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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues I would expect that the telepathy issue would be handled in North America as a form of privileged communication. Which is to say, it could not be used in court and not as a basis for a search warrant, but could be used to alert authorities (or super-heroes) to an imminent crime. Revealing someone's private thoughts for less than a situation like that would be grounds for a civil suit.
  2. Re: Your Character/Game Equation He didn't have Urkel's annoying mannerisms and voice, but he was a skinny adolescent engineering geek looking to get rich through superheroics.
  3. Re: Help get the heroes to the kidnapped
  4. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues
  5. Clonus


    Re: Superhero! Secretariat, The World's Fastest Secretary! She uses her super-speed to complete all her typing and filing instantly, so she can spend the rest of her time reading magazines. Mushroom Man: He has the power of growth, but he can only use it when out of direct sunlight.
  6. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues Get yourself a lawyer and incorporate yourself as Captain Amazing Inc. through a series of dummy corporations.
  7. Re: Your Character/Game Equation The Wizard of Oz Incorporated: Booster Gold + Urkel Hellfire: The Human Torch + Bridget Jones Riptide: Maxwell Lord + Wally West
  8. Re: Universal Translator and Cyphers
  9. Re: Been there done that?
  10. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues Ordinarily infernal contracts are a form of magic spell and neither side has any option about taking the consequences for a failure to live up to their side of the bargain as such consequences are spelled out in the contract. Assuming that isn't the case, then, given that the "immortal soul" is the seat of human identity, the terms of the contract are an agreement that Banducci shall become NeoMephisto's slave, and under American law such contracts are null and void. This doesn't preclude NeoMephisto from abducting Banducci into a jurisdiction where slavery is legal of course.
  11. Re: Superheroes, Power and Responsbility
  12. Re: Iconic Heroes I'd go with Batman: The Night Superman: Superheroes themselves Spider-Man: Adolescence Iron-Man: Technology Wonder Woman: Femaleness Captain America: American patriotism The Hulk: Anger Doctor Doom: Arrogance Red Skull: Sheer Evil Catwoman: Cats (Being a cat fancier, that's enough to be iconic for me) Thanos: Death The Thing: Solidity
  13. Re: Potential Villain Scheme Water.
  14. Re: People with Powers If it weren't for the Great Bank Collapse of 2030.
  15. Re: Pulling Authority & Other Genres It isn't. In the cozy mystery genre it is unthinkable for the detective to kill his opponent, even when his opponent is a cold-blooded killer and there seems to be no way to bring them to justice. Well almost. Hercule Poirot In police procedurals the heroes know without a doubt that a certain character is a serial killer but in order to be the heroes as opposed to the out-control lunatics in meltdown, they have to play by the rules, get evidence and arrest them legitimately. They may kill, but it's in a situation where there's really no other way to stop the target from killing right then and there. In war stories, yes the military heroes kill, but they are not civilians, and civilians who start killing either get slaughtered out of hand, or commit atrocities that make them worse than soldiers of the enemy. Civilians only gain the power to become heroes who kill by joining an actual military force. In romantic adventure novels, the hero (and heroine) kill with great reluctance to save each other's lives and for no other other reason. The Authority on the other hand killed routinely and without being answerable to anyone else for their mistakes and choices.
  16. Re: Pulling Authority & Other Genres I have considered a deconstructionist take on the start of a super-team where the lesser powered heroes band together to show a character similar to the original iteration of Superman that he is still answerable to humanity.
  17. Clonus

    Team Name

    Re: Team Name Baywatch! What? The Random Factor The Free Agents
  18. Re: Pulling Authority & Other Genres It's wrong for the same reason the Pentagon deciding that politicians are idiots and from now on the nation shall be ruled by a junta of capable military men is wrong. Many things are considered. Nothing says a superhero can't _consider_ killing. However, characters in fantasy are generally more analogous to soldiers than cops, unlike a superhero. When they aren't, they're generally scummy lowlives or civilians caught out of their depth and desperately struggling to survive. Decapitating demon-possessed corpses doesn't count. Superheroes also routinely stake vampires when they meet them. One of Doctor Who's great appealing qualities is that for him killing is genuinely a last resort, and not a phony last resort where characters pretend to be unwilling to kill but somehow are forced into that corner every time. The military and the police can only use lethal force within the context of regulations and the law. Also, when you are superhumanly powerful, certain things become a lot less necessary. If someone shot at me I would be totally justified in killing them dead. If someone shot at Superman...not so much. Uh-hunh. To the point that the military actually sent someone to the guys making 24 to ask them to tone it down because Bauer was such a bad role model. It doesn't. Flying under your own power is legal. I fail to see how the potential for accident justifies either being a deliberate killer, or taking over. People violate other people's privacy all the time. It isn't illegal in itself. I don't want to play supervillains. Specious. The accusation is not that The Authority are villains since they break the law. It's that they are villains because they are casual killers who overthrew the government of the United States. Said accusation may be unfair, I can't say since I avoid reading The Authority. That happened some 20+ years ago. And what would that moral difference be? So...how would they be different from Doctor Doom?
  19. Re: WWYCD: Out of cash Riptide: Swimsuit calender featuring the team Hellfire: Hellfire would be stumped but wouldn't consent to anything dishonest.
  20. Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team T.N. Lung: Pocket Godzilla and even-tempered Buddhist Riptide: Fast talking aquatic speedster and team leader Hellfire: Bad tempered romantic flying zapper with a religious streak Phreak: Grotesque stretching guy D'Arc: Electricity and computer controller in a long jacket and a short skirt who was a hero to get out from under hacking charges. Winterfrost: Self-hating mutant with cold powers Moonchild: Empathic healer and manipulator Poet's actually a character who I wrote stories about instead of playing. Riptide's going to end up being the leader but D'arc may wrestle with him for control. Hellfire will fall in love with him and suspect Moonchild of trying to control him. Winterfrost will be something of a problem child since she doesn't like mutants. Phreak will be the class clown. There's a nice spread of abilities I think. The girls somewhat outnumber the boys 4 to 3
  21. Re: Superheroes, Power and Responsbility Perhaps you should use something a little less reliable and indispensible than the sun in your analogy. If a supervillain kills the sun, we're all dead. Period. We are dependant on the sun, pretty much totally, but fortunately the sun is even harder than a superhero to lose.
  22. Re: new time line were the dead stay dead I'm not allowing any. I just like the idea of Baldur rebuilding Asgard because that's what he's supposed to do after he dies. That's how Ragnarok goes.
  23. Re: new time line were the dead stay dead Without Thor around, there's no need. Although I kind of like the idea of Baldur recreating Asgard. He's the one who who is supposed to, you know. If someone disappears in an explosion that's one thing. Given how tough these people are, we can safely assume that they are still alive if you didn't find a body. Given that the retcon was legendarily stupid, I don't see a reason to go with it. No. That's why I went with the Onslaught storyline as Vision's demise. Since there was no body left, he couldn't be turned on again. But this time he wasn't being killed by physical injury. That's why I picked that death. Explicit Christ-allegory gives him a pass. Onslaught already killed them, so that's not an issue. Isn't that the idea? It might be easier of course to list the major characters who are still alive all in all. Spider-Man for example has never really died. What with all the books he juggles, who has the time?
  24. Re: new time line were the dead stay dead
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