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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Did your house just freeze then go super-nova while the exterminator was here?] A: You resurrected me for THAT?
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Uncle Frodo, Can you tell us the story of the Ring again? A: That is the question.
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why are you smiling at the field of strawberries? A: The dessert tried to desert in the desert.
  4. Re: Create Object? The way that I would handle this ability would be with the VPP framework. While it is EXTREMELY expensive, the character will be able to produce whatever is needed at the time that it is needed. There will be methods that will reduce this overwhelming point-cost.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What are you doing with all that C4? A: It's been a hard day's night.
  6. Re: All ghosts evil? Personally I have never considered ghosts to be evil. Simply misunderstood. I have had several personal experiences with ghosts and never have they been in any form that seemed in any way evil. It would actually be more like that of a living human. Even in fiction, there seems to be several different depictions of how ghosts are, not all the classic form that haunts stories.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Do you think that we should travel to Alderan? A: Grandma's Handbag of Doom
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: For guarenteed funds you can use either of two options: either put all your money in the stock market. This way the money will grow or shrink as the desires of faceless bureaurcrats who care nothing for you desire wish. Now would you like option two? A: I forged forgeries, making them the origonal.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Are you koko for coco-puffs? A: Carefully. The pig is armed and dangerous
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Are you enjoying your lobotomy? A: Our Lady of Inarticulate Concepts
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why is the Doctor such a troublsome foe? A: He's a short Giant.
  12. Re: Here's the scenario Purposely attack the speedster. You know that cheetah will escape but you will force him to use speed. That means he will stick with foot movement and not hop into a vehical. That means he can be tracked by smell or hearing or a good tracking skill. Also, alleys are always dirty/dusty/muddy. That means you now have a copy of Cheetah's shoe prints and can track him by sight of his footprints. Pretty much any tracking ability other than mental can track him back to his hideout. When you find that, it's all over but the crying.
  13. Re: All ghosts evil? I fisrt heard that from D&D. Then when it seemed to be repeated in other places I thought that it was true. But I eventually got thinking what I stated in the first post. Research in addition to Herodom lead me to the conclusion that that is a Gyaxiasm.
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is it like vacation on the Sun? A: It can't be any worse than Mecha-Streisand.
  15. I recently got wondering why there is this convention that all ghosts must be innately evil. Afterall the ghost (from modern belief) comes from a formerly living human. If that human was good in life why does he suddenly become evil when he becomes a ghost? I do not want to hear this thing about good spirits going onto their spiritual rewards since then the bad spirits would then go onto their reward as well and there would be no ghosts for this world. Also one cannot say that good people do not have spirits since then that also would be true for bad people as well and (again) no ghosts. As a result living people have spirits and upon their death will be released as a ghost that will still possess the original personality as the person had in life (either good or bad). That means that not all ghosts will be evil, nor will all ghosts be good. Can anyone come up with some reason why all ghosts will be either good or evil other that saying "thats the rules"?
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is the lament of the government? A: Pilates of the Caribbean
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