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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: The cranky thread I'd greatly appreciate it if the local criminals didn't hold up the convenience store right before I get there for a midnight snack. Had to go out of my way to go to another store. Bastards.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvMIiYeifyw
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos If they invade, I volunteer to hold them off. Or they can hold me. I'm not picky.
  4. Re: Street level versions of the classics Wonder Woman's sort of the poster child for Missile Deflection, strange to see her without it.
  5. Re: Duck Flavored Killing Attack Reminds me of "The Lurking Duck" from Omni way back when.
  6. Re: Sun missing Sleep in.
  7. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! Thanks! I've been too lazy lately to think of the obvious.
  8. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! Do you have the write ups you use for the Titans anywhere on the forums?
  9. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! That kid in the red shirt is HUGE for a 9 year old!
  10. Re: Reloading a revolver I'd personally go with one full moon clip.
  11. Re: The cranky thread Perhaps, but it's hard to do mouse overs without a mouse. =) And anything that you can click and drag is a pain, pretty much. Like the little resizing arrow on the post text entry field here. It's not my biggest gripe, though a mouse would be handy when using the iPad for text entry stuff, and also negate the need to reach somewhat when laying it in front of me on the bed with the keyboard in between.
  12. Re: The cranky thread OK, here's a list of gripes I've been meaning to unload, and this looks like as good a place as any! Due to the condition that my condition is in, I have to soak several times a day. Usually, I'll take my iPod Touch with me to pass the time. I haven't been in the mood to read any novels lately, though I'd read through the Burrough's Mars novels a while back. So, I either play the Hold 'em game, which cheats like a cheating little bastich on higher levels, or try to do just a little surfing. Which brings me to my gripe: Mobile Websites! First, the Hero boards are clear from any griping. I don't hit the forum from my iPod b/c of the pain it would be to actually post. Lowest I'll go for the forum is the iPad, which I'm using at the moment. But, speaking of forums: There are a couple of mobile apps for forums. I don't have any of them. I do occassionallly read informational posts on forums, like CO and DDO character build information, for example. When you go to a forum that has the app option, you get a handy little pop up inviting you to go get the app, and read the forum with that. On a few sites, it doesn't pop up again after that first page, but on the vast majority of sites, it pops up on every damned page load. I'd considered getting the app, but after the third or so time I hit a site using it that spammed the hell out of me, I swore never to spend money on the damned thing, as the default setting for the prompt seems to be "spam" since most sites have it set to that. Another thing that hacks me off is sites that disable my ability to pinch zoom on my iPod. On top of that, the vast majority of them have their font set to stupidly small, so I can't read a damned thing, let along click on a link. Google is the worst offender here by far. Stupid bastiches. Thanks for formatting a version of your site for mobile users . . . then disabling a key functionality of the platform! Along with this are sites that don't give you an option to view the non-mobile version of the site, some of which stick you on the mobile site even on an iPad. Also, I wish there was a mouse for the iPad (post if you know of one!), because a lot of things just don't work on the web properly without a mouse.
  13. Re: The cranky thread The War on Drugs can kiss my perforated, bleeding a--. I just had to make a trip to Seattle to pick up more Percocet because they can't call the prescription in. And naturally, they didn't give me enough to last until my next appointment after the surgery, because it's a controlled substance. So, now I'm in even more pain than I have been in. Glad I have the government looking out for me.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Been rewatching the first season of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes with the wifey. Almost up to the season finale. Sucks that they're going away from Yost's overall storylines second half of season 2. On rewatching it, I can see how carefully they set up stuff early on that carries on into S2. Someone needs to put Loeb out of our misery. (Into retirement, mind you. I wouldn't presume to order his execution, as that's teh Bunneh's perogitive.)
  15. Re: Help Me Convert from Silver ATs to Gold Freeform Goodness I keep hearing folks talking about Enrage in game. Now that I have access, I'll have to check out the forums. Thanks for the heads up.
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Watched Planet Hulk with wife, who's now a Hulk fan after Avengers. So-so animation and direction, but not horrible. Told wife about World War Hulk and she wants to that, but with better animation. (Don't think it's been done as a movie yet?)
  17. Re: Betty Ross, Gammazon (5e, 900+ pts) The only one I remember is: From a What If. http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/cosaveng.htm
  18. Re: Champion's Online: Unleashed On a belated side note, the Unleashed is a pretty decent melee archetype. Great damage and good survivability.
  19. Re: List Your CO Heroes! I take a screenshot from the character selection page. (It doesn't capture anything but the character and the background.) I open it in Paint (Win 7 version). Click on the Select tool. Selectify it. Click the Crop button to the right of the Select tool in the ribbon menu thingie. Save As from the File menu. Pick .JPG off the list. Save it to my Desktop so I can find it fast. Use the Insert Image button from the forum menu. Make sure the dialog that pops up on the From Computer tab. Click Select Files at the bottom of that dialog. Upload that sucker. You can also do the screenshot from the Tailor screen, and get something like this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43047[/ATTACH] There's also a green screen room that you can use for screenshots located in the Power House. It's probably most useful if you plan to paste the character into another background. If you want the full size pic in the thread, you can upload it to a picture/file sharing site and use the HTML option when you put in the picture. De-select the option to retrieve file and upload it locally. I can't figure a way to make the uploaded pics appear full sized in the thread.
  20. Re: List Your CO Heroes! Added a couple more to the roster: Gigawatt, Electric DPS and Electric Guitar. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43044[/ATTACH] Geist, Dual Pistol high tech agent type. Rebuild of old character that I had lost costume pieces for. Slightly different look, but OK. Her armor isn't power armor, but a high tech NBC-capable armor with sensor helmets that also allows her to go into Ghost Mode (represented by teleport) to penetrate even the toughest of defenses to reach her target. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43045[/ATTACH]
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