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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: What would a supers setting look like 35 years from the present? Cash is something that if lost, will inevitably be reinvented. People need something to pay hookers with that won't show up on a credit check. I'm betting on "souvenir" gold and silver coins and prepaid gift and phone cards. One obvious development would be an increasing tendency among the criminally inclined to go to black market body shops for the implantation of a competitive edge. Being a cyborg might end up being socially stigmatised. Android servants in a comic book future might be affordable for businesses and the upper-middle class. Actually I highly recommend raiding J.D. Robb books if your players don't read them.
  2. Re: What would a supers setting look like 35 years from the present? Floating cars obviously. Nothing says "future" more than floating cars, no matter when you start from. You might also want some kind of space colony. Those are the classic science fiction 30 years later benchmarks (neither of which are likely that soon in reality). You could have a society that has lost patience with superheroics and instead relies on special police squads that are sufficient during a relative supervillainous lull.
  3. Re: How to get swords on your starship Find Galactic Empires and you'll see the original short story that was much better untainted by the author's second thoughts.
  4. So you're mapping your universe and you want to name your inhabited planets and systems? Well what kind of name you end up with is going to tend to be determined by who gets to name it: Astronomers: Astronomers have a tradition of going with mythologies. So names like Odin, Hecate, Isis, Fenris, Kuan Yin or Anansi. Colonising Governments: Governments are likely to go with naming planets after things they already control to send the message they control the new colony as well, leading to names like New London, Nuevo America, Texas or Nihon no Tenshi. They may instead have a tendency to name worlds after past or present officials or other persons they wish to honor, so Hammerskjold, Lincoln, Rice, Van Devoort. Private Enterprise: Likely to go with names that will attract customers like Paradise, Greenfield, New Earth, Opportunity, Cornucopia, Hope. Explorer and Early Settlers: Likely to name the planet after what they notice early on so names like Plateau, Purplewood, Dragonhome, Tempest, Montana.
  5. Re: Democratic Republics in Fantasy Worlds? Yes but that has very little to do with what I said. The British colonies in America had elected legislatures before they had their revolution and afterward democracy was established not by the sword but by tedious talkfests. 9 times out of ten when a dictatorial government is overthrown by force, what replaces it is something no more democratic. More than half the time, the result is something more oppressive.
  6. Re: Democratic Republics in Fantasy Worlds? If you have nothing to say, don't respond. Guns.
  7. Re: Teleporting -- need a better name for it. Of course if you were speaking classical greek it would be "teleporos" from "tele" meaning "at a distance" and "poros" meaning "passage". If you were speaking latin it would be "transportus".
  8. Re: Teleporting -- need a better name for it. But they lifted from The Stars My Destination.
  9. Re: Democratic Republics in Fantasy Worlds? So, you're no longer amateurs. You've become a martial class devoting considerable time and effort to your training. That separates you from noncombatants in a way that easier-to-learn weapons don't. And while you may end up creating a kind of democracy consisting of your class, that'll end up being more of an oligarchy.
  10. Re: Golden Age Superheroes as Pulp Heroes Ala Truth: Red, White and Black?
  11. Re: Matriarchial Societies One common fanon interpretation of Vulcan was that it was a matriarchy based on the old bats who seemed to run the ceremonies even though that conflicted with T'Pau's warning to T'Pring about the possible consequences of challenging the betrothal. Personally I thought that it was actually a gerontocracy, and women simply have higher average life expectancies on Vulcan.
  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I just watched Advent Children despite never having played Final Fantasy. Pretty pictures.
  13. Re: Which is faster, Gravity or Light? If that were true then it would be possible to talk to the past and have it answer back.
  14. Re: Which is faster, Gravity or Light? So far as we know, shifts in gravity propagate at the speed of light.
  15. Re: Matriarchial Societies No. Yes, a lot of women want to hold their baby in their arms. That doesn't translate into an abstract general desire to have everyone else reproduce more or even to have a really large family for themselves. Women have been leaders in the cause to develop and legitimise birth control because it acutely relates to their self interest.
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I'm listening to this dance club version of Sarah Maclachlan's Sweet Surrender. Frankly, I find it annoying.
  17. Re: New Game: Remnants of Hope Is "Spider" an element?
  18. Re: Matriarchial Societies
  19. Re: How common are guns If the GM let's you take it at that frequency that's what it should mean. Of course the GM would be within his rights to say "No, you would be facing the proximity of iron more often than Rarely so you can't take it at Rare". Obviously GM and player need to get on the same page.
  20. Re: New Game: Remnants of Hope She looks human, yes. I tried to do something different with an arachnid character, so no webbing but instead she shrinks. She's optimised to be a spy. Of course she powers up easily enough just by giving her a little training and a lot of food.
  21. Re: Amalgam Universe Campaign How do you pronounce OMMTBH?
  22. Re: Matriarchial Societies Are they scarier when they are a world of hot telepathic men?
  23. Re: Democratic Republics in Fantasy Worlds? No, they really aren't. You have to know how to drill to make polearms effective. Otherwise a few men on horseback can tear right through you.
  24. Re: WWYCD: Grrrl Power- emphasis on Grrr Sounds like a richly deserved fate.
  25. Re: New Game: Remnants of Hope Well here's a rough draft of Recluse Recluse 25 STR 15 30 DEX 60 18 CON 16 30 BODY 40 18 INT 8 20 EGO 20 10 PRE 0 10 COM 0 5 PD 0 4 ED 0 6 SPD 20 9 REC 0 36 END 0 54 STUN 2 Characteristics Cost: 181 20 "Spider sensitivity to the slightest tremor" Ranged, Discriminatory, Targeting Touch 10 "Yes, I can stick to things" +0 STR Clinging 20 +10 Enhanced PER,"Touch",Detect 33 "The size of a large spider" 5 LVLS Shrinking(64mm,3.2g,+10 DCV,+15 KB),x2 Increased End Cost(-1/2) 10 10 "Yes, I can stick you together" Healing 1 10 "Wolfspider leaping" +10" Superleap 3 45 "Yes I can stick you to things" 3D6 Entangle,entangle not damaged 4 3 Acrobatics 15- 3 Breakfall 15- 3 Contortionist 15- 3 Survival 11- 3 Paramedic 13- 6 AK: Home City 15- 3 Shadowing 11- 3 Stealth 15- 3 Streetwise 11- 3 Concealment 13- 15 5 Levels: Stealth, Shadowing, Concealment 3 Security Systems 13- 5 Defense Maneuver Powers Cost: 204 Total Cost: 385 Base Points: 350 15 Psych Lim,"Shy",very common,moderate 15 Psych Lim,"In Love",common,strong 5 Hunted,"Local Official",less powerful,non-combat influence, limited area,harsh,appear 8- Disadvantages Total: 35 Experience Spent: 0 Total Points: 385 Her parents were killed when she was very young and she grew up alone doing nothing but honing her incredibly tuned ability to avoid everyone. She only made an exception for a local official who began his rise to tyrannical middle management with the denunciation of her parents. She stole from him on a regular basis. Then one day she saw someone special and powerful, someone who was trying to help people, and she fell in love with all the demented fervour of an adolescent. She started stalking him. Maybe he'd need help? And if she helped, maybe he'd be impressed?
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