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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. But...but...she's not RED!
  2. Re: Idea/Suggestion: Offline Character Generator Hmm, guess nobody likes this idea?
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Woot! The cosmic balance has been restored.
  4. Re: Massively Article On Champions Online I'm thinking at least the ring and the weapon for my mage. Not sure if the other stuff if worth breaking set bonuses on the crafted gear. /end WoW derail
  5. Re: Massively Article On Champions Online Heck, here's the link to the new badge loot: http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=25046#sells:0+10+1 A little OT, but we have at least two WoW players here it seems. =)
  6. Re: Massively Article On Champions Online You forgot to mention Badge of Justice rewards. Have you seen the stuff coming out in 2.4? It's obscenely good, just takes a ton of badges. I'll need to collect 563 Badges for my healing pally alt to gear up. But, since we're only starting SSC, that'd put my pally ALT ahead of the rest of the raid group gear-wise. Anyway, I wasn't talking about WoW, I was talking in general. In general, the loot shouldn't be made exclusive. Just as WoW has learned, so should go COMMO.
  7. To quote myself, from the Champions-Online boards: That was in response to a thread on the other board. I think something like this would sell like hotcakes as a standalone downloadable product. The dual functionality of using it to pre-load character appearance in the MMO and create character sheets (blank w/the character filled in or even manual input of stats/powers) and stand-ups would be a very sweet synergy, while still offering those who only play on one side or the other a great tool. Edit: I can't claim total credit for the idea, as EQII has such a generator for appearance already.
  8. Re: Plex's Campaign Just a thought. If this is an established team, then giving the characters Teamwork may be a good idea. (If not, they can learn it as they go, of course.)
  9. Re: Gamasutra interview with Jack I agree that the game was mechanically sound. It was great on that level, had great ideas like the sidekick/exemplar system, but the game lacked content. It was cool to have this great character that was so smooth to run, but the game lacked anything interesting to do with the character.
  10. Re: Massively Article On Champions Online A loot system is fine as long as anyone can find any of the loot. You only get exclusion when the loot drops from encounters that some part of the player base doesn't have access to, classic example being a casual who doesn't raid not being able to get raid loot.
  11. Re: Why are so many people upset that Cryptic is only using the Champions IP? Actually, Cryptic created City of Heroes. NC Soft was their publisher, but has recently bought the game from the studio. I believe I read that Cryptic still has rights to their original game engine, and that an improved and updated version is the basis of Champions Online.
  12. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Odd. My browser is showing a page 193, but going to Last Page from the forum menu or clicking on > or 193 at the bottom of 192 puts me back on 192... Posting in an attempt to see if 193 exists, and possibly get there if it does. EDIT: Hmm, this post ended up on 192...but all of the above is still true. Will we ever reach the mythical land of 193??
  13. Here's an interesting interview with Jack regarding his experiences in CoH/V: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=17549 He's very candid here about the pitfalls he faced in City of Heroes. To me it implies good things to come in Champions Online.
  14. Re: Hey Gang! Welcome, Jack! Here's some rep. Now, get back to work! =)
  15. Re: Massively Article On Champions Online Massively needs fact checkers, though.
  16. Re: Odd Costume Designes Yeah, I remember the capes being put in later because they weren't perfect for launch. They didn't want shoddy-looking capes. And as far as it goes, I think they have the best capes of any game I've played, hands down. So, hoping they have capes at launch. As for the other options, seems like they're going to have a much larger selection for Champions Online. One of the characters played by the Game Informer people had a machine gun pop out of a port on its shoulder, which is pretty cool.
  17. Re: Betatesting? I just read the Game Informer article today. It may not be too far off of beta, judging from what they said. Seems the basic game is done, and they're working on classes and content. I'd guess maybe fall/winter for beta? After all, they did have two years of development time when it was MUO.
  18. Re: Armored Suit Which would make sense if it was a secret ID. I kinda like the concept.
  19. Re: Name that flag-suited hero! Captain Ross? Great great great (etc) grandson of Betsy? Who, you know, has a flag connection. =)
  20. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Ahhh! I'm a little slow. I have actually visited the thread and seen later pics, but totally missed this, somehow. (Probably skipped ahead on accident.) Anyway: Looks great! As to the description, I suppose my entry was a little vague, but the end result did end up matching my mental image pretty closely, down to the hair style. I'd pictured more of a five pointed star, but that's probably the only point where the final product is "off" from my intent, so it worked out great. Thanks to both death tribble and Storn for the pic! Well done!
  21. Re: Opinions: A 'Hero' Stealing Their Gear.....???? Is it really stealing if she's the rightful owner? If something compelled her to use the artifacts, then can that something be considered the will of the original owner in any way, whether it's a spell or another agency putting the items in the character's way? It may be that whoever dug 'em up is the thief, not your hero. =P
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What does Peewee Herman sound like sleep walking? A: Bedbugs.
  23. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I just finished a Jim Butcher-a-Thon! I'd picked up and read Storm Front, the first Dresden File book just before my birthday. My wife picked up books 2 through 6 for my birthday, and after I downed them, I picked up 7 and 8, finishing up all the paperbacks within a week. This week, I read (several days of migraines impeding my progress) the first Codex Alera novel, Furies of Calderon. I'll pick up the other two paperbacks this weekend. Then I'll froth at the mouth until the current hardback for each series is released in paperback. Or else, I'll put it on my library wait list. I'd have to say it looks like Butcher is well on his way to becoming one of the greats in the field. He's simply a solid writer who knows how to move a story along. And that's hard to beat. Furies of Calderon was one of the few 500 page fantasy novels I've read in a while that didn't bog down. Heck, that's probably because he had the sense to keep it to 500 pages, instead of adding another 300-500 pages of bloat. If you like a good page turner, you should like Jim Butcher.
  24. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Looks like I spoke too soon... every one of my characters on Liberty except my lvl 41 were taken offline. That blows. I lost three good names, and one was one of my higher level alts. Lost names on a 20, a 19, a 12 and a couple of 8s. Lame.
  25. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Well, just reactivated. Looks like my Liberty characters all avoided the name loss. On Champion, every single character is level 6, so probably all lost their names. That actually made me laugh. So far, the only one I renamed was my little fire/fire tank, Fire-Bug. He's now Devil Bug. That's sort of cool enough in a generic way, I guess. =) Well, going to log back in and redo my keybindings and stuff, and check the rest of my characters.
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