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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Thank you for the kind words, but I have to disagree. All I'm doing is "prettying up" an already awesome body of work by Hermit. He's doing all the real work. I just want to combine it all into a single PDF to make it easier for a wider audience to use.
  2. Never watched it, so I didn't know who that was a picture of. I was just looking for a dark-haired beauty because of the text. Easy enough to swap out. When I update the PDF next time (after you've posted some more people) I'll have a different picture in there.
  3. Here's what I have thus far. (I'm particularly proud of the pictures of Sniffing Strangers.) Hope you don't mind the change to the formatting / order, and some minor edits throughout. I put the quotes up front. PeopleOfCampaignCity.pdf
  4. Since Hermit skipped over it, I think I'll try to tackle: The Boyfriend / Girlfriend Chris Armitage has known [the PC in secret ID] since they were both toddlers. Of course, growing up next door to each other helped ensure they would be best friends. The two of them were inseparable, often taking the fall for each other when their parents found out what trouble one or the other had gotten into. Sure, when they started elementary school they had to endure the childhood taunts -- "Chris and [PC] sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" -- but neither one really cared. They were best buds, and everybody else could go hang if they didn't like it. And then, as they entered middle school / junior high and were just starting to notice the fascinating ways that boys and girls differed, Chris's dad got transferred across the country. The two of them were heartbroken, and swore to keep in touch. They succeeded for a while, with letters and phone calls back and forth and making plans for their families to vacation in each other's states, but then Mr. Armitage's work took him overseas. Within a year, they had fallen completely out of touch and each reluctantly moved on with their lives. However, everybody grows up and moves out on their own eventually, and that's what Chris has done, moving to Campaign City with a new job as a clerk in the local courthouse. A chance encounter at a coffee house brought [PC] and Chris back together, and the years apart seemed to melt away. Maybe it was just meant to be... QUOTE: "Remember when we snuck into the old abandoned mental hospital, the summer before I moved away? Man, was that creepy! (wicked grin) But now I wish we had ditched Pete and Sarah. Coulda been fun..."
  5. Excellent characterizations pretty much across the board. I've copied all to date into a Word document, and plan to look for photos of people online to put next to each one, give me a simple visual to show the players when they run into them. Because yes, I plan to use many of them. As a GM, I appreciate characters who are unique and memorable; who could regularly interact with at least one and possibly more PCs; and have growth potential (in that their interactions with the PCs will cause them to subtly change over time, and ideally cause the PCs to similarly grow as characters). That said, my favorites thus far are... well, I'm tempted to list all of them, but that wouldn't be very helpful. I'll start with the Bail Bondsman, the Bartender, the Charity Worker, the Gambler, and the Military Commander. All have good long-term possibilities for interaction with the heroes. I think it would probably be more instructive to list one I'm not as fond of, and the reason why. I like the character of the Artist, but other than as background I don't see a lot of potential uses for her. Sure, she could maybe witness a criminal act and then, instead of reporting it to the police normally she paints it on the street or a wall, leading the heroes to seek her out for information they need to nab the perps. But that would really only work once. I hope all of that helps a bit. Keep up the great work, Hermit. A very worthy project.
  6. Complete aside: I just watched most of the current season of the Awesomes on Hulu (if you're not familiar, it's an animated superhero show that's mostly parody but has some great characters), and they briefly introduced a villain named Backstory. His hook was that he has the most torturous, convoluted backstory. I don't think they ever did finish telling it. IMO a great way of poking fun at that trope. Props to zslane for his theory on Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost. I was not looking forward to her turning into Killer Frost because I don't want her to stop working with The Flash, Cisco, et al. But an other-world version of Caitlin as Killer Frost would be acceptable to me. (And if losing Ronnie a second time isn't enough of a tragic, emotionally-wrought "moment" to totally rock her world, I don't know what one is.)
  7. I like how the last staff has the first character hanging from it.
  8. Make it a to-the-death match, and I'd pay to see that. Drone strike on the semi-finals. There's bound to be a terrorist in there somewhere. NT: Things that happen in the Supergirl pilot that will make you say, "I didn't see that coming.."
  9. Why did the badger cross the road? To get to the otter side.
  10. Or guys with green cosmic powers being stopped by the color yellow. I was baffled and amused by the character, I believe in European Enemies, who had an Energy Blast with an Increased STUN Modifier. Was that Casca? Or the costume of the Ruler of Crime (I think from Enemies: The International File?) IIRC, he wore a white bodysuit with ruler markings up the side. Hey, at least the eyewitnesses will always get his height correct...
  11. To be honest, sound logic isn't the main reason for me to watch most shows. My favorite shows are, 9 times out of 10, due to the characters. And The Flash has, IMO, done a wonderful job with most of the characters. I loved watching Warehouse 13 when it was on SyFy. They had some wonky logic at times. But really, they could have had an episode with Pete, Myka, Artie, Claudia, and Jinx selling encyclopedias door-to-door and I probably would have enjoyed it. That said, I wouldn't want the writers of The Flash to completely ignore continuity and go all-out stupid. But at this point I'm willing to overlook things as long as they fit okay with comic book tropes.
  12. FYI: Vehicles' STR and Movement powers cost no END in both CC and 6E. And 61 - 12 = 49, not 53. Also, a vehicle comes with 12m Ground Movement and 4m Swimming for free; you can shave off another 2 points by buying off the Swimming. (A submarine would presumably buy back the Ground Movement.) I actually come out under their 133 points, if applying the -1/2 Limitation on the 4 DEF. Name Size OCV+ Mass (KB) STR DEF BODY DEX OCV DCV SPD Move MAX Cost Motorcycle 2.5x1x1m +0 200kg (-1) 20 4 11 20 7 7 3 56m x4 672m 133/27 So, Size (5 pts), STR (5 pts), DEF (2 pts), DEX (20 pts), OCV (20 pts), DCV (20 pts), SPD (10 pts) Move (49 pts - 2 pts) = 129 pts. Leaves 4 points for a headlight. Or, if you don't put the Limitation on the 4 DEF, you get Size (5 pts), STR (5 pts), DEF (6 pts), DEX (20 pts), OCV (20 pts), DCV (20 pts), SPD (10 pts) Move (49 pts - 2 pts) = 133pts.
  13. A few of my thoughts: I liked how they replicated the iconic Flash of Two Worlds comic cover in last night's episode. Not being a big fan of Iris, I'm liking the interaction between Patty Spivot and Barry and hope that develops into something deeper.
  14. Bea Louise Zebubula seems to be like most people's favorite grandma - white hair in a bun, kindly face, friendly personality, often baking chocolate chip cookies or a tantalizing pot roast. Most everybody that meets her likes her immensely. They would be surprised to learn that she is actually a professional assassin, specializing in poison and knives. (So you might want to be careful with those cookies.) Most people in the underworld and law enforcement communities think B-L-Zebub is a young man, not the little old lady next door who took up her new career after her husband of 48 years passed away.
  15. While not technically a member of the team, Tonnerre Noir is the Musketeer's faithful mount. This pitch black stallion is very intelligent, seeming to know where Musketeer wants him to go and what he wants Noir to do without words being spoken.
  16. Dispersal is the team's wide receiver. In addition to being a moderate-level speedster, he also has the ability to turn himself into a cloud (allowing him to get past nearly anybody trying to block him from getting where he wants to go). He can't stay a cloud for long, however -- a few seconds at most, and then he returns to his fully solid form.
  17. Here's one 'shopped to get rid of the page number.
  18. I misread that as "color scream" and got quite a chuckle.
  19. Innovative, kumquat, and ghoti (pronounced "fish") NT: Times when you're happy that Imperial Stormtroopers are being quartered in your home.
  20. The link and heading say Liberty and Justice, but shouldn't it be Liberty and Freedom?
  21. Print the syllabus / give the first lecture in Esperanto. Or Klingon.
  22. He throws the Col. Sanders costume in your face (but keeps the chicken because it is, after all, finger lickin' good). NT: Subtle signs that Donald Trumps' "hair" is actually calling the shots in his presidential campaign. Edit to add: Difficulty -- No use of actual Trump public statements or policy positions. Let's keep it fictional. If you can.
  23. Doing a riff on something mentioned in the Aristocrats: The team Performance Art has six members based on some form of art (though it doesn't necessarily need to be something performed) - dance, singing, acting, painting, Garfunkel, sculpture, poetry, playing an instrument, etc.
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