs. Fear Effects" is a -1 limitation or better* for most defenses, then it still wouldn't be too tough to be pretty fearless. *I think it may be worth more than -1 for something like Power Defense.
  14. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I hate to criticize when you're sharing all this art with us, but the pose on the bard looks a little awkward. Like he's off balance. The character design is good, though. I always like the way you dress your fantasy characters, for lack of a better word.
  15. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster Ok, here's a final-ish version. I'll be picking up some more skills with XP, and may change one of the psych limits to a social, once I think of how to phrase it. http://www.herocentral.net/herocentral/get/files/premium/Barnstormer.HTML
  16. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster The last slot used to be 46.
  17. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Gives a new meaning to "a little off the top."
  18. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster Ok, here's an update: Barnstormer Val Char Cost 25 STR 15 26 DEX 48 23 CON 26 15 BODY 10 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 15/21 PD 10 15/21 ED 10 6 SPD 24 10 REC 0 46 END 0 40 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 5" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 153 Cost Power 62 Born to Fly: Multipower, 62-point reserve 6u 1) Combat Flight: Flight 25", No Turn Mode (+1/4) (62 Active Points) 6u 2) I Never Run Out of Gas: Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points) 6u 3) Non-Combat Flight: Flight 5", x128 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points) 46 Air Superiority: Multipower, 46-point reserve 3u 1) Ouch!: Hand-To-Hand Attack +9d6, Only When Moving ((Must make a Half Move up to or Past target to attack); +0) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Cannot Be Used With Move By or Move Through (-1/4) 3u 2) Cleaning House: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Area of Effect: Trailing, Selective (+1 1/4) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Cannot Be Used With Move By or Move Through (-1/4) 2u 3) Backdraft: Telekinesis (30 STR) (45 Active Points); Only to Drag Target (-1), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Only When Moving (-1/4) 3u 4) Clear the Air: Dispel Gas/Mist/Smoke Powers 12d6, any Gas/Mist/Smoke power one at a time (+1/4) (45 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 2u 5) Downdraft: Telekinesis (30 STR) (45 Active Points); Only to Pull Flying Characters Down (-1 1/4), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) 2u 6) Eat My Dust: Change Environment 32" radius, -3 to Sight Group PER Rolls, Hole In The Middle (+1/4) (45 Active Points); OIF (Appropriate Dust or Powder of Opportunity; -1/2), Easy to Dispel (-1/4), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) Eagle Eyes 2 1) +2 PER with Normal Sight 3 2) Rapid ( x10) with Normal Sight 3 3) +6 versus Range Modifier for Normal Sight 12 Crash Suit: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 2 Brave Lad: +5 PRE (5 Active Points); Defensive Only (-1) Powers Cost: 163 Cost Skill 7 +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Only When Flying (-1/2) 3 Aerobatics 14- 5 Combat Piloting 15- 3 PS: Stunt Pilot 12- 3 Teamwork 14- 9 Power 17- 2 KS: Aviation History 11- 2 TF: Helicopters, Parachuting, Basic, Small Planes Skills Cost: 34 Total Character Cost: 350 Pts. Disadvantage 15 Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Major) 15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Loves Aircraft and Flying (Common, Strong) [Notes: James is easily distracted by all things aeronautical.] 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident with flying and piloting abilities (Very Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Claustrophobic (Uncommon, Total) 20 Dependent NPC: Mama O'Mally and Her Flying Circus 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs) 20 Hunted: International Law Enforcement Agency 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching) 25 Hunted: Unknown Organization 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture) 5 Money: Poor Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 200
  19. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster The campaign is a bit lower DEX/SPD, and looking over the other characters, I'm not seeing high combat movement. So, he should be able to fill the niche of being fast. Even if not, his powers being based off of his flight is enough of a differentiator for me. He flies! Highly-focused TK or the like. More of the Cannonball end of things. More of a movement specialist than a relativistic speed type. Being maneuverable and able to do flying tricks (speed stunts, but not the more outrageous ones) are more his thing, like his namesake. I just realized I don't really need the combat acceleration/deceleration on him (at least initially), so dropping the MP I posted a couple posts back down to 62 pts nets him a lot more pts to apply to CON and his defenses. Should take care of the END issues, plus with the MP can go into 0 END mode at the cost of lower speed. The book write up from US may not be techically wrong. The 5th Edition (non-Revised) write up for HA says it can be used with martial maneuvers... but doesn't mention non-martial maneuvers. That may be hair splitting, but could be the reason for the write up in US. That, or the write up is inconsistent with the description given. Either way, a -1/4 limit not to work with the two maneuvers doesn't change the cost much, so tossing it in there for clarity. Force Field wouldn't work with the SFX too well. (Technically, "flight" is his only power.) I'm liking just buying up base PD/ED. Was thinking about these, but not being capable of withstanding high altitude flight for too long would fit the barnstorming concept. All good points. I'll probably add it back in, it was on the pre-trimmed skill list to start with. I was actually going to buy him a few TFs anyway. Der, I edited it so many times that when I decided to leave it to the variable advantage I forgot to re-write it. No matter now, that iteration's dead.
  20. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster Sougen, nice build. Gets one more point, but doesn't let me use No Turn Mode (the ability I want most on this guy) with Combat Acceleration/Deceleration.
  21. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster Thinking about replacing the Flight power with this multi: 75 Born to Fly: Multipower, 75-point reserve 7u 1) Combat Flight: Flight 25", combat acceleration/deceleration (+1/4), No Turn Mode (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 7 END 7u 2) I Never Run Out of Gas: Flight 20", No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points) 0 END 7u 3) Non-Combat Flight: Flight 5", x128 Noncombat, rapid Noncombat movement (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points) 0 END I can keep the combat acceleration/deceleration and no turn mode if I give up 5" of combat flight. That's a half move of 13" vs 15", so not too big of a loss. The second slot can be used to conserve END at the expense of acceleration. Depending on the battlefield, it could be useful to accelerate then switch to slot 2 to conserve energy. Would depend on how spread the targets are. The third slot gives about Mach 2 or a little more speed for traveling longer distances, which isn't too bad. Not looking to be Flash level here anyway. This build only nets me 9 points, though.
  22. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster It's on the high end of the campaign guidelines for the game I'm looking at. I addressed this in my response to Bloodstone. The HA is not intended to add to maneuvers, just wasn't written up that way. That's what I get for using pre-written powers without examining them closely. I'll be putting a limitation on it. He'll be capping at 13d6 for the hand attack OR 14d6 for a move through, but not adding the 9d6 HA to a move through (or move by). Yep. Sometimes digging up 150 points in disads for a character doesn't really fit the character's concept. It's too high a number, though it's the default, and IMO twists too many character concepts to fit digging for disad points rather than helping define the character. So, if I have to go high in a category to not break the original character concept, I will.
  23. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster I think 30" per phase is plenty for this guy. His SPD score is keeping his combat speed down compared to some speedsters in MPH terms, but I'm OK with that. This is the speed where he has the most control for now. The idea is that he loses control as he goes faster. For his speed stunt multi, he'd be pouring on a short burst of speed to create the effect. OTOH, the concept doesn't really require the Megascale. The main thing I wanted is high maneuverability, and Megascale is kind of counter to that conceptually anyway. Yeah, the END is an issue. I may try doing it as a pre-Megascale stlye multipower with one slot for combat speed and one slot for a higher NCM speed, and see if that will save enough pts to put some in END. He does have half END as an option on the variable advantage, but that's still 30 END per Turn just for movement. Multipower may be the way to go to get the total AP down to lower the END cost. Thanks for catching that. I haven't used the Megascale rules for movement much. Wasn't aware of that, either. Hmm. The intent isn't to allow the HA damage to apply to his move-by and move-through maneuvers (or any standard maneuvers). I was using the build for it from Ultimate Speedster: That's definitely a problem with the write up, though. The idea in the text is that it replaces the standard maneuvers, not augments them, but nothing in the build really prevents the powers from adding to the maneuver damage. I think that CVs aren't too high in the game in general. Conceptually, he's a guy who likes to fly who's pushed to heroics by circumstance, so initially using just his raw agility. I figure I can buy up his OCV over time if needed. Yeah, that's his Mook clean up power. He'd probably mostly use it and his non-damaging powers, and let the heavy hitters deal with more dangerous targets, and use his bigger single target attack when needed. Yeah, his defenses are like tissue paper. I have two problems there: Finding the points for them, and finding an SFX that's in concept. I'm thinking of light armor (crash suit) plus "body adapted to flying" to just buy up base PD/ED and stats. Well, let's say 13d6-14d6 after limiting the HA appropriately. Anyone hitting him that hard would crush him anyway, though. One average 13d6 hit and he's out of the fight. It'd be good if he at least took two hits to fold. I was thinking of buying a little Flash Defense with OIF Goggles, but ran out of points with my poor build. =) I don't see him needing (or conceptually qualifying for) personal immunity on the dust cloud. It's just there to create a zone of control. Thinking of using the Trailing AE with it as well, actually. That's if the GM allows Trailing, since it's optional. The export template for plain text doesn't include the description and background stuff, but he does have goggles. Whether they provide some Flash Defense is the main question. Well, if you fall out of an airplane, you aren't going to break the fall, it's going to break you. =) As for the parachute use, I'm assuming he does know how to use one. It's not a core skill, though. I'm assuming basic parachute use subsumed under the Professional Skill. The parachuting skill from Dark Champions provides for more ability than he'd be expected to have. (Packing a chute, etc.) I was going to buy a few movement skill levels for background fluff, but ran out of points. Not really needed for his core abilities, though, as no turn mode and combat acceleration/deceleration pretty much cover him there. Me too! That's why I posted it here. Not really happy with it. Definitely going to look at that option. If the Well Off perk is appropriate, its opposite is too, IMO. It also fits his background and helps define his character. I think the impact it would have on RPing him (for example, can't afford to participate in some social activities) is about right for the 5 pts level of a Disad.
  24. Re: Barnstormer, flying speedster Hmm, trailing with selective might work. Too bad Hero Designer doesn't have Trailing. It has stuff from some of the other supplements, but not that one.
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