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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: Atlantis Found That's not Atlantis. It's Lyonesse. Or Ys
  2. Re: Infertile Half-Breeds? Neither China nor Byzantium were all that opposed that kind of preference. Indeed it was necessary to get high ranking families to put up their sons for for that treatment. They just wanted those closest to the throne to not be in a position to father a new dynasty. However the idea does work better when the royals live just as long or longer than their bureaucrats.
  3. Clonus

    My evil plot

    Re: My evil plot Park the Impala near the objective with a full gas tank. Use the toothpicks to connect the cigarettes up into a fuse. Use the nutella to plug the opening of the gas tank with the cigarette/toothpick fuse running through the center of the nutella plug. Light the fuse. Wait for the fire to reach the gas tank. Take the objective while everyone is distracted by the pyrotechnics. Next: A bullwhip, a copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird", a ham sandwich, and a ladder.
  4. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra The newsreel-style what has gone before is amusing. The pagoda-style cars are a nice touch.
  5. Re: Infertile Half-Breeds? Some people live dangerously and have slavery and old school city sacking in their RPGs as well.
  6. Re: Infertile Half-Breeds? Obviously. It could increase the social stigma of being a breed if the culture expects fertility as the mark of a man or woman. It could make them popular as sexual playmates out of wedlock because they raise no inheritance issues. It could lead to it actually being illegal to marry them. It could avert the social stigma of being a breed because they pose no "threat" of the races actually merging.
  7. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra I'm sorry did you say that it would have been successful if it wasn't totally dependent on the location of a single individual even though the plan contained no way to ensure that they'd know where he was in the right 15 minutes? Well I'm not sure it would. When Ozai was finally defeated, that was the end of the war because the only remaining heir had in fact come on board with the gang by that point.
  8. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Tales of the Red Panda: The Android Assassins. Would the Shadow seem quite as scary if he was named "The Red Panda"? Wacky nom de guerre aside, the Red Panda is a surprisingly serious superhero in depression-era Toronto, defending the city from Captain "Never Let the Press Pick Your Name" Clockwork and his robot legions. The hypnotic powers that he gets from the Shadow aren't very useful against robots, so it's fortunate that he also has Doc Savage's inventive genius. It's also of fo frtunate his sidekick is a woman instead of a boy. Otherwise all that flirtation would get a bit a creepy.
  10. Re: A REAL reboot of the JL Only from Superman.
  11. Re: Ctrl+V She does not, for the simple reason that she never actually existed. She's a fiction remembered by other people, but she never drew a single breath. It would get more complicated if Ash's file was ever corrected by Rumisiel's pointy headed bosses so that she now remembered things the same way everyone else does, and would be as appalled by the idea of being turned into a boy as Ash is by what happened to him.
  12. Re: Mental Institute name needed It isn't just for the criminally insane though. Besides, that's pretty archaic.
  13. Re: Ctrl+V DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES...THE GAME You may be wondering why I played a DH computer game when I only ever watched about three episodes of the game. Well, my house is being renovated and that has cut me off from my real computer which is in storage. I actually wore out my old laptop's keyboard and had to buy another. So no games for me, until I went to Goodwill to dispose of some old coats belonging to my mother and noticed they were selling this one for three bucks. I was curious enough to lay out the three bucks. It seems a little bit like the Sims, but there's a DH plotline going on. The protagonist is a new arrival on the street, a housewife married to a doctor. No sooner has she arrived than Edie barges into the house and makes herself obnoxious. The character has no real choice but to hate the bitch. Right after that, Bree, a friendly but pretentious woman shows up to invite the protagonist to a coffee klatch with the other women of the street (but not Edie who everyone seems to hate) On the way, Our Heroine checks her mail and discovers a small parcel addressed to one "E.B". (Edie). That's why Our Heroine has to hate Edie. Gives her a motive to open someone elses mail. So she proceeds to the get-together where she meets Susan and if she's friendly and sympathetic, Susan immediately tells her all about how she was dating this doctor but they broke up when he found out that she had secretly remarried her ex-husband in order defraud medical insurance. I mean, what the hell bitch? Couldn't you save your dark secrets for the second date? After that, Our Heroine quickly reveals to the whole harpy nest that she doesn't actually remember ever marrying her husband the doctor because she had one of those amnesia-causing accidents some 16-20 years ago and had to be filled in on her whole past life by her husband. I'm sure that if you've read this far, it's obvious just what Our Heroine's dark familial secret is. I stopped playing at that point, meaning that I'd played for less time I took to install the thing. Based on this sample, the writing for the game is a wee bit unsubtle. The visual conversion of the characters from DH into toons was quite good. I'm tempted to do a Let's Play.
  14. Re: Mental Institute name needed Most psychiatric hospitals for the seriously perturbed are not in fact named in a non-utilitarian fashion. The Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital (Lakeshore Psych) The Reynolds Institute
  15. Re: Does anyone ekse like People with Powers style games? In short, a supervillain campaign.
  16. Clonus

    Sun missing

    Re: Sun missing Note that in the ad, the sun isn't really gone. The sky is just continuously overcast and the cops are superstitious idiots. The first thing to do would be to define the nature of the problem. Are the planets of the solar system careening outward because the sun has been teleported away, or are they still in orbit around an unseen centre? Has the planet actually been encircled with a sun-screening forcefield that is blocking the light? Or, as in the commercial, dense cloud conditions? Has the planet been actually been teleported out of the solar system and into interstellar space? Or is this some kind of projected hallucination? Is it actually getting colder and are the plants acting as though they've been cut off from light? You have to get an idea what happened before you can have an idea how to reverse it. I suspect Louhi. Or the vampires.
  17. Re: Does anyone ekse like People with Powers style games? Roswell was a People with Powers setting and they had a whole team of aliens. It helped of course that they looked exactly like humans, but that was only necessary because it was also a wainscot setting. Troubleshooters was a PWP setting, but it was no secret that they existed. Spandex had just gone out of style. Asylum was a wainscot setting, because criminal and covert agencies were all out to recruit psis whether they wanted to be recruited or not.
  18. Re: Does anyone ekse like People with Powers style games? I ran a game, "Troubleshooters" where only one character wore a costume and they used their problems as heros for hire. I also tried the "Asylum" campaign where where the characters were (officially) mental patients who have psionic powers, but basically still would have been superheroes. I never tried a villain campaign or one which had no goal.
  19. Re: What Fiction Book (other than Science Fiction or Fantasy) have you recently finis Heretic's Daughter, a novel about the early American witch trials. The first half was kind of interesting, in that it laid out just how someone could attract enough enmity that an accusation of witchcraft would gain traffic. The second half was boringly close to history.
  20. Re: Ctrl+V "20 Years Later, It Turns Out Dan Quayle Was Right About Murphy Brown and Unmarried Moms"
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