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Doc Shadow

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Everything posted by Doc Shadow

  1. Re: List Your CO Heroes! Centurion (Powered Armor) Supreme (Might) Gunmetal Silk (Munitions) [ATTACH=CONFIG]37030[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]37028[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]37029[/ATTACH]
  2. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online? Ok, I just got done giving it a try for a month. My impression is that it's pretty bland. Yes, there were some aspects that were enjoyable but by and large it was just blah.I find the crafting system to be just awful, and that goes for the dumba$$ equipment that I have to tack onto my characters in order to improve them. Something that I should be doing with with my XPs. I'm sorry but this is not Champions except in the most superficial of ways. I'm done as of tomorrow and I won't be going back.
  3. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Lately I've been watching Highlander on Hulu.
  4. Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse? My universe drew heavily from Marvel, less heavily from DC, cherry-picked from Champions, and added in some home-grown stuff. Metropolis is in NJ, Gotham is not far away on the eastern side of the Chesapeake in MD. Vibora Bay is still in FL where HERO put it, but Hudson City is tilted 90 degrees and is in CT. Not using the rest of the fictional cities, and I've moved quite a few DC characters around. Here's the latest version of the history.
  5. Re: STAR HERO Reading List In addition to John M. Ford's The Final Reflection, I'd like to suggest his other ST novel: How Much For Just The Planet? Until this point Star Trek had been fairly straight space opera. This one book shows you how to turn that completely on its ear. On top of which it's fricking hilarious.
  6. Re: Star Hero campaigns? Thank you. You flatter me sir. That said, it was a fun campaign.
  7. Re: Star Hero campaigns? I used this combined Star HERO/ Space Opera campaign that worked out pretty well. I used Space Opera for the history and ship combat, and HERO for the rest.
  8. Re: Reminiscing About Star Fleet Battles Am I the only one who used to play the computer version - Starfleet Command? I loved that game. Wish I could get it to install correctly on XP. Flying a Fed Heavy Drone Cruiser with fast drones I could kill just about anything, up to and including the Klingon B10. I'd be a hurting pup when the fight was over, but he'd be dead.
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Iron Man 2 Finally saw it last night. Great movie from start to finish.
  10. I invite all of you to vote for your favorites in the 2010 Superdraft poll at the NGD. Read the comics synopsis. Then cast your votes. You can vote all, some or none of the titles listed. The poll will end at the end of the month. Please join us in picking the best ideas of the many that have been posted. You don’t have to have participated in the draft to vote, so cast your ballot today! Here’s the link to the poll: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/78966-2010-Superdraft-Poll And here’s the link to the Superdraft in case you want to read the whole thing: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/77974-The-Legend-of-the-SUPERDRAFT!!!
  11. Re: The Golden Apple Centurion and Nighthawk would keep the files for themselves. Patriot would examine them first and then either destroy them, turn them over to the President, or return them to the country's current government, depending what seemed to be best for the United States and the rest of the world based on what's in the files.
  12. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Well I gave away about 20 million last night. Made about 20 people very happy. I've still got a few million left. PM me if you want it and we'll set up a time and place to meet.
  13. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game No. Her origin involves being a former rifle instructor in the Marines, but never being assigned to a combat unit because she's a woman. After her 4th tour of duty Gunnery Sergeant Marie Dulaine retired from the Corps and started patrolling the mean streets of Paragon City as Gunmetal Silk. But she has no qualms against using her figure to distract the bad guys before she shoots them.
  14. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game No problem, FB. BTW I've still got a lot of influence to give away. So let's try once more. Tuesday at 9 PM EST, Atlas Park, Guardian server. Look for Gunmetal Silk. Here's a pic.
  15. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game In the past when I've done that at MMOs, the account has been hacked, used to powerlevel, spam the other players, and there have been charge backs on it. I don't wish to go through that again. Also according to the user agreement CoX will delete accounts that have had no activity for more than two months. So the characters would be deleted anyway. I might as well make a clean break.
  16. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I'm going to be deleting my characters and closing my account in a couple of weeks. But I have accumulated a considerable amount of stuff and am more than willing to give it away to players who need it. If you're interested I plan to be under the Atlas statue this Sunday at noon EST. Guardian server. Among the things I will have to give away are the recipe for Rocket Boots and about 30 million+ in Influence. I hate to see it all go to waste when I leave, so come and get it.
  17. Re: Free Champions Online Weekend! I gave it a try, but I don't think I'll be buying it. I can't get used to the interface and the game just feels incomplete. Might give DCU Online a try when it comes out. Other than that I'm holding out for Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2010. Thought about Star Trek, but, after looking at CO from the same company, I think I'll probably be passing on that one too. Sorry guys.
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? This evening I will watch Green Lantern: First Flight. Picked it up this morning.
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Season Two of The West Wing I start on Season Three in a couple of days.
  20. Re: 10000 Closed Beta Keys No point to it anymore. My old desktop will not run it, nor will my new laptop. So I guess I'm S.O.O.L.
  21. Re: Marvel to HERO OK, how does this strike you: Below Normal (Peak Exertion of less than 1 minute) – REC 2 or less Normal (Peak Exertion of 1-2 minutes) – REC 3-4 Above Normal (Peak Exertion of 2-4 minutes) – REC 5-6 Athlete (Peak Exertion of 5-15 minutes) – REC 7-10 Peak Human (Peak Exertion of 16-60 minutes) – REC 11-15 Enhanced Human (Peak Exertion of 1-2 hours) – REC 16-20 Superhuman (Peak Exertion of 3-24 hours) – REC 21-30 Metahuman (Peak Exertion of 1-6 days) – REC 31-40 Demi-godlike (Peak Exertion of 1-7 weeks) – REC 41-60 Godlike (Peak Exertion of 2-12 months) – REC 61-100 Immeasurable (Never tires) – REC 101+ (with half or equivalent points in Reduced END Cost)
  22. Re: Marvel to HERO Here's what the Handbook lists for each category: Intelligence: Ability to think Strength: Ability to lift weight above one's head with arms fully extended Stamina: Ability to sustain peak exertion before fatigue impairs performance Durability: Ability to resist or recover from bodily injury Agility: Ability to move the body with flexibility and coordination Reflexes: Reaction time There are also a few that I didn't use: Speed, Flight Speed, and Water Speed. Which are running, flying and swimming movement respectively.
  23. Re: Marvel to HERO Revised version, the changes are highlighted. The one time I can actually remember Spidey getting tired, without it being because he was sick, was about 30 years ago. He had 6 or 7 major fights in a couple of days and had gotten no sleep for about 72 hours, with a broken arm no less. When he finally got a good night's sleep he woke up completely healed, including the arm, which he had broken only a few days earlier. The REC chart is the one I'm most unsure of. I look forward to other people's take on it. The Handbooks used Class 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 100. I changed it to a straight linear progression of 1-10. It was a deliberate change on my part. Sorry for not making that clear. Oh I've used FASERIP in the past. I just think they're horribly incomplete. Nowadays the only two I still have are the Avengers book and the one on Equipment. Avengers: Coast to Coast gives each character about half a page, and that includes the pic, and history. It's just not enough to do a good job.
  24. Re: Marvel to HERO bigbywolfe, I'm waiting for specifics. Pattern Ghost, I think we're going to have to disagree here. I found the game extremely weak. Lots of pretty pics, but the game mechanics and numbers were uninspired, bland or generic. Frankly Marvel would have been much better off licensing HERO to do a Marvel Hero edition than going with TSR. Sometimes the biggest company isn't the best one. I'll take another look at the STR numbers, what would you suggest to correct them? I'm thinking a 5 point increase in the maximums should be about right in most cases. If anyone feels that my numbers are off, feel free to download, edit and re-post them.
  25. Re: Marvel to HERO In all the comics I've read featuring Spider-man, I can't recall any where he gets tired or even slows down. Can you?
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