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Everything posted by Silbeg

  1. Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage I think that would be great idea for a novice "supervillain"! In addition to probable issues with control of his powers, he just doesn't have the lines down, yet. So, pulling from Sky High, would one of the required courses for the supers (not the sidekicks) be "Soliloquies and Oratories"? "How to influence people without really trying" "Getting the most from your PREsence!" So, without being a "trained" supervillain, maybe there should be a Social Limitation of "Green Supervillain", which shows that he just doesn't quite have the polish of a veteran. I like it!!! Oh, and the same could easily apply to Superheroes, too. After all, a Superhero has to have stage presence as well. I mean, if you come in with "Stop... or I'll... um... be.. um... forced to say 'Stop' again?", who's gonna pay attention to you? Or, how many surrenders are you going to get with BLAM!!! "Surrender, or... um, is there a doctor in the house?"
  2. Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage
  3. Re: Campaign Tone -- explaining “Bronze Age”
  4. Re: Examining existing rules That isn't what I meant. How I see the Dodge manuever is not as much actively dodging a single attack (that would be block, or missile deflection), but keeping yourself moving in an evasive pattern ("Serpentine!!!") to make it more difficult for an attacker to "draw a bead" on you. The more erratic your manuevering, the harder it will be to hit you. Simple.
  5. Re: Examining existing rules However, while you might not be able to actually get out of the way from some attacks, being more mobile will still make it much more difficult to hit you. Moving targets are typically harder to hit than stationary ones!
  6. Re: Haymaker out of combat I tend to agree with you, Sean. I would also look at using some of the optional rules in TUB, about doing damage to yourself. Thinking about it this way... how often have you ever done damage to concrete when you punch it? How often does it hurt you? "Common Sense" and "Dramatic License" should tell you that no matter how lucky Joe Normal is, he is not going to punch through a concrete wall... no matter how many times he tries. In addition, he will be pounding his fists into a pulp.
  7. Re: What is the best way to build this? Not exactly true, KarinsDad... you could do an MPA where you activate more than a single attack power. Of course the difference there would be that you would be using multiple attack powers with a single attack (roll)... so that may not be applicable
  8. Re: How to build: HKA to flesh Just gotta give credit where credit is due...
  9. Re: How to build: HKA to flesh Very interesting, Thia. I hadn't though of Indirect, but that is a neat effect. I was going to say that Penetrating would do well to simulate this ability, thouhg.
  10. Re: Subspace Engine Design Help [HERO: Combat Evolved] Just as an idea, you could potentially handle this as EDM... the idea of jumping from one space-time to another (Slipstream). Now, perhaps distances are condensed in Slipstream, you would just need to determine the ratio. Example, if 1AU (normal) maps to 1LY in subspace, then the ratio of disatince in this space is approximately 75000:1. Really, then, you would need to know the speeds in normal space of certain ships to determine what the real ratio is. Then, again, with a hefty dose of "handwavium", you could separate distance from travel time. Perhaps some "paths" are easier, and easier paths take less time. Thus, it might take 2 months to jump to Star A which is 4 LY away, but for some reason it only takes 3 weeks to jump to Star B, which is 32 LY away. This makes systems "closer" not based on physical proximity, but travel time. All in all, though, I would probably go with some sort of FTL for ease.
  11. Re: Building grenades for a grenade launcher So simple, so elegant. Makes you wanna puke, don't it?! Now, the next step would be to create an export template in HD that can take the charges displayed, and parse the "ammo" checkboxes itself. Who'll take that bad-boy on?
  12. Re: Slow recharge rate? Perhaps an insane way (since it would cost more) would be to build it with a trigger, that takes a good while to restart? At least that way, he could pay the END cost ahead of time... just that extra shots would be much slower. Then, add a lim to say can only use triggered?
  13. Re: Bringing accuracy into the equation The easy way to handle this would be to add/subtract by 1/2 dice. With standard effect in play, for 10d6 (even CVs). Also note that I use a rule where by a "3" is a perfect (max damage) hit. 3 60 (MAX) 4 40 5 39 6 37 7 36 8 34 9 33 10 31 11 30 12 28 13 27 14 25 15 24 16 22 17 21 18 0 (Clean miss!) Note that this method does tend to make average (rolled) damage less likely to happen... in fact, you would need to roll a 7 to perform that feat. Also, I don't think this system will play well with Autofire... how would you manage that?
  14. Re: What is the best way to build this? Another, perhaps ugly, idea would be to have a gun, and then a set of "naked advantages" for the ammo. So, for example, you would have Variable SFX (silver, lead, etc), AP, Explosion. These would all be extra Powers outside of the multipower. With the proper lims (0END, for sure), and a +0 to (whatever) advantage/limitation be able to fire in the order that they were loaded. However, in many ways, while what you are asking makes perfect sense... it is kind of hard to do with the rules as they stand. Now, if you were playing in a Heroic level game, we wouldn't even be having this discussion, since ammo is equipment,
  15. Re: I have never used a VPP Absolutely... taking a 1/2 second to recall something seems very reasonable to me. Actually, that is rather quick recall! I would work more on the assumption of the sorcerer trying to recall a spell, and failing. If he has failed, he may still have the previous spell clear in his mind. However, you could alway rule that he loses those points for the phase... until he gets a successful re-allocate. In any case, these were just my musings, based not on FH experience, but VPPs in Champions.
  16. Re: Fake Websites Now there just needs to be some content there.. thoughI am strongly considering adding the link (and banner) to my FPCA website just for giggles... For example on a random PC's character sheet.
  17. Re: I have never used a VPP I agree with a lot that has been said here, in that the cost of the VPP is definitely a balancer. However, I personally wouldn't go for the "cosmic" pool. If the wizard has to take a 1/2 phase and a skill roll to switch his pool, the added versatility of the VPP becomes much cheaper, but less reliable. In a FH setting, I would also require certain "set" limitations based on the magic system... example of this would be RSR (Sorcery), incantations, gestures, foci (expendible or otherwise). Maybe require a min of a -1 limitatation on all spells, allowing a variety of lim mixing. At -1, the wizard could have 2 powers active at full Active Points for the pool. Perhaps a force field and an attack power. Now, of course, the more lims you allow on the power, the more powerful your casters are going to become... but the more END they are going to get to burn each phase. This high expenditure of END may be one of the ultimate balances...
  18. Re: Megascale and Teleport Sighting Do tell!! Please say that it wasn't Foxbat?!
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Highlander what? There was more than one? I thought there could be only one? Or should have been.
  20. Silbeg

    Super Metals

    Re: Super Metals Brianium - the toughest substance on Earth - named after a former GM. This stuff is so unbelievably tough.. it has to be at least 5DEF stronger than the max damage anyone's biggest attack can generate. However, it is rumored that it can be affected by "Generic Energy Blasters".
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