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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight: Betray his friends. He's not had so many friends over his lifetime, comes of being raised by psycho supervillians and ending up in an experimental VIPER supersoldier training camp, so he'd sooner die then betray the ones he's got now. The boy may have issues coming out the wazzoo, but he is loyal, you simply can't deny that.
  2. In other words it's an actual power for the character and has been used by two writers and referenced several times in the series and in crossovers with other characters. We'd bother to include it in a Champions write up of the character because IT'S ACTUALLY ONE OF HIS POWERS. Simple enough to figure out isn't it?
  3. In a recent issue it had the tactical effect of allowing him to be fatally shot at least twice and still survive the issue.
  4. Of course not, they just do a wee bit of dimension hopping and hire Apu! "Oh yes, this place is certainly nicer then the old Quick-E Mart and the villains are much politer." *hands Firewing his Big Gulp* "Thank you, come again!"
  5. Well Twilight's a thrill junky of the first caliber so he's hitting all the high spots starting with Middle Earth, then skipping over to the Star Wars Universe with many side trips to the Marvel and DC Universes as well as Astro City. You can expect him to show up in the stories of all his favourite characters so he'd end up in Neverland, Narnia, Valdemar, the 1920's [to team with various Pulp characters, most notably the shadow], Barsoom, Jurrasic Park and any other action packed place you can think of. For downtime he'll probably hang out in the Hundred Acre Woods.
  6. Well villain wise there would be no change for Twilight. The Dark Carnival and VIPER would just have underwater versions for him to fight and be part of his origin. Combat wise he would be pretty different. His martial arts style would be designed to work in an aquatic setting for starters and instead of his trusty crossbow he'd probably have a speargun type weapon. Most of his trick arrows would remain, though the glue gun would probably be altered to something that wouldn't dilute underwater and naturally he wouldn't have a napalm arrow. The Twilight Cycle would become some sort of mini sub of course.
  7. And anyway, such an intelligent Wendy Brooks would realise that Nighthawk only knows three moves and couldn't teach her that much anyway.
  8. Bull! Absolute bull! The JLA does NOT stop to talk things out with mass murderers and that's just what the Authority are. What do you think the Authority would be doing when the JLA come upon them, having tea and cookies? NO! They'd be savagely killing people, criminals granted, and calling it heroism. The JLA doesn't put up with that and take them down HARD. The Engineer doesn't have a chance to put her VPP into play because the Flash has knocked her silly. All Midnight can predict about the battle is the fact that the JLA will kick thier asses before twenty minutes is up and that's only if he stays concious enough to recieve the information. The Authority doesn't have any possible surprises to pull on the JLA because J'onn has read thier minds already and informed the League what the opposition is capable of. After maybe ten minutes the Authority is unconcious in preperation of being sent to the Slab and/or execution for thier crimes. Jenny Quantum is the only exception and is sent to be raised by either the Kents or the Garricks. End of story.
  9. That assumes Magic World doesn't have the WWF, which doesn't neccesarily follow. Just because they use magic doesn't mean they have a the same taste for scripted violence that folks do in today's world.
  10. Again, Twilight would be pretty much the same as he is now. However instead of a boy who was raised by dark magic types and denying that legacy for technology, he'd be a boy raised by evil techie types who denied that path for magic. Of course his arrows would be magic instead of technologically based and would thus be capable of a wider variety of effects and he'd probably have alchemical potions in his utility belt. In fact he's probably a practicing alchemist. Might even use a wand instead of the crossbow. So, erm....I guess he's not so much the same after all.
  11. Twilight tries to act all badass Batman style dark avenger of the night, but beneath the mask he's a sweet tempered cutie who's the crush of many girls in his school. I'm thinking he's a kitten, a bunny, or something equally adorable.
  12. Well Twilight would probably look much better in his skintight outfit if he was a girl. Seriously there wouldn't be much difference aside from being called Justine in secret ID rather then Justin.
  13. Edit -- as for Vanyel... ... actually, no. His spellcasting takes at least as long as the Doctor's, and *HE'S* never used magic to rip entire nations off the Earth's crust and see them cast into the interstellar void... Not to mention that (warning, anti-Vanyel fan rant follows, if you like Vanyel, you proceed at your own risk...), ... even if the Doctor /was/ high that day, Vanyel would still lose -- the Doctor would need five minutes to remember that he could just cast a spell to sober up quickly, but Vanyel would have to spend /ten/ minutes angsting, finding something else to take a guilt trip about, and fussing with his long damn bishonen hair. *pant pant* Sorry, I just didn't like the "Last Herald-Mage" trilogy. At all. [/b] All I'm gonna say about this is: please DO NOT get me started again. There's only so many vehement arguments a guy can take in a two day period. Er arguing about the Vanyel thing I mean.
  14. Evil Twilight would be pretty darn vicious in my opinion. The normal version is pretty shy so the evil one would likely be very brash in personality, though also somewhat cowardly as well as that would be the opposite response to the real Twilight's thrillseeker persona. Despite that cowardice the evil Twilight would be a stone cold killer. Where the normal version tries to deny the dark half of his nature, the evil version embraces it and seeks to become even more evil then he already is.
  15. Why would VIPER care really? They're willing to be associated with Ripper, who rips people in half and destroys cities. Why would a few extra violent agents bother them? They consider sociapathicness to be a GOOD thing remember.
  16. Two that I can remember right off the top of my head Brainwave and Signal Ghost I belive they were called.
  17. Why? If these guys are the ones deemed too skilled for VIPER, who's notoriously unshy about offing lousy agents remember, to kill despite thier inability to fit in with the nest system then why risk them against Grond when there are less valuble agents about?
  18. Twilight is fifteen years old and thus rather young for this sort of thing. He'd give to the charity in question certainly, but being auctioned off for charity is another thing entirely. He's a bit shy you see.
  19. Yeah that works. Just the term suicide mission calls up images of troops being tossed away like garbage to achieve some goal, with very little care. At least the way Eyendasky put it [no offence meant to Eyendasky of course.]
  20. The only problem with that Champsguy is that the book clearly says that the Death Adders are already part of VIPER. They've already recruited and trained these guys, it's too late to pretend they're not part of VIPER. Besides, I'm pretty sure even VIPER would shoot Dreadnok wannabes.
  21. Ok when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense. Though I never really thought of the Death Adders as unstable as such, at least not more so then the average VIPER agent, just unable to fit themselves in to the day to day workings of a Nest. Still, thanks for the info.
  22. Can't say that makes sense to me. If they were so competent at thier duties that VIPER put them with the Death Adders rather then kill them outright, why would they then send said unit on missions they won't survive? It seems counterproductive to me.
  23. Just read VIPER: Coils of the Serpent again and I got to thinking. In addition to the Dragon Branch several elite units of agents were mentioned, most notably VMS-Alpha and the Golden Serpents. The one that interested me the most however was a passing mention of the Death Adders. The unit where agents too wild to be controlled but too competent to be offed are sent to serve VIPER. Now my curiousity is piqued: How do these guys operate? What sort of agents are part of the unit? How large is the unit? What sort of missions do they get sent on? So naturally my second thought was to ask you fine people on the HERO message boards and see what you could come up with. I'd appreciate serious answers mostly please. So let's hear those ideas!
  24. I'm pretty sure the name would be "Billy" if I know my obscure GI Joe references.
  25. He's in the VIPER sourcebook. He's basically a snake god who's responsible for the creation of VIPER. He doesn't run the orginization per se, they're more like a safety measure against superheroes since Nama is worried that they might be able to harm him.
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