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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I was driving a group of mobsters around town in a huge motor home. After they were ready to leave I tried to return it to the lot they'd taken it from, but the frightened owner said "no, no, you can keep it' I spent the rest of the dream wrestling with this moral dilemma.
  2. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Obi Wan disabled the tractor beam only for as long as it took to recognize that it wasn't functioning and send a mechanic to undo what he did. A slight delay in the firing of the DS's main weapon wouldn't accomplish anything. An analogous situation would be a supervillain who is so powerful that there would be no way to restrain him or keep him from regaining consciousness. For example Glory from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and her human host. It would certainly be possible to create situations where a superhero was faced with a foe so unstoppably dangerous that summary execution was necessary to save lives even though he's temporarily helpless. But I would certainly prefer such situations to be truly extraordinary. Stop or I shall snort at you again. The genre convention of villain reappearance is not restricted to their ability to escape custody. The Fantastic Four "accidentally" killed Doctor Doom so many times that the comic creators had to resort to giving him a small army of disposable robots. And that's ignoring the reality that the major comic book universe (and the major superhero RPG universes) have life after death as an objective reality that you can return from. Do you know what would actually happen if Batman abandoned his no-kill rule and whacked the Joker? The Joker would be back in a couple of months laughing at him for killing an innocent double.
  3. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill
  4. Re: A Thread For Random Links Chinese video pirates can be a little foul-mouthed. http://winterson.com/2009/01/episode-iii-backstroke-of-west-redux.html
  5. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill No. The proposition has not been made that active support of the troops makes the individual a valid target. Probably because that was where Darth Vader was going and he wanted her close at hand.
  6. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill No, I don't. I think the cell blocks were there to hold rebel leaders and troops after they surrendered and they hadn't had time to collect any surrenders yet.
  7. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill But since they are in fact defended, I don't think your point is scoring a touch. I have no reason to think that there were in fact 6 month old babies on board the Death Star. If there were, then the responsibility for their deaths lies with those who made the decision to carry babies into front-line combat. Yeah right. As we all know supervillains never come back from the dead. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are willing to accept one unrealistic comic book convention (imprisoned supervillains never stay imprisoned), but not the other, (killed supervillains only stay dead when they're lame and not very dangerous). You don't get that military personnel in wartime can and must do things that could not be allowed to civilians?
  8. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill And the problem with that is? If you are performing some kind of shipboard function that helps the Death Star function, you ARE front-line combat personnel even if you never pull a trigger. Even if you aren't, and your death is incidental to Luke's objective (which is to destroy the weapon), Luke isn't a hero for killing you. He's a hero for destroying the weapon, and your death is a regrettable side-effect. And once against, the rules for serving military personnel are different from the rules for cops and the rules for public spirited citizens with eccentric fasion sense. Considered by whom? I certainly would not consider it an act of notable bravery or heroism.
  9. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill They weren't defenceless. They were military personnel in the most powerful war machine in the galaxy. You can't get more defended than that. Similarly, Hitler in his bunker is not defenceless. His heavily guarded bunker is a defence. It's getting past those defences that makes your hypothetical assassin a hero. Shooting Hitler after he's been captured? Not so much. And apart from that, serving military personnel operate by a different set of rules than cops, and cops operate by a different set from rules from public-spirited citizens with eccentric fashion sense.
  10. Re: Divine vs Arcane spells
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The pony version was brilliant with Trixie complaining that she was way better than the leads and deserved more screen time.
  12. Re: Ctrl+V Although not formalised and acknowledged as a mythos per se, Lovecraft did correspond with contemporary writers (Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Robert Bloch, Frank Belknap Long, Henry Kuttner, and Fritz Lieber – a group referred to as the "Lovecraft Circle") – and shared story elements:[18][19] Robert E. Howard's character Friedrich Von Junzt reads Lovecraft's Necronomicon in the short story "The Children of the Night" (1931), and in turn Lovecraft mentions Howard's Unaussprechlichen Kulten in the stories "Out of the Aeons" (1935) and "The Shadow Out of Time" (1936).[20] Many of Howard's original unedited Conan stories also form part of the Cthulhu Mythos.[21]
  13. Re: Destruction of public property, and dealing with the aftermath I merchandised the team and devoted most of the proceeds to fund to rebuild and replace damaged buildings and vehicles (and I suppose pay hospital bills for injured bystanders although the campaign was more into doing property damage.
  14. Re: Ctrl+V http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/05/dvds-and-blu-rays-will-now-carry-two-unskippable-government-warnings/
  15. Re: Mythos of the Werewolf It came along at the same time as the connection to the moon.
  16. Re: Atlantis Found That's not Atlantis. It's Lyonesse. Or Ys
  17. Re: Infertile Half-Breeds? Neither China nor Byzantium were all that opposed that kind of preference. Indeed it was necessary to get high ranking families to put up their sons for for that treatment. They just wanted those closest to the throne to not be in a position to father a new dynasty. However the idea does work better when the royals live just as long or longer than their bureaucrats.
  18. Clonus

    My evil plot

    Re: My evil plot Park the Impala near the objective with a full gas tank. Use the toothpicks to connect the cigarettes up into a fuse. Use the nutella to plug the opening of the gas tank with the cigarette/toothpick fuse running through the center of the nutella plug. Light the fuse. Wait for the fire to reach the gas tank. Take the objective while everyone is distracted by the pyrotechnics. Next: A bullwhip, a copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird", a ham sandwich, and a ladder.
  19. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra The newsreel-style what has gone before is amusing. The pagoda-style cars are a nice touch.
  20. Re: Infertile Half-Breeds? Some people live dangerously and have slavery and old school city sacking in their RPGs as well.
  21. Re: Infertile Half-Breeds? Obviously. It could increase the social stigma of being a breed if the culture expects fertility as the mark of a man or woman. It could make them popular as sexual playmates out of wedlock because they raise no inheritance issues. It could lead to it actually being illegal to marry them. It could avert the social stigma of being a breed because they pose no "threat" of the races actually merging.
  22. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra I'm sorry did you say that it would have been successful if it wasn't totally dependent on the location of a single individual even though the plan contained no way to ensure that they'd know where he was in the right 15 minutes? Well I'm not sure it would. When Ozai was finally defeated, that was the end of the war because the only remaining heir had in fact come on board with the gang by that point.
  23. Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra
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