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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: Hero-D&D system merge? IMO, you should either play a d20 supers game (M&M is popular, you may be able to get Silver Age Sentinels in d20 flavor in PDF), or do a Hero game using just the Basic Rules, and keeping the presentation to the players very simplified, and D&D-flavored. See this thread to get an idea on how flexible you can be in presenting the game simply. Also, pay attention to Killer Shrike. His site's an amazing resource for this sort of thing.
  2. Re: Current Champions or will 4th Edition suffice? Here's a thread where some kind folks gave very thorough answers when I asked what wasn't included in the 6th edition basic rules. Might be helpful: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/79180-So-what-s-NOT-included-in-the-6th-Ed-Basic-Rulebook
  3. Re: British Heroes This. The 4th edition Kingdom of Champions is still perfectly usable. The character stats are the least important part of the content, IMO, and any GM should be able to update those if they've got the least ability to run a game. The rest of the book is still good for background. You can use a little Google-Fu to catch up on current events.
  4. Re: Yellow Jacket It's not really a security guard's job to restrain people anyway. They can make a citizen's arrest, like anyone else, but many guard companies have strict "observe and report" policies. So that limit isn't a huge problem for the secret ID. On the skills thing, I think that it's fine not to have a ton of skills. (I like the list given up thread, though, but agree some of the levels could be one or two lower.) Some GMs will practically twist your arm to get you to put more skills on the sheet, which is annoying. (Some will suggest some skills you could take based on your background, which is fine. There's a difference between that and the manic sense of symmetry some people have, where all characters must have their stats skills and powers in certain fixed proportions.)
  5. Re: Current Champions or will 4th Edition suffice? Fourth is a perfectly servicible game, so if you want to save money, it's a fine choice. If later you decide to upgrade to 5th or 6th, you won't have any major issues with compatibility. It shouldn't be hard to find players for a 4th edition game, though it may be easier to find a seat as a player in a 5th edition game.
  6. Re: How powerful of an attack would it take to hurt this guy? And that's a LOT of energy:
  7. Re: Curious about your view on the current state of CO. (Anybody still play regularly I still play (@patternghost) , but I haven't logged in for a while. More due to lack of time to play games due to issues with sitting up for extended periods than any issues with the game. From that POV, I've liked the Alert missions, because I can hop on for ten or fifteen minutes and get a few done. I don't think Cryptic has abandoned the game. The recent pass they've done to the game mechanics wasn't a small project. They say they did it so that it'll be easier to create new content going forward. I can't think of any reason they'd lie about that. The content may not come out as fast as we'd like, especially with Neverwinter coming out, but I suspect they'll dole out some stuff over time. The nice thing about it being free to play (or cheap game for the game time cards) is that if I feel that it's played out, I can go play something else for a while, until they get around to putting in updates I'm interested in.
  8. Re: The bystander safety trope and your game I tend to run games where the PC team is sanctioned, and has the support of local LE and other agencies for things like cordoning off the area of operation, so civilian casualties aren't typically a side issue in an encounter. However, I like to run saving the civilians and helping out in various non-super battle type emergencies as well. It helps the PCs feel heroic and reminds them that they're part of a community that they serve.
  9. Re: Cryptic Concept Art for Nighthawk I like it better than 4th Edition Defender's design, less so than 5ths.
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just watched Super 8. Pretty good.
  11. Re: The cranky thread You and your family have my condolences. If you have too many condolences already, you can exchange them for sympathy or supportive thoughts. (A small service charge may apply.)
  12. Re: Cryptic Concept Art for Nighthawk I'd have liked claw tips on his gloves over the huge blades, but I think it's pretty decent.
  13. Re: Cryptic Concept Art for Nighthawk The only thing I didn't like about 5th was how narrow the head was, and the tiny eyes. Didn't seem expressive to me. Here's the old Grond, by Zircher I think. I think that's fan-colored. Only pic I could find.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Up to Stargate SG-1 Season 7. Also watching first season of Community. Both on the Roku. Handy little thing, if a bit buggy at times.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...
  16. Re: Zl'f portrait by Storn I get "Oops! Forvo is having difficulties."
  17. Re: Zl'f portrait by Storn From here: http://listen2russian.com/lesson08/index.html Clear as mud, eh? More clear mud: http://www.melearnrussian.com/2009/04/how-do-you-make-l-go-soft.html And some more mud: http://listen2russian.com/lesson08/b/index.html Also, he talks about the "L" starting at 11:43 in the video. I'm having a hard time finding an example of an "L" and a soft sign crammed between two other consonants. Seems like all the examples are either occurring at the end of the word or with a vowel.
  18. Re: Street level versions of the classics Thanks. Who'da thunk it? (Well, anyone who has read 6th, really...)
  19. Re: Zl'f portrait by Storn I took a little Russian once upon a time. I think what you're talking about is the soft sign (looks like a small lower case , indicating a following consonant is soft. Here's a blog entry discussing hard vs soft consonants: http://blog.properrussian.com/2011/06/hard-and-soft.html And here's a video discussing the hard and soft signs:
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