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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: Analyze Structure vs KS Architecture I've always seen Professional Skills as ways to fill in the gaps in the normal, or adventuring skills, list. There's no skill for accounting, so if you want to be an accountant, you take PS: Accountant. When an adventuring skill overlaps with a profession, such as Paramedics or Lockpicking, then the PS gives you the additional background knowledge to perform the adventuring skill in a professional capacity. In those overlap cases, if you want your character to be someone who also practices the profession, you need the PS. For example: The Good Samaritan has taken Paramedics to reflect having gone through First Responder training so that he can help at accident scenes or other emergency situations. The Chiropractor has Paramedics, but also has PS: Chiropractor so that he can run his chiropractic business, including long term care strategies, health care regulations, dealing with patients, etc. A PS should never be able to replace an adventuring skill. Real world knowledge doesn't enter into it, only campaign usefulness. The adventuring skill list are (or should be) all skills that have enough importance to a campaign to be bought at the normal price point. By definition, the background skills are worth less, because they have less impact on the game. If you inflate them to have the same impact as one of the primary skills, then you need to raise the cost as well. In general, the adventuring skills should be more broad in scope, and the background skills used to narrow the scope (i.e., complimentary rolls), or for smaller scope (PS: Surgeon can perform surgery, but a Paramedics roll can't, but how often do we play Surgery Hero?) situations.
  2. Re: Multigrab on automaton Clear to you, maybe. What's the point of this reply? My point stands: The character can eventually wear down the robots by simply rolling high enough. It would, and should, take a while.
  3. Gliding has been used for years to build characters that can move without being tracked. I have a couple of problems with that: 1. You can't lose altitude while moving just above the ground on level ground. I think the non-altitude losing mode is now officially an option in 6th, but whenever it first showed up in official write ups, it wasn't. 2. Not touching your feet to the ground makes you leave no foot prints. It doesn't actually make you un-trackable. Tracking has to do with more things than footprints. I do like that it's a simple way to build an effect, even though not necessarily accurate. Has anyone come up with alternate builds? The only really simple solution I can see for being untrackable is a stealth or tracking opposed skill roll. However, that doesn't necessarily mesh with all character concepts. BESM has a very simple solution: They just have a power called Untrackable. Something like that, maybe a Talent, would probably work for a lot of campaigns, where being tracked doesn't come up too often. I think a lot of characters have the power more for descriptive purposes than practical application.
  4. Re: Multigrab on automaton He can damage them by rolling more than 8 Body on the attack. It may take a while, but he could eventually wear them down. Loaded or shaved dice help here. =) Edit: That's assuming the 8rPD is the whole defense. If they have some non resistant PD too, then he's out of luck.
  5. Re: Water Boy Tackle Well, if he's made out of water, he could have damage reduction vs PD with good justification. If he's only turning into water to make the attack, then he could buy it linked to the attack or only when doing a move through. The old Ultimate Martial Artist had a Flying Tackle maneuver. If the new one does, then that'd be a start. Just pick it up and enough other moves to get the required ten points and use watery form as the special effect on his movement for the full move attacks.
  6. Re: Meadyaon Yeah, I think it'll help you sort out some of the key concepts. Hero does take a different approach with the toolkit philosophy, but once you adjust to it, it gets a lot easier. Like someone else said, a lot of the "how much of X should I buy" stuff can be based off of the campaign limits chart if you're just creating characters to learn your way around the system, since a GM would usually give out that information. Also running a combat with some pre-generated characters will help give you an idea of all the things to keep in mind when buying combat capabilities. Reading through one of the character collection type books and studying the character builds there is hugely helpful too. Anyway, some imaginative stuff in your threads, fun reading.
  7. Re: Meadyaon Meadyaon, do you have the rulebooks or just the software? From the sounds of your threads, it seems to me the latter. If so, I think a good read through of the basic rules would be a great help to you. https://www.herogames.com/browse.htm?keywords=basic+&categoryID=220010&releaseDate=-1&available=Y&book=Y&pdf=Y&damaged=Y
  8. Re: Order of the Stick My favorite real world name: La-a. Girl in my niece's class. The teacher tried to pronounce it La [pause] ah, but the girl indignantly corrected her: It's La-DASH-a.
  9. Re: Why do tails cost points? Scheherazade was a cat girl?
  10. Re: Combat examples BTW, anyone who reads my combat examples needs to read the posts after them, pointing out my mistakes. I never did get around to going back and editing them to fix them up. =)
  11. Re: Combat examples Ouch. I feel your pain.
  12. Re: Combat examples Yikes. People must not like doing combat examples if we're still passing mine around from 2004. =)
  13. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Liberty, Champion, Exalted
  14. Re: Log In and Claim a Free Character Slot! I like 'em both for different reasons. Which one I play depends on what mood I'm in at the moment.
  15. http://champions-online.com/archetypes/rotation
  16. Re: Character with a symbiote The first thing you need to do is determine the campaign's power levels. That will give you some guidance on "is this too much" types of questions. If you're doing this purely as an exercise in using Hero to build things, then you can set this for yourself. I'd say that the default "superheroic" (400 pts with I think 75 coming from Complications for 6th edition) power level will work. There's a chart that you can use to determine min/max and average DCs, defenses, etc. The next thing you need to do is define the abilities in plain English. For example, the Supernatural Strength +2D6 PS. The important part there is the Supernatural tag. The dice don't really matter, as there are a ton of ways to add P.S. through the skill system. But the Supernatural descriptor tells us that the character can lift with a much higher multiplier than a normal character. So, going back to Hero terms, the character has X STR with +Y STR, Only for Lifting. Another issue to look at with Hero STR is that it's the max lift you can deadlift with and stagger a few steps. In some systems, it's the max overhead press, or max bench press, or whatever. So, reading each system closely, and thinking about what that would mean in plain English real world terms is the starting point.
  17. Re: Can you recolor the Kirby dot Heroic Power flight? I wouldn't know for sure, since I'm not Gold, but I think if you hit "P" to bring up your powers menu, there is a color option by the power. I think some can change the point of origin for the power too.
  18. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I think they lift the chat restrictions if you make a minimal purchase of points. There's a chart somewhere on the site.
  19. Re: Got the Game[Finally!] But--Having trouble with the Patching It's from August, so probably resolved by now. =) Welcome to the boards. But I noticed your sig line with the link to the fishy site is actually not a sig line and is part of the post. So you're probably just a bot.
  20. Pattern Ghost

    The Tick

    Re: The Tick Rep4truth
  21. Pattern Ghost

    The Tick

    Re: The Tick I think you have his INT about 10 points too high. =) Spoon!
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