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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil
  2. Re: Creepy Pics. That's Namor slipping tongue to the squid-people queen. Of course he was a two-timer, so now he sleeps with the fishes.
  3. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns?
  4. Re: Creepy Pics. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  5. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns? Prince Namor, Princess Celestia...
  6. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns? Except for princes and princesses.
  7. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns?
  8. Re: These are small, those are far away... No. I won't be able to make out the difference at that range either way. Not that I'm sure how this bears on the obviousness of the moon.
  9. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns? GAC campaign.
  10. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns? Yeah, I just made a spelling error. And it's not a translation of Green Lantern's name. http://oaks.nvg.org/grimmtales165-166.html Basically it's a German version of Aladdin, with psycho-killer tendencies.
  11. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns? Das Blau Licht. (The Blue Light) He's Green Lantern, except a Nazi.
  12. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Us-Superhero-novel-ebook/dp/B00545LWJE/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1334434593&sr=1-1
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Why blaxploitation didn't last. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Bz5T93lJ6jQ
  14. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) The Fantastic Four and a couple of original characters are trying to figure out which villainous mastermind stole their third dimension and I'm thinking "It's probably related to you guys actually being comic book characters"...
  15. Re: Ctrl+V http://eu.saferpage.com/aftv
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures [ATTACH=CONFIG]42425[/ATTACH]
  17. Re: These are small, those are far away... The moon is considerably more luminous than a single star. A bird might be more obvious seeing as how it moves.
  18. Re: A Thread For Random Links The inherent problem with the Batmobile. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/rosenwald-md/post/who-is-the-route-29-batman-this-guy/2012/03/28/gIQA8nPjgS_blog.html
  19. Re: Ctrl+V http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stendhal_syndrome
  20. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) 4 teenagers successfully convince the leader of a small clique that she needs a larger entourage and to agree to the merger of the two groups. However they demand that the new kids help them with a burglary of a corporation. The 4 teenagers agree but it goes wrong and one of the clique members gets shot by security. The 4 teenagers were actually working undercover to try to solve the burglaries, but what the clique didn't know is that the corporation they were robbing from was actually their secret employer getting them to do burglaries as a cover for industrial espionage. To divert suspicion they had the kids rob them, so they could be killed, sealing off the loose ends. The undercover agents are harder to get though, so they unleash their secret weapon, these swarms of gooey little creatures that tag intruders with slime so they can't pose as employees to escape....
  21. Re: Ctrl+V http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationwide_opinion_polling_for_the_United_States_presidential_election,_2012
  22. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I'm not sure what I dreamed, but I woke up with the words "It wasn't until I saw your smile, that I realized how much I want you dead" in my head.
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