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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Getting rid of the Centipedemobile. That thing sucks at gas mileage.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Look! Up in the air! Is it a loon? Is it inane? No, it's Foxbat!
  3. Re: A Game Of Questions Why would anyone in their right mind try cheese doodles with chocolate milk?
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The duck-billed platypus
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Haggis. NT: Fun ways to deal with a nearby diner in the restaurant talking loudly on his cell phone.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Two obese Pattys, special Ross, and Lester picking bunions on the Sesame Street bus...
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From last night's Champions game: VIPER has put a price on Squeeze's head and Lazer came to town to try and collect it. During the fight, Squeeze grabs Lazer, and the assassin kicks his jetpack on full, straight up. The hero then crushes the jetpack exhaust nozzles on one side. Lazer: Stop it, you idiot! You're going to get us killed! Squeeze: Um, weren't you trying to kill me just a moment ago? Lazer: (pause) Oh, yeah. After Squeeze crushes the remaining exhaust nozzles, the two of them soon begin to fall toward the buildings far below. Squeeze: Y'know, when we get low enough I'm just going to grab onto a building and swing away. (Pause) So, how's this plan working for you? The heroes hear about a US Army convoy attacked while transporting munitions, and discover the officer in charge is a friend of theirs. So they travel to Kentucky to the scene of the attack, where they meet Lexington's lone superhero, the Cobalt Kid (a college punk with Green-Lantern style powers). Cobalt Kid: You're not going to get anywhere with the guy in charge. He's a real hard-a**. Serendipity: We'll give it a shot. We can be pretty persuasive. Cobalt Kid: Okay. If you want me to give him a wedgie, let me know. A soldier calls Col. Wilkerson up to talk to the heroes. Col. Wilkerson: Oh, great, more "capes." Sorry you came out here and all, but we've got it covered. (snip various failed attempts by the heroes to get him to allow them in to help) Col. Wilkerson: It's a free country, so you can do what you want, as long as it's outside my perimeter. Serendipity: But if anyone is injured, Sentinel can... GM: He's already turned and is walking away, completely ignoring you. Cobalt Kid: So, you want me to do that wedgie now? Sentinel: Sure, why not? (CK flies off, theres a short pause, then they hear Wilkerson yell.) Cobalt Kid (flying back): Man, that never gets old! With some help from PRIMUS, the heroes get Wilkerson to allow them in to heal and then help question one of the attackers who was captured. Serendipity is using her luck powers to get him to make verbal slips during questioning. BTW, he's a Subterran, looks like a hunchbacked albino Neanderthal and obviously isn't very bright. The heroes haven't run into Subterrans before and know nothing about the underground dwellers. Serendipity: So, where are you from? Captive: Hah! Me not fool! Not tell you about Underland! Squeeze: Underland? Cool! Do they have rollercoasters and stuff? Serendipity: Where did you take the soldiers? Captive: (confused pause) Me not take them anywhere. Me stuck here. Serendipity: What is your name? Captive: Ig-thrax. Serendipity: That's a... very nice name. Styx walks in; his costume is a hooded black robe, very similar in appearance to the black robe worn by Dungeoneer, a Subterran supervillain. Captive: Ha! Dungeoneer here, you sorry now! Serendipity: Dungeoneer?! (Styx moves close enough that the Subterran can see his face.) Captive: Oh. Never mind. Serendipity: So, if Dungeoneer isn't your boss, who is? Captive: Like me tell you about King Earthwyrm! Not gonna say! Synergy: King Earthwyrm?! (laughs) Is his other name "Jim"? Serendipity: How many of you are there down there? Captive (starts counting on his fingers, gives up after three): Many, many lots! Eventually the heroes convince the Subterran that they want to join forces with the Subterrans (did I mention he's not very bright?), and he directs them toward a Downroad at a rock quarry to the west. The heroes rush there, inviting the Cobalt Kid along. Sentinel: Is Cobalt Kid wearing a diaper? Cobalt Kid: Hey!! I'm not *that* young! Sentinel: No, I meant that when we see what's down there, I bet you're gonna crap your pants. The heroes enter the Downroad, and explore a side tunnel where they find two Subterrans (one sewing some clothes, the other eating what looks like a slab of Velveeta left out in the sun for a month or two). Synergy and Styx go in to subdue them; Synergy uses his 9d6 autofire blast, while Styx uses a martial punch. GM: He only has 4 ED, so you put him into negative BODY. Synegy: Sentinel! I need you to come heal this guy! (Styx begins to tease Synergy about almost killing the Subterran.) GM: How much damage did you do? Styx (OOC): I only hit him with one martial punch! GM: That's fine. He has a PD of 4. How much BODY did you do? Styx (rolls dice): Sentinel! When you're through over there... Squeeze convinces the revived Subterrans that King Earthwyrm sent them to test the Subterran guards, and those guards failed. Styx pretends to be Dungeoneer and brings a pile of old food slabs into the room, then walks out. Most of the food slabs are the consistency of rock. Squeeze: You're to stay here and eat all of these. Subterran: But me not hungry no more. Squeeze: That's your punishment. You both have to stay in this room until you've finished all of this off. Subterran: Dungeoneer make new torture. :( Him smart. Following the trucks' trail, the heroes discover that the soldiers managed to overpower their Subterran guards and take one of the trucks. A few miles further on, they discover the truck had cracked an axle on a fallen rock, and the soldiers rigged a bunch of the muntions into one huge boobytrap before leaving on foot. Synergy: But what if Col. Wilkerson and his men find the truck before the Subterrans? Styx: We could leave a note, but some of the Subterrans might be able to read. (pause) I know! I'll take one of those glowing stones and write "IED" in huge letters on all sides of the truck! The Subterrans won't know what *that* means! Squeeze: Unless they watch CNN... or Fox News... or CBS... or NBC... or ABC...
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "So, Amazing Man, I leave you tied up, slowly being lowered into this tank full of cyborg mutant goldfish..."
  9. Re: HELP! - Medical Centre Floorplan Needed Not a single-level structure, but here's a nice size medical center. Three floors plus basement, but it's more detailed than a lot of floorplans I found. I couldn't find any one-story structures. Sorry
  10. Re: Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Foxgirl You forgot Corporal Punishment.
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat There's more to life than lusting after Gillian Anderson. I mean, there's Jessica Alba too, y'know?
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Get a shotgun, just in case. Most students are close enough to being zombies already that dying might be all they need to go the rest of the way. (Little known fact: You can make most zombies run away from you by just yelling "pop quiz!") NT: Other lesser-known ways to deal with a zombie invasion.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Draw all diagrams as if they were done by Liefeld.
  14. Re: Some questions about Stronghold As you noted, some (like Utility) are potentially dangerous even after they're disarmed. And one thing you're forgetting -- many supervillains belong to teams or have other supervillains that owe them favors. Let's say you capture Binder, take away all his toys, and throw him into a normal prison. It's not likely he'll break out on his own, but you can be pretty sure the other Ultimates are going to stop by, and we're not talking during normal visiting hours or just to chat.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Well, honey, according to my flowchart, we need to get you some more Midol..."
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat A wet t-shirt contest at Hooters.
  17. Re: Some questions about Stronghold Caveat: I don't have the Stronghold book yet, so I don't know specifically how the Power Negation is bought. The way I would run it is that, since the technology used by Stronghold still presumably works, the Power Negation is bought with Personal Immunity (applying to staff / equipment / etc. at Stronghold). I'd define it as a special chip or circuitry in the SPARC armor, handcuffs, etc. that nullifies the Power Negation. Of course, Stronghold isn't about to advertise this fact, but it could be discovered by the heroes as they research ways to get into Stronghold. (Make it something buried in an early report to Congress or something similar, maybe referencing some brilliant designer who created the Negation Nullifier Chip.) Then, I'd run an adventure where the PCs with the OIF power suits can get their hands on the chip or circuit design, or "borrow" a set of supercuffs to reverse-engineer. Or they could learn that a villain has already done this, and they have to make a "deal with the devil." Just some suggestions, hope they're useful.
  18. Re: You know the GM has it in for you when... And the bruises are healing nicely!
  19. Re: You know the GM has it in for you when... You know the GM has it in for you when... ... he puts on brass knuckles and says, "Okay, *this* is what the thugs do to your character..."
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Tonight's D&D game: Regarding the female necromancer who has plagued our lives the past two years: Devlyn: Well, we already know she's bi. DM: Actually, she's tri. She'll try anything. - - - - - - - - - To avoid getting our ships sunk by a flotilla of Amazon women, we had to make a deal to provide them with 10 men in good health, whom they will take back to their islands, basically as property. So we're trying to find some criminal types deserving such a social demotion, or people with lives so crappy that this would be a step up. Devlyn, our rogue, had spotted somebody hiding in an alley waiting to club and rob people. She snuck up and sapped him from behind. Devlyn: Since he's unconscious, I'll check him out. DM: He doesn't have anything of value. He seems to be some guy, down on his luck, trying to roll people. Leila: But do his teeth look okay? - - - - - - - - - We find a guy who seems pretty far down, but he's suspicious of Leila's questions and flees the bar. The rogue follows him home, where he is drinking himself into a stupor and complaining to himself about how bad the world is treating him. For some reason, we decide to take him back with us anyway, willing or not. Yllek (cleric): I'm so not getting any spells tomorrow... - - - - - - - - - - Best taken out of context: DM: It's got three settings. It goes from 'Squeeze' to 'Squish' to 'Pop'
  21. Re: Jokes There's an entire thread dedicated to repping Hermit? Wow, those moderator powers really have gone to his head...
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Pogo Copter (see attached) NT: Interesting bits from superhero insurance claim forms
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