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Everything posted by Silbeg

  1. Re: Champs 25ths Now At Tina's I just had the same problem with The Ultimate Speedster I received... Of course, the UPS guy put it in my storm door (which is all glass... never got around to putting the screen in), and the heat probably didn't help any.
  2. Re: AARGH! How do I build this power without exceeding active point caps? Huh? Activating a power is a zero-phase action. Changing slots in an MP is just activating a power. Thus, changing slots is a zero-phase action. This is, of course, unless your GM has some house rules to the contrary.
  3. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? I was just thinking... there are a few things I would want... mostly surrounding how villains are dealt with in the CU when captured. Of course, some of this may be dealt with in the Stronghold book, but this is still of use. Questions like what is the typical sentance for certain super-crimes. What is the average sentance served by criminals for certain crimes. What does the system do with super-powered criminals when they are waiting to be tried. Another bit might be how frequently certain super-crimes are stopped, and how often super-criminals are captured... The goal of this is an idea of how frequently a GM might be able to bring back certain villains and/or teams. If they are typically locked up for "real world" terms, once a villain is captured, they probably are done with for the campaign duration.
  4. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? Yeah, though I thought that that Champions stuff was a bit elaborate, they made for good templates in my game. More ideas on this kind of thing are always helpful!
  5. Re: Playing cards as offensive weapons... All you really need is the boards friendly export format, which is available on the Hero Designer sight. For convenience, I am putting the link here. I believe you have to have an account, but I think there also was a version of this in the Free Stuff area. Basically, this will create a text file (which is viewable in your favorite text editor). Then, just cut out the section for the multipower itself (should be easy enough to find) and paste into the forum editing window. Hope this helps! Can't wait to see a "unique multipower"!
  6. Re: Have I got this right? per 5ER 233, you are correct. In addition the character is at 0 OCV, 1/2 DCV for the duration, and can do nothing while waiting for the teleportation to resolve.
  7. Re: 2 GMs One Game Very funny... I have been trying to do the same thing. Unfortunately, the first player that I enlisted hasn't been the most reliable. Now, the player that is the most reliable (never missed a session, the only one aside from myself that can say that. ), and I will get to play Soundwave again (and not as a GM-PC). As for multiple simultaneous GMs, a couple of friends and I tried this at a Con a couple of years ago, for a game that the players were running villains. In this case, we had discreet roles, so it went well, and we were able to handle the villainous plotting against each other! Probably wouldn't recommend this for anything but a one-off, though.
  8. Re: Penultimate Series? About 50 minutes... just finished baking one myself (a rhubarb cake). but... if they are using a Penultimate Baker... who knows? The Penultimate Gadget Behold the power of the Mighty Zippo! I can start fires, and... start fires... and... make a cool noise?
  9. Re: Penultimate Series? Penultimate Metamorph: "How do you know it was The Shifter, ma'am?" "Because, officer, he can take any form!" "Are you sure you just didn't take the lipstick, and place it in your purse?"
  10. Re: Penultimate Series? Probably both.
  11. When the Ultimate series is finally done... this could be the next. List of powers and abilities that just don't quite make the cut! The Penultimate Brick While Ogre's Super-strength Breakthrough lets him bash his way through countless walls, it is his Super-strength Can-Opener power that really keeps him fed. No... really keeps him fed... Ogre doesn't cook, and he doesn't know how to work a microwave!
  12. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday, July 27) But I have a badger-mobile ready with a busload of badgers... ready for the hurling. They have been consuming nothing but Jolt for the last two weeks in preparation! Badger..badger...badger...badger...
  13. Re: Traveller Hero, a major announcement Someone needs to get a cheap laser printer... I love my samung ML-1740, a printer that practically costs less than its new toner cartridge. I just buy refills (on eBay) for about $5-10 a fill... and get 2500 pages (or more) out of each. Cheap by any accounting!
  14. Re: Easily forgotten I agree with all of this... and there have been two characters in my games over the last few years with such a power. Invisibility is a great way to do this... you could even throw in Inherent, in some cases... especially if you are looking for someone so common as to just not be noticed. A possible lim would be to say not against non-sentient sensors, and/or nullified by an opposed EGO roll...
  15. Re: What I learn playing a GM. We learned about this trick years after it was too late... but, rep to you for the information!!! (or at least rep to you when I can again?)
  16. Re: name this gadget! I guess I would have to ask what the character's name is, and some other background stuff. Did he create teh "stick", or is this somethign that was given to him in the past? I could see the character just referring to it as his "Stick", or something like that... but the media may have given it a "fancy" (i.e., 4-color) name. Not coming up with anything concrete, yet... but... Ok, the cheese, now... it is his "Schtick Stick"???
  17. Re: What I learn playing a GM. Trust me, it will happen. "Hey, Mark, you wanna draw an Apache on the map, about there?" "Sure." Mark grabs the nearest pen, which happens to be a sharpie, and draws a crude helicopter. Someone else says, "Mark! That's a Sharpie!!!" Mark replies, "Oh. Good thing it isn't my battle-mat." In fact, it was my battlemat, and no efforts we tried got the markings off... but we were able to erase the hex grid!
  18. Re: Regeneration: And Other Examples Power That Violate The Rules While I really like this concept, since it ties into a pre-existing ability (REC), it does become quite expensive. Also, I believe this was described in a recent Digital HERO as an option, though I believe that they were talking about a +1/4 advantage per time chart level. Still, for a 10 REC, going from 10/month to 10/week is only 5 points (with the +1/4). To 10/day (or 1 BODY per 2.4 hours), it would cost 10 points. This is quite a bit more expensive than it would be with the Healing-based Regeneration... however, that being said, I do like the idea. I just don't expect that people would want to buy it that way, unless there was as significant advantage to doing so.
  19. Re: Character name help!!! Go right ahead... plagarism is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Well, I can't deny that a 60 pt MP wouldn't be more versatile, but the 30 point pool does make for some interesting decisions.
  20. Re: Character name help!!! Well, I have to thank you all for the help. The player whose character this is loved the name. He said it was just cheesy enough to be genre, and not so much that he wouldn't play it. Now, Major Force is arguing with his wife about where his super-suit is... evidently she sent it to the cleaners, and it shrunk. To see him in all his glory... Major Force
  21. Re: Hero System Almanac 2 This is an older book, written in the days of 4E (BBB). So, if you are looking for 5E only material, this probably is not your best choice. As to the contents, I don't exactly recall (though I have it somewhere)
  22. Re: What I learn playing a GM. Oh, no... And for the new one: Never keep Sharpies (or other permanent markers) near your vis-a-vis markers. We still talk about the "helicopter" incedent on my old battle map...
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